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The fat black women combo is a brutal one. : TwoXChromosomes


Hello, I too am fat and black. When I was 18 and 140 pounds LIGHTER, my mom told me no one would want me because I'm fat. I'm now 28 and weigh 359 pounds as of this morning. I'm in a healthy relationship, have a good career, and just got my MBA.

Wow she grew up by over 2 in 10 years. MBA is also a degree for rich kids. For curiosity checked her profile for healthy relationship:



So I assume it's healthy relationship with her illness


Mandatory tramp bad comment:

My favorite trope is that women are too emotional to be good leaders. Have you seen some of the men in charge? Trump has the emotional regulation of a toddler on meth and people think he'd make a good leader. Elon Musk got on stage and told his customers to go frick themselves because they hurt his fee-fees. These men are absolutely unhinged.

I want to underline your point about loving all of yourself. It is so, so important.

When I was in middle school I was put on a medication that made me eat endlessly. My hunger was utterly insatiable. I would never feel full even when my stomach felt like it was bursting at the seams. I had stopped looking at the scale when I hit 300 lbs. I don't know where my weight peaked. I didn't want to know at that point.

Almost 15 years later I'm still trying to work the last bit of it off. I fluctuate around 220 lbs. I'm still learning about my emotional eating habits. And I would resent the way I looked. Which made me feel worse, which only led to more eating.

Around 80% black women are obese, something must not be right.

Have you read Sonya Renee Taylor's "The Body is Not an Apology"? She's a Black woman in a larger body and I think she is smart and wise and sexy beyond measure. Also, Roxanne Gay's work, but mostly "Hunger." There aren't enough voices coming from Black women who self-identify as fat, but I do think the numbers are growing.


Sexy beyond measure

>There aren't enough voices coming from Black women who self-identify as fat, but I do think the numbers are growing.

Last part she ain't wrong tho

Speaking as a white woman, I agree. I used to do some rave-wear "influencing" and a specific company would have only one plus size model/rep, which often was also their only black model/rep as well. I love that they were giving black women a platform, but I'd wager you do not appreciate being the token "fat" and "black" every time.

Such perfect sucker punch :marseychefkiss:

It is ok to live your life like you are the main character. I'm a black women, my body is small not large but I also find myself on the margins and feeling invisible because I'm not a standard issue black women (I'm mixed, im dorky as heck, i talk weird, I'm massively over educated, my hobbies and interests are strange for any race) I dont belong anywhere and I don't see myself anywhere (except for on billboard ads of companies that are trying to not have just white people in their ads anymore but still want to appeal mainly to white people so they use a light skinned 3B curly haired agreeable bendable young black woman, its so identical and ubiquitous its hard not to notice)

Oooh I suffer being the perfect black role model while not being fat :marseyattentionseeker: I am so invisible just similar looking girls like me are on billboards, have I mentioned I am smell not fat, I don't belong anywhere I am not like you fat black ghetto trash I am not like other black girls.

I love how you can always find on XXhomoshrome comment like those

Please be kind to yourself with the thought of β€œI could lose weight…”. That should be irrelevant to the fact you are being mistreated.

You shouldn't have to lose weight to gain respect.

I mean if she can go to 800lbs I'll be impressed

I completely understand. I spent almost all of my life punishing my body for my perceived life's failures and forcing it to carry my emotional pain.

It sucks that society can't see past our flesh prisons, but I understand people use appearance to categorize others and make determinations from there.

My only advice is to focus on those who see you for who you actually are and disregard the others. We are on this planet for a limited time, we can't allow others to dictate our identity. Our opinion of ourselves matters more than anyone else's. Choose who you want to be, be them, and love them.

I mean they are pooping on they body while ignoring its the user of that body who maintained that body to become a pile of fat than they get angry that the user of that body is looked down because that user can't keep that body in shape


Eh it's been long without sucker punches eh :marseyderp:

As a former fat white woman, it was not easy either. And I was not sexualized at all. I was called Shamu, I was constantly heckled by men, saying disgusting things, guessing my weight, or making fun of me. I have gone on a great journey and lost 250 pounds over 10 years ago. And my favorite thing is just disappearing in a crowd now, not being noticed, not being looked at, and just being able to live without the fear of some butthole injecting their opinion about me on me.


Serious question to help me understand something:

Can you please give me a bit of insight into your last sentence? I don't know about situations where losing weight (from a high starting point) is a medical risk.

(Of course I'm not asking about private specifics, so if it is hard to give me an answer I understand)

Losing weight for me isn't a medical risk, just not a big priority right now. I added it in there, cause people always like to say β€œwell you can change your weight” or β€œyou don't have to be fat” and I didn't want to hear it.

B-word fat, doesn't want to change and lose weight, want to change the world and force accepting her fat butt :gigachadqueen:

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She is in for a rough 30s if she weight over 300 pounds lol

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Yeah a rough 30s but she won't feel a thing by 40

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Facts. There was a huge movement a few months ago where fat activists who went into their 30s realized their weight was not manageable- some died, some got cancer.

It's easy for fat activists to preach their bs in their 20s, but once the 30s hit they are in for a lot of health issues. :marseychonkergenocide:

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That's the most insidious things about obesity, not only can you get and be fat and feel perfectly fine and be completely healthy from a medical perspective, it's super common. It's just impossible to avoid that being fat will cause long term issues that will degrade quality of life and health and the change is gradual and slow enough that fatties refuse to believe that the degradation comes from the fat.

:!marseychonker:: β€œMy knees hurt all the time!”

:!marseydoctor:: β€œLose weight.”

:!marseychonker:: β€œI've been fat for over a decade and they only started hurting last year!”

:!marseydoctor:: β€œYour knees had an extra two hundred pounds of weight on them for a decade and they deteriorated from the constant abuse. Honestly it's a miracle they managed to last as long as they did. I'm amazed they're not in worse condition.”

:marseychtorrr2: β€œWhy are doctors so fatphobic and just tell us to lose weight instead of trying to actually fix our problems?!”

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If you are over 300lbs you will be basically crippled by age 40. Oh sure you might feel "fine" in your 20s (it's not like you exercise lmao) but fast forward 15 years and normal weight people are running half marathons, climbing mountains and enjoying life, while The Bloatlord is wheezing in and out of hospitals racking up millions in bills until they die on their couch and the fire department needs to cut a hole in their house

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"Fat activist dies of heart attack/unspecified illness" is always a fun headline.

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"Fat-activist dies of heart attack/unspecified illness after eating a Big Mac XL" is even better.

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at least they died doing what they loved

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"Fat-activist dies of hear attack/unspecified illness after eating a whole extra large Big Mac"

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being thin is sooooooooooooo much better than being fat in like EVERY single way. I feel really bad when I read people getting trapped in ""body positivity"" knowing they are condemning themselves to life as a land whale. i can only assume most of them have been fat their entire lives because if they were ever actually skinny they would never accept the idea that being fat is in any way good.

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The last decade had the highest proportion of childhood obesity :marseydepressed: I wouldn't be surprised if it was a case of never being skinny

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Giga-chonkers don't seem to take that heavy a life expectancy hit tbh

>The Oxford University research found that moderate obesity, which is now common, reduces life expectancy by about 3 years, and that severe obesity, which is still uncommon, can shorten a person's life by 10 years. This 10 year loss is equal to the effects of lifelong smoking.

I think what typically happens is they get diabetes in their 30s and other health complications, and that slows their gorging down a bit. It's hard to gain weight when you're on heart and diabetes medication.

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>it's hard to gain weight on diabetes medication

Are you r-slurred?

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>Are you r-slurred?


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She's in for a short 30s

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her heart is gonna stop working. especially if she eats like a hood b-word

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