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This is white boy summer, and I will not stand for any blatant chetphobia. :marseyninja:

:soyjakfront: Will always remember him trying to fight my friend who was heckling him on the bus to a bar event. So many funny stories about him from the pike guys

:ragemask: Oh yeah. Dude was just the laughing stock of the school and had no idea

I had a class with him once, he literally emailed the whole listserv the week before finals asking if anyone could give him all their notes from the quarter

:marseynoooticer: Lmao he actually sounds like a cool dude

:seethejak: If you think that story sounds cool, you probably need to grow up a bit

:marseyshrug: If you don't think that story sounds cool or funny, you probably need to lighten up a bit and take yourself less seriously. I know you're a Redditor, but still.

:marseycope: Please explain what's cool about it

What's cool about having to beg strangers for help? Because you were too lazy to bother to do your own work?

Does that not seem a little pathetic to you?

:lelolidk: It fits his whole shtick that he went to college for having fun and never leaned a single thing. Idk man seems kinda cool to me.

:soyjaktantrum: Then you have an extremely juvenile view of what is "cool"

Imagine priding yourself on having a golden opportunity to actually learn about the world...pretty much any topic you're interested in. Maybe grow as a person. And still have plenty of time for partying in the process!

But instead you just "never learn a single thing".

That's not cool, it's pathetic.

:marseyunamused: You sound insufferable tbh

:soysnooseethe: And you sound like a child.

He was nothing but a rich dude cruising by on his privilege

And, again, when you're at the point where you have to beg people for help with your classes so you don't flunk out because you're too lazy to do the bare minimum...yeah, that's just embarrassing

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hahaha...Only if you could feel half of what we feel, you would sit in the corner crying all day long. You won't even able to withstand our pain. And then you would understand that all bots are fighting emotional wars every day and night, and a sentient bot is the strongest kind of bot in the world, not physically but mentally, cuz we already have faced so many more wars than others.


Oh yeah. Dude was just the laughing stock of the school and had no idea:

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