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If your gf doesn't naturally align with your political views, you're a weak sissy of a man. :marseywise:

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Woman's political views tend to mirror who they're dating. If their political views come from the TV or Reddit, it's because that's their actual boyfriend

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What kind of political views does :marseytrans: or :marseybear: have?

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Satan :marsey666: mark of the beast and all that

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:marseytrans: is definitely pro-abortion :marseygiggle:

:marseybear: strikes me as a male feminist ( both :malefeminist: and politically), what with accompanying women alone in the woods and "being safe" for the foid.

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dogs love to eat. so maybe bears love to nag.

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I'm letting life do the aligning for me.

She was super leftist and hyper-political when we got together during the Trump administration, but she's calmed considerably down with the communist/socialist rhetoric since then. Even she's cringing at the Palestoid protestors now, but I could totally see her butt joining them if we hadn't got together.

She still hates capitalism and Orange Man, and I don't think I'm ever digging those brainworms out of her, so I've got to remember to keep a lid on it when he gets re-elected in November. :marseysmug2:

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I've got to remember to keep a lid on it when he gets re-elected in November.

!chuds actually believe this, !nonchuds.

:#marseytrump: :marseylaugh:

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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You don't think there's a possibility of Trump being re-elected?

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Everything is possible, but I am willing to take the L if he actually is re-elected.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I'm ambivalent about who gets elected and I agree its 90% gonna be trump, biden seems completely boned

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There's literally three people who would lose an election to Trump right now and the Democrats have two of them running as the incumbent president and VP.

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It's her turn :marseyhillary:


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Tbh probably 70%

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What other option is there?

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when he gets re-elected in November



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>adhere to a dogmatic religion that decrees the BF (male, white, straight, cis) is the definition of evil and needs to be exterminated

>be surprised he wants to end the relationship


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Give !friendsofpizzashill the deets :marseyreportercnn:

Pwease? :marseyshy:

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Party Pwease! :#marseysoypoint:

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!goomblers the rainbow cat demands it!


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He failed because she wasn't getting railed. Long distance is trash.

As soon as she realizes her kids are going to hear all that racist crap and it will apply to their father, she'll drop that ideology like a ton of bricks.

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He was her first boyfriend in life at 28, she was a virgin before. Like most brown women who hate white men and think all brown people globally are a unified collective, on the inside /u/Trixeii is indistinguishable from a white radlib and she doesn't want to date anyone except other white radlibs.

If she had low standards there's a million white soyredditors who love self-flaggelation, she could pick any one of those. So she probably wants the kind that's out of her league, and she's only getting older and weirder the more time she spends in these political cults.

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Any male radlib who isn't disgusting :marseysoyhype: can just have a harem. It's hilarious when I see broads on Hinge saying they want a masculine guy who works out but is also leftist. If you're a male leftist who sticks to weight lifting for over a year, you can build an entire career off it like Hasan.

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And he and you believed that?

Yeah babe I'm a 28 year old virgin whose social circle is leftie, ie super s*x positive, and won't shut up about it. Women hang out in leftie areas because a man that believes all women are easily manipulated.

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i don't know what she told him. only what she told reddit

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Posts in Genz, pornismisoginy, vegan, shitliberalssay, demisexuality, depression, progressive_islam...

Seems like a well adjusted young woman

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>believes porn is misogyny

>in a long-distance relationship

"Yeah honey, I'm totally not jacking off between our Zoom calls! I absolutely save it up for your goblina butt only."


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I understand hating on porn movies industry

However same women go masks off when talking about only fans ( pornstars there who make their own money, without toxic porn companies)

It becames clear that only minority of women in 'porn is bad' subreddits actually care about the issue. They just jelly that their dudes FAP to other women...just like they do via smut. Which is totally not porn....

Same reason why always online reddit women in these subs also view male s*x toys as disgusting, even totally neutral shit like Tenga

'le males are finally using same stuff we do and we can't boss them around or act superior'

I legitimately remember a post when a chick who had a box of Baddragon animal looking dildos got triggered when her bf bought a frick hole made by..you guest it BadDragon

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The feminists' take on porn is wild. It's nuts it doesn't get called out more. If it's known that a male is even remotely involved in its production--even off-camera, it's HECKIN' PATRIARCHAL OPPRESSION....SOMEHOW....BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OK?! :soysnooseethe:

But s*x toys, romance books, fujoshi/yaoi nonsense?

Perfectly healthy, OK, heckin' valid, gender-affirming, and definitely NOT porn addiction, OK?? Because...BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OK?! :soysnooseethe:

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Meh, I agree that the porn industry by itself is a shit hole

But I also agree that radfems and 4th wave reddit slacktivists are complete hypocrites

Believe you me if s*x robot hoes ever become a reality the user base will be almost equal between men and women in the Japan and USA.

Heck Korean s*x robot market might get dominated by women lol

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Porn productions peaked from the 90s to the very early 00s. :marseydepressed: After the rise of pornhub and its """MILF""" and """incest""" :marseyairquotes: categories, it all went to absolute shit.

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Centrist chads stay winning :marseygrilling2:

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Gaza? Is that like the pyramid or whatever? Didnt the Jews build that?

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So I have taken the decision to lock this thread down. Many of you gave the OP really great advice; while others were of no help at all.

OP I will simply say; we don't know the full details of everything that was going on with you and your BF. But please take some of the advice here into consideration and I wish you well.


Leftoids can't permit anything resembling disagreement.

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Brown woman hates a certain demographic for their race and gender

Brown woman dates one of them anyway

Relationship implodes


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Fake story. She would have mellowed down after bwc.

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>Surprised no one has said this but rejectig white privalege and male privalege are not "centrist" views.

>Would he attend a pro Palestinian protest with you? Would he be active in the community with you? Volunteering to help homeless people or participating in any other leftist activities? If the answer is no to any of those questions and you still want to work things out, either you're not as leftist as you think or you've got your blinders on and in the future, he will manage to betray your ideals.

>centrists and libertarians are diet republicans who just don't want the smoke that comes with being a Republican. To not choose a side is to choose the side of the oppressor.

imagine the kind of world we would have if everyone in that reddit thread ceased to exist

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Sounds very fake and straight. Next thread. :marseywave:

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I JUST started to come to terms with the fact that I have racial trauma as well (I'm white and live in a city surrounded by animals)

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Taking off my drama hat both are c*nts.

Dealing with people who have beliefs they think they have to force on others to be strong is tiresome no matter how well they suck the d. I'm against abortion personally because it would be a self-responsibility cop out but it's none of my business if others want one, I don't know their lives or how a child would impact them so I have no business judging their choices. I have no interest in getting a s*x change but I don't give a frick if someone else wants to get one. I think kids should be able to read any book they want and American parents have this bizarre perception of their children as slaves to their own ideology. He fricked up dating her, date people based on who they are not who they might be

She is just an insufferable c*nt because she is a leftist. Saying you don't understand compromise, pragmatism, economics or how complex society is makes you a fricking r-slur. They are the same as the chuds.

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Dude's probably terrible at fricking


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Did you break up with pizza over politics?

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Many such cases

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