:marseyblack: Killing people (but this time it's because they were actually a future :marseydoctor: )

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dean of admissions, Jennifer Lucero, exploded in anger.

"Did you not know African-American women are dying at a higher rate than everybody else?" Lucero asked the admissions officer, these people said. The candidate's scores shouldn't matter, she continued, because "we need people like this in the medical school."


What a non sequitur

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Black women are dying!!!!! Frick grades and frick you!!!!!!!!!!!


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lmao this article is so funny

One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot.



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That's kind of terrifying, actually

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Nah, the not identifying a major artery is extremely common during rotations. Unless it was straight up the aorta or something, it's totally normal for a student to struggle identifying it. Berating the surgeon is r-slurred, but also never happened except in this surgeon's mind. This sounds like classic micro-peen surgeon who couldn't handle someone not putting up with their BS.

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Berating the surgeon is r-slurred, but also never happened except in this surgeon's mind.

I think you're drastically underestimating how privileged some people are. They'll argue that since they weren't taking a mandatory exam at the time, you should not be asking them questions. And that if you think they don't know the answer but ask anyways, you're clearly trying to make them look bad. Double points if the student is black and the actual surgeon is white.

I literally know someone who fits the bill here who was complaining that the school wouldn't reschedule his exam (again) because he didn't feel like studying for it. Failed some of the exams too, but apparently you can just retake them, so the only way you actually truly "fail" is if you stop paying for school.

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Yeah when I think about it, there was 1 person like that at my med school. A few years below me though so I didn't interact with them much, but I heard stories. I guess it's not impossible for this to be real, but like come on, every med student knows there's pimping especially in surgical rotations.

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the not identifying a major artery

Oh that makes so much more sense and is kind of relieving. I'd interpreted the sentence as "could not identify any major artery."

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>blacks are dying at a higher rate than whites

>We will solve this by making sure they have shittier doctors


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It's like the thing with black students performing worse in math, so they decided to teach about non-math equality nonsense or something (I forget what it was, but it was so r-slurred to just not do a better job actually teaching the math)

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That's their equity bullshit. It's too hard to lift some people up, so we need to bring everyone else down.

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Yeah, that shit is so crazy. Equality of outcomes is just such r-slur nonsense

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What did you think they meant when they said they were going to end privelege? They aren't going to keep the obamas from being hired based on their name. They're taking away the priveleges that poor white people had a decent education, semi competent doctors, a safe school. Etc

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Are the wokie administrators actually chuds in disguise?

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Be selective about your doctors and especially your surgeon(never let a foid operate on you).

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Unless she's :#marseymerchantfoid:

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Nah, too high risk I wake up without a foreskin.

Just not worth it

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Yeah, it seems like this is a ticking time bomb where we're going to see massively disproportionate malpractice rates by race - or maybe we already have this?

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I remember :marseysweating: when I found out my anesthesiologist was a chink foid

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They admit black medical students are failing med school.

Therefore people will not go to black doctors.

Unless they are poor and have no choice.

Poor and minority patients then have to see bad doctors.

Poor people will then get bad care.

Liberals bitches that companies only think of short sighted solutions to solve problems, yet liberals can't even think 3 steps ahead because they need to make their self imposed DEI quotas.

Same shit different labels

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you act like the people making these decisions have these critical thinking skills

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I'm pointing out that they don't have those critical thinking skills

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luv u 2 bby :#marseyblowkiss:

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ummm akshually black people have better outcomes when treated by black doctors, therefore this is all fine :marseysoylentgrin:

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I have stopped going to the Dr. for many reasons but one is because about 50% of the time the nurses seem to be actively making my situation worse.

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So if I stop posting suddenly it is because I have died of an easily preventable illness

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Incredibly based

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so you're saying I should always ask for a white doctor

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Asian, preferably yellow asian since they'll probably berate you for gaining weight more

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I want someone to fix my leg not turn me into a robot

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why not?

:marseysnappynraged: start terminatormaxxing

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if i did that my only friend would be Mark Zuckerberg

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You want a Filipina nurse and a Japanese/Taiwanese/Korean doctor as your dream team

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The older the Korean Doctor the better. He's way more likely to frick the insurance companies so you pay nothing.

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You want an either a :marseychingchong:, :marseymerchant:, or :marseypajeet:

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>That uptick coincided with a steep drop in the number of Asian matriculants and tracks the subjective impressions of faculty who say that students have never been more poorly prepared.


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Go with :marseychingchong: or :marseypajeet:

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A stereotype is born. People will see black doctors as completely incompetent idiots for the next century because r-slurs wanted to make more black doctors without having to make actual black doctors.

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Please dont be a racist and capitalize the "b" in Black




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I love UCLA med slander. Frick them for rejecting me, you get what you deserve :marseyfluffy:

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Alright, from my high iq powers of deduction, you're either a chang, goldstein or smith

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We need more experts who aren't experts!

That'll show em.

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>Within three years of Lucero's hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th to 18th place in U.S. News & World Report's rankings for medical research. And in some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.

Dropping that hard that quickly looks pretty fricking bad.

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Oh wow no way it's a white woman wow jeez I never expected that woah that's really not what I thought would happen oh no

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black surgeon ^

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