The latest enemy of communism, kitchens :marseyrefrigeratorgenocide: :marseygrilling2genocide:


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>deconstruct the family

Why do they hate families so much? Everything is about DEBOONKING and DECONSTROOCTING with these people :marseyitsallsotiresome: Even the Soviets built single family apartments in the 60s and 70s

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they can all give their own specific reasons but it usually falls into one of two categories:

a.) easier access to children

b.) never ending rage that they didn't have a (in their eyes) perfect childhood

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My narc mom and dad made me clean my room and told me, "no," many times!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


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Once I saw a tweet by one of these antifamily turds discussing Cuban family legislation saying

>“great you had a good family, most people have abusive parents”

No lady, YOU have shitty parents (or maybe you're just insane) and you keep :marseyprojection: your shitty issues into everyone else.

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Its funny that thats their "party line" while at the same time they love to parade the mythical "single mom of 2 with 3 jobs to make rent" madonna around.

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>:marseyclueless: decentralize kitchens to pwn nmom

>:marseyaware: nmom gaslight gatekeep girlbosses her way to the top of the commune kitchen

>:ohgodwhy: nmom is now defacto ruler of the area and gaining territory

>:marseyveryworried: organizes "kitchen krews" and secures their fear and loyalty with moves that would make machiavelli take notes

>you hear knocking at the door

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>I hope someone reads this

>Mum and her Mum squad have covered 90% of communal territory

>Can hear commrades being dragged out of hiding

>Forced to clean their plates because they 'look too skinny'. Fatphovic Fascist Bitches.

>They won't get me


>To be clear this is stage direction (my degree was in queer theatre science) to indicate I killed myself shortly after finishing this note for you to find

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If you want to radically change a successful thing, you first have to destroy the successful thing so that nobody has an interest in preserving it. Then, you provide the alternative, and dismiss anyone resisting your alternative as hanging on to the old, obviously failed thing.

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Broadly speaking, modern Western Liberalism has increasingly used this same playbook, albeit in more subtle increments. Really acceleration is the main difference. If you think this is hyperbole, let's see what the ruling class is pushing in 30 years. I don't think we will quite be to “abolish private kitchens” yet, but the role of the state in our everyday lives will be all enveloping.

The hegemonic monoculture we're currently living through has given a lot of cover for the brazenness we see.

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This was already happening with the WEF "you'll own nothing" spiel talking about how all living space will be timeshared

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this is my living space and if I need to piss on my blankets to keep you out then so be it

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Sounds like central planners are at it again. Why are you chuds so fricking stupid?

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That's a good explanation ty bb

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Like Disney

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A family is a community not under party control and thus can become a seed for anti-communist agitation or subversion or even just a place where criticism of communism and the party can be articulated without party oversight to reign it in or gulag the critic.

Thats unironically it. Communism and communists demand total subservience to communism and the party, there can be no community outside the party's control, no human interaction that is not guided and control by communist policy and directive. Thats why commie states are/were the biggest surveillance apparti in human history. The CIA would wish to have even 1% the power and possibilities the KGB/StaSi/MSS/SDB and so on had.

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I think their version of what it means is eliminating inheritance and any "inequalities" that arise from success.

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The problem is they also have a very poor understanding of the things they're trying to to dismantle, too. A good example is the whole "wife doesn't take her husbands last name" trend. From a historical perspective that's actually way more regressive because it promotes the idea that a wife isn't really part of the family, thus disenfranchising her.

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Personally, I don't think women should be given any names. Seems like too much to keep track of.

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Number 2, where's dinner?

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Ancient Chinks actually did that to womyn in written history since many womyn simply have no name but their maiden last name.

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TBF family abolition dates back to 18th century writing like Engels and Fourier, USSR wasn't real communism (they had to drop 80% of the r-slurred shit to be functional). I think, while still somewhat r-slurred, their views were influenced by family conditions of their time.

Nowadays, though, you have people arguing family is the basic unit of capitalism/fascism, that individual family unit is oppressive both to children and to women, because it ties them into hierarchy (children) or housework. On top of that private ownership of things, even basic ones like houses, is smallest capitalist building block. So the most extreme people see family abolition as necessary step to achieve their vision of socialism or anarchism.

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Nixon commented that at the time of the debate, he was sure Khrushchev's claim was wrong, but Nixon was not sure that his own assertion was correct. Nixon said that events had proven that he was indeed right because Khrushchev's grandchildren (Khrushchev's son Sergei Khrushchev was a naturalized American citizen) now lived in freedom, referring to then recent collapse of the Soviet Union.

Every good idea has morons who push it harder to the fringe or insist on doing it a certain way.

"Hey normal people should get more of the economic fruits of labor so they can have nice stuff, too"

Not a bad idea

Somehow turns into:

"Abolish families. Everyone lives in a pod. You have no gender."

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Hey normal people should get more of the economic fruits of labor so they can have nice stuff, too"

this was never the point of socialism you moron wtf

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stfu cute twink

It's the point that proles bought into

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Yeah actual socialism is even dumber than that

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Wasn't one of Marx' criticisms of capitalism that it reduces family structure to economic dependence?

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Family and romantic love means people aren't investing into the revolution the most.

Also the left has nothing but contempt of whom and what they seem as the "strong".

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