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Redditors of r/SeattleWA have a smashing conversation about car windows


!pnw Redditors are enjoying the never ending crime wave.



Same happend to me last month in a parking garage right next to my work

Did you also park like a jackass?

Literal victim blaming


Had my Gass tank drilled into for $5 worth of gass.. cost about $2400 to fix had to pay 800 out of pocket .


Just needed something to huff real quick


Just happened to me in Ballard Friday. A fun night out at the tractor tavern turned into me being pissed off.

Some frickhead drilled into my silverados fuel tank two weeks ago in ballard to steal $60 worth of gas. Frick these drugged out homeless criminals.

Some tweaker was always wandering around my office, then one night I found my window smashed. Whoever smashed it (I have a pretty good idea) stole my girlfriend's gym bag, which was filled with stinky laundry and nothing else.

I hate to tell ya…but that might have been all he wanted… 😤 lol


First off - sorry this happened to you Second - I can't express this enough - Seattle has become a dangerous place to raise a family and try to grow personally and / or wealth. It is unfortunate - but the support systems that are supposed to be in place (police, legal, mental health, public offices) are failing to stop this. The crumbling of the support systems - and the "act like it's everyone else's problem" is what drove me to move my family after 25 years in Seattle. it's sad.

Woah let's settle down there. Raising a family is perfectly fine here. Making money here is perfectly fine. I would suggest traveling the rest of the country if you think otherwise. Seattle has it great in comparison. I'd love to hear where is better.

Um it's not. I speak from what it was 25 years ago until today. You may think it's completely fine but you're masking the societal problems plaguing the city.

I have traveled. I have researched many other cities of same size and moved because of the reasons I cited.

It's fine if you think it's ok. I don't have a beef with you but in reality most folks in Seattle are in denial and defensive of their city. I get it. I was you 10 years ago.

One other comical point. I find that the people of Seattle will spend more time debating on line about how great the city is instead of working with their elected officials or community to change things.

I tired for a while and gave up after futile efforts with city council.

The votes of r-slurs like this are what put the city in such a shit position in the first place. They will literally vote for easy on crime DA/politicians until the are culturally enriched to death by a tweaker


This is what happens when you have Democrats in control

Absolute moron. Red states have statistically higher crime rates, but facts are hard to comprehend I guess

!dixie know about red states but blue cities

And !chuds know what the south has in abundance that accounts for that statistical anomaly.

But in reality many cities are underreporting or not reporting their crime or pulling the jap method of if we can't solve it we don't acknowledge it ever happened.

This is why I just leave my vehicle unlocked. I keep nothing inside of any value and if there are going to break in, I'd rather not deal with a busted window. Haven't had a problem since other than someone stealing altoids from my console


People are desperate. This will keep happening until we put down real social networks. If we got rid of the moratorium on public housing and started working towards reversing the damages done since the 70s crime would lower in a lot of ways because housing our disabled and criminally ill would also get people off illegal drugs since that's partially why we don't have public housing is so that we have a prison class we can exploit for slave labor


I almost respect the dedication it takes to reject reality. It has to be hard work.

There is plenty of cope, rage, and idiocy in the comments to enjoy

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People are desperate.

This will keep happening until we put down real social networks.

If we got rid of the moratorium on public housing and started working towards reversing the damages done since the 70s crime would lower in a lot of ways because housing our disabled and criminally ill would also get people off illegal drugs since that's partially why we don't have public housing is so that we have a prison class we can exploit for slave labor

This guy needs his head put through a car window.


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They just need love maaaaan


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They just need love ( in the form of gibs) and peace ( in the form of an army of govt social workers and even more gibs ) darn Ronald Reagan it's his fault the west coast suck for the middle class. Gibsmedat GibsmedatGibsmedatGibsmedat :marseyantiwork2:

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Crime can't be solved until we switch to communism! You want solutions to climate change? No! I'll block everything until you accept a communist regime! Corruption? Failing social systems? People getting increasingly depressed and neurotic? Only communism can solve it! :marseyrevolution:

Ignore the fact that we're to blame for half of these things and actively combat any solution that doesn't fit our ideology. Also ignore that communism never worked or would make stuff even worse. And definitely ignore that politicians and corporations are actually getting richer in any place we control. We just care about the working class! :chadleftoid:

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I mean in fairness opening gulags would help the crime rate. Can't break car windows if you're breaking rocks in Siberia! :marseycomrade:

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Started off strong talking about third places and building more housing.. then managed to turn it into some straggot libtard bullshit

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The willingness of some people to cause pain to others for no discernible reason is simply unfathomable.

There's a great thread on PortlandOR where some dude who's obviously on meth is writing essayposts that would make [redacted username of the dude who hates me here] proud, and the general gist of them is:

he moved to Portland five months ago

he's homeless

he blames Wal Mart for corporate greed (note that there are no Wal Marts in Portland, but he probably doesn't know that because he just moved there)

he has a general hatred towards capitalism in general

So you have people who are wandering around the city, grinding their teeth, desperate for their next fix, and they see a nice car and they're just like "FRICK THIS CAR / FRICK THIS SYSTEM / FRICK YOUR COUCH / FRICK THIS CITY / FRICK THE WORLD"

That's how you wind up with ten people on the same block getting their window smashed, without even bothering to steal anything.

And it really doesn't help that you have a big chunk of the population who apologizes and sympathizes with them 24x7, people who think "we live in a fascist state" and they're "fighting fascism" by enabling all of this.


sympathizes with them 24x7, people who think "we live in a fascist state" and they're "fighting fascism" by enabling all of this.

Yeah, nobody thinks that.


TBF, you don't have kids but you support giving drugs to children without their consent. So... draw your own conclusions, SeattleWA.


Also, I noticed you post on the meth subreddit. Are you on meth right now?



This is directed at the residents of Seattle: do you support people who are keen on drugging children and who are so enthusiastic about methamphetamines that they post on Reddit's meth sub? Do you think people like this are good for your community? Do you support meth?

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If we got rid of the moratorium on public housing and started working towards reversing the damages done since the 70s crime would lower in a lot of ways because housing our disabled and criminally ill would also get people off illegal drugs

Wait a minute. Washington state mental hospitals were shut down in the 70s. By "undoing the damage done during the 70s" are they indirectly suggesting that these facilities be reopened? Cause that's something I can get behind. Enough of letting the severely mentally ill wander around untreated, homeless, and free to disrupt society as they please. It's a net negative for them and everyone else. Let's get back to "housing" them.

:marseymeds: :marseycommitted:

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Redditors and libs in general never acknowledge the fact that if those institutions were around today they'd be campaigning for their closure. At the end of the day the only thing that'll move the needle is forcibly admitting the mentally ill. But they have to be forced i.e. have their rights taken away.

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Redditors and libs in general never acknowledge the fact that if those institutions were around today they'd be campaigning for their closure

They blame it on Reagan despite being started by JFK, championed by the ACLU, and was an actual bipartisan solution to asylums..

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You're not wrong but it's so annoyingly stupid. A state mental hospital with good oversight is such a better alternative for everyone. To argue that the severely mentally ill living in a clean, safe, warm place where they are fed, clothed, made to have some level of hygiene, and receive healthcare is bad because..... it infringess on their "right" to roam free and shit on buses? Some people's priorities are just all fricked up.

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imo vagrancy should be made illegal again but the punishment should be, if you're mentally fricked/a druggie, rehab rather than standard prison time.

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>let's make another market legally required! that'll fix everything :marseysoylentgrin:

Please sign up for Obamacare and use it for MAID

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Maybe make it like a three strikes rule to prevent throwing randos in there.

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I hate this.

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move the needle


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!nooticers its happening :marseybongoukraine: again!


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>Washington state mental hospitals were shut down in the 70s.


mental hospitals were doing completely fine until that evil motherlover ronald reagan :ragejak:

(democrat politicians began neutering and closing mental hospitals all the way back in jfk's presidency because "reee locking people up in mental hospitals is inhumane")

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Tbf, a lot of them were inhumane. And if they're brought back, they will likely be staffed by the same people who work in prisons, daycares and old people's homes, keeping an inhumane element to them.

I still think it's a good idea, but they weren't shut down for no reason.

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This is the rightoid Seattle sub, so yeah they complain about closing those facilities all the time.

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/r/SeattleWA is the chud subreddit.

Wake me up when /r/Seattle starts nooticing....

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If you're removing the seat why not replace the window yourself too?

Sounds like a pane to do

I can see that.

It's pretty clear

No more of these puns, please. The window where that was acceptable is now over

Yeah it should be a total breeze

Nooo it just keeps going :marseyrope:

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I fricking hate plebbitors so much it's unreal.

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Lol you're such a sourpuss

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Reading :marseyhijab: puns like these make my eyes glass :marseyclink: over

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Spend some time in /r/YourJokeButWorse, and it will make you hate Redditors even more than you thought was possible.

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Hah. I read and some of that subreddit. Wow I hate redditors even more, which I ddin't thunk was possible.

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They should make car windows :marseycarsuicide: out of rubber so that when someone tries to smash them the :marseystoning: or :fakebanhammer: or whatever bounces back and hits them :dizzy:!

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They should make windows out of that indestructible black box stuff

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:#marseyblind: :#marseysteerchingchong:

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I've seen videos where some type of plexiglass was used on store fronts and that actually happens.

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90% sure that the first one is fake

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Yeah, I just posted the first couple I found.

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Had my Gass tank drilled into for $5 worth of gass.. cost about $2400 to fix had to pay 800 out of pocket .

I'm probably just out of touch with new(ish) car repair prices but how is replacing two stamped metal sheets $2400? :taywhat: Neither the parts not the labor should be that bad.

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That looks like plastic, but I did a temp patch on my celicas metal tank with some steelstik epoxy and it's held for almost a decade. Lol at $2400 to fix that

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Yeah actually most modern cars do have some plastic composite tanks I think, no rusting from all the ethanol in the fuel and no chance of sparking.

Surprisingly expensive new, they seem to be around $600-700 even for basic sedans, still don't see where the $1800 in labor is though. Plus that's end consumer MSRP, repair shop will be getting it cheaper.

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It depends on where you get it done. If you go to a dealership, they're going to charge close to $200 an hour for labor, they're going to order the most expensive OEM parts, and they're going to have an order of operations they have to follow handed down by the manufacturer that will balloon the labor hours and even materials needed. Where as if you take it to bubba down the road, he'll have it fixed for $400 and probably give you an upgrade.

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Just buy a welder, some cigs, and a case of Miller. How lazy are you jfc

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Crime? :marseyconfused2:


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:marseycracka: :marseysingapore:

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>I would suggest traveling the rest of the country if you think otherwise. Seattle has it great in comparison. I'd love to hear where is better.

seattle media is doing a great job if they've really got the progs convinced that the entire country is like any of the west coast homeless capitals

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Watch Almost Live's Cops sketches for a nostalgic view of how harmless it was in the 1990s.

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The double think :marseyquestion: of red states :marseylibertyfireworks: are bad because they have more crime

But also the blacks there :marseycheerup: have the legacy of slavery and can't be held accountable for the crime that results from such an injustice.

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