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Posts in Genz, pornismisoginy, vegan, shitliberalssay, demisexuality, depression, progressive_islam...

Seems like a well adjusted young woman

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>believes porn is misogyny

>in a long-distance relationship

"Yeah honey, I'm totally not jacking off between our Zoom calls! I absolutely save it up for your goblina butt only."


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I understand hating on porn movies industry

However same women go masks off when talking about only fans ( pornstars there who make their own money, without toxic porn companies)

It becames clear that only minority of women in 'porn is bad' subreddits actually care about the issue. They just jelly that their dudes FAP to other women...just like they do via smut. Which is totally not porn....

Same reason why always online reddit women in these subs also view male s*x toys as disgusting, even totally neutral shit like Tenga

'le males are finally using same stuff we do and we can't boss them around or act superior'

I legitimately remember a post when a chick who had a box of Baddragon animal looking dildos got triggered when her bf bought a frick hole made by..you guest it BadDragon

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The feminists' take on porn is wild. It's nuts it doesn't get called out more. If it's known that a male is even remotely involved in its production--even off-camera, it's HECKIN' PATRIARCHAL OPPRESSION....SOMEHOW....BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OK?! :soysnooseethe:

But s*x toys, romance books, fujoshi/yaoi nonsense?

Perfectly healthy, OK, heckin' valid, gender-affirming, and definitely NOT porn addiction, OK?? Because...BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OK?! :soysnooseethe:

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Meh, I agree that the porn industry by itself is a shit hole

But I also agree that radfems and 4th wave reddit slacktivists are complete hypocrites

Believe you me if s*x robot hoes ever become a reality the user base will be almost equal between men and women in the Japan and USA.

Heck Korean s*x robot market might get dominated by women lol

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Porn productions peaked from the 90s to the very early 00s. :marseydepressed: After the rise of pornhub and its """MILF""" and """incest""" :marseyairquotes: categories, it all went to absolute shit.

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