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list of websites using rdrama's code by daily unique visitors

rdrama.net (duh) 9.45k

pcmemes.net (direct) 1.19k

dankchristian.com (fork) 207

weebzone.xyz (fork) 192

vidya.cafe (fork) 132

gigachadlife.com (direct) 102

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can you make apps for the other ones as well? even just .apks would be very dank and appreciated. i cant offer you money but i can offer dramacoin for some r-slur to do it.

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i can make an apk for marseyverse.xyz if u want, then u can browse all the sites in the same app

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^ill pay 1000 dc for the whoever does this

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@kenoshakidenjoyes a web wrapper genuinely provides nothing over accessing the site through your phones browser

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Yes it does, drama can live as a separate app and not bother my not neurodivergent browsing activities

It also allows me to not have to remeber my password for a shitpost website bc i have to clean my browser passswords every month

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