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“Me when I go to le dentist and le dental hygienist has LE EPIC BOOBIES!!!! Darn b-word grow up” Are people unnecessarily sexualizing women? A meme about female dental hygienists' boobs roils /r/AdviceAnimals


#The Context:

OOP posts a meme about female dental hygienists putting their boobs on patients' heads to /r/AdviceAnimals. The meme in full reads: “When you get a dental hygienist that doesn't rip up your gums and rests her boobs on your head” with a smiling seal.

The meme sparks debate about wether or not it is needlessly sexualizing women who are just trying to do their job, if it was a thought that needed to be shared at all, and if everyone is just overreacting.

#The Drama:

Someone objects:

>I hope no female dental hygienist comes on this thread only to learn that they're being sexualized while working on TEETH. Christ on the cross y'all.

Darn some of you are so sensitive. When you're older you'll understand

Oh no, a woman might learn she's intrinsically attractive and desirable! How will she ever recover?!

Do you think they don't realize what people are going to do when they push their boobs into other people's heads?

Idek what it means when people say somebody is “sexualizing women,” so he's just being a dude?

Others demand people grow up:

>I think this is a pretty common thought for 13yr old boys still going through puberty. What I'm really trying to say is grow the frick up. I remember having an attractive dentist when I was much younger and having this happen to me, and it did "excite" me at that moment. But now that I'm older when this happens I literally try to make more room for them if possible, because I'm positive that they notice sometimes but can't do anything about it because boobs get in the way sometimes. I've heard my girlfriend curse her own boobs at several different times. Those thoughts just feel disrespectful now, even if not shared.

Lol this is so funny. Men don't just stop enjoying boobs as they age. Also this is reddit. You're allowed to talk about liking boobs here. You don't just stop liking boobs when you turn 19 or however old you are lmfao

I still enjoy boobs... Not sure where you got the idea I don't. I just like being respectful more than blatantly enjoying something that the other person both hasn't consented to and most likely doesn't want to be doing.

Also I'm aware this is reddit and you're allowed to talk about liking boobs. But it's a discussion board and I'm allowed to call people out on their sexism or childish behaviors.

I'm 37 if that helps with you putting more words in my mouth.

So you think talking about boobs is childish. That's very strange.

If you can't figure out what I mean by now then I'm sorry for your struggles, it must be difficult.

Should some things be left unsaid?

>This is a gross thought that should have stayed internal

Lmfao who hurt you

The cringe I felt from this post burst my kidney

it's cringe to call people cringe. second of all, it's actually kind of a self-report that you feel so uncomfortable about people talking about touching boobs. Like, you're the weird one for making it weird, know what I mean?

If you don't get how it's creepy, don't get married or have a daughter.


I'll chop my balls off before taking advice from reddit about having a family lol but hey, hopefully you had fun posting your comment even if I will ignore it.

Do people need to touch grass?

>Lots of this thread needs to go outside

i know, the amount of people who just casually sexualize their healthcare workers is fricking wild to me. i didn't know it was this bad or this accepted, this comment section feels like a boomer group chat

Finding someone hot ≠ sexualizing

Get a grip on reality

it is sexualising when you fantasise about somebody's breasts while they are simply doing their job

I'm gonna say no. How I see the word, to sexualize is to reduce to only being a sexual object. No one I've seen here yet has thought of anyone in question as nothing but a sexual object. Plenty of people thinking sexually about someone else, of course. But they aren't ceasing thinking of them as people simultaneously.

It really creeps me out that so many people seem to think finding someone attractive is mutually exclusive with seeing them as a human. Makes me wonder what kind of horrors you commit in the bedroom


You're not fantasizing about them, you're doing the exact opposite. Notice how one of the top comments said he had to start thinking about helldivers loadouts?


Having the initial reaction of “there's boobs touching my head” then swatting it away is entirely normal especially when you consider the people in here are likely on the younger side.


Get. A. Grip.

Sexualising a person isn't an inherently bad thing obviously. This isn't a momentary thought before swatting it away though, this is a post on social media sexualising a stranger.

Consciously sexualising them long after the fact says something about the way that you view the people around you.


even the original post says “rests her boobs on your head”, i'm the one who needs to get a grip?

Yes you are.

Edit because he blocked me like a kitty:

Buddy's most frequented sub is of 4chan posts no wonder he blocked me

ohhhhh asmon fan. gotcha

Bro you fricking blocked someone just to get the last word? God you're a weak little piece of shit. Grow tf up kitty

#The Flairs:


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not reading all that but i just want to say i work with a guy who goes to an all-female dental practice for exactly this reason

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is it even that difficult? it feels like a good 3/4 of dental hygienists are women

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I've never :marseyitsover: seen a male dental hygienist. The moids :marseyfeminist: are all smart :marseyneuron: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to become real dentists

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also their hands are too big to fit in most mouths compared to afab hygiensts

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Lol now that you mention it the dental hygienists that aren't women are all homos at the office I go to. :marseythonk:

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It's not 3/4 lmfao it's over 90%

Most fields that are "male-dominated" are slightly more male than female, but the fields that are "female-dominated" are extremely female. Weird effect.

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It's waaaay higher than that. Like

95 percent of them are women

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lol, every single time a woman's cut my hair


still not worth going to them, old men cut hair the best

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My barber makes sure I don't miss out by putting his moobs on my shoulder

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What's that from :marseyquestion:

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fight club

those are meat loaf's boobs

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His name was Robert Paulson

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*b-word tits

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I thought so :#marseygigatitty:

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Persian men are the best at cutting hair in my experience

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I fricking hate faceboobs my electrolyst would make me so uncomfortable by squishing her chest up on my head and theres just no escape like ahhh im sorry im sorry please dont hate me i didnt ask to be in the way :marseybegging:

Thankfully i work on the computer so i dont have to worry about the opposite side of the equation

:parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans:

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If a guy was rubbing his package on my face while he worked i might feel differently :marseyblush:

:parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans:

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Your what now?

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A technician sticks a needle into a pore on your face and runs electricity through it, destroying the hair follicle there. :marseyplugged:


:parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans:

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You ever think about doing this to your balls?

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electrolysis is slow and expensive so most only do it to their face, and also to their balls/groin only if they're gonna get a neokitty installed. I got the hair zapped off my balls with lasers since i had paid for a full body package :laserbeam:

:parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans:

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So what's the advantage vs waxing or laser removal?

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it's considered more permanent

:parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans:

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Electrolyst? What do your electros need lysing for?

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that sounds awesome tho

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I only like guys and :!marseytrain:s are at constant risk of being accused of sexual assault and being treated as guilty unless proven innocent, it's scary :marseyworried:

:parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans:

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Okay I gotta be real. Abso-fricking-lutely nobody is putting their boobs on shit without being aware of it. That's fricking ludicrous.

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It sounds nice and all, but getting a boner in a professional setting would be mortifying for anyone normal. Your dentist already has about the least respect for you that a man can have for another man, but after that happens, there's nothing left at all.

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I don't care if she's resting her boobs on my face, I still don't want her to pop a stiffy

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It would be really cute if she got it in the mouth. Not in the peepee way though, more like this. :#marseyturnedon:

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A male dentist would probably think it was funny, he's hiring hot dental hygienists for a reason (unless it's a family dentistry but even then).

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>for a reason

To frick them

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how has no one made a franchise yet that's a hooters for dentistry? i smell a new market

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getting a boner in a professional setting would be mortifying for anyone normal.

Excuse me, but I am a dental hygienist and I get boners all the time. I just rest it on my patient's head, while not ripping up their gums, and they are all the happiest seals you ever saw...

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Maybe it's like Japanese culture where it's polite to slurp your noodles.

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Also this is reddit. You're allowed to talk about liking boobs :marseysexylibrarian: here.

The only website where :marseydrama: blokes can be blokes !slots123

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this wouldnt have even been funny in 2007

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I hereby pledge to use my remaining time on this planet to make foids feel as uncomfortable as possible. They're going to be running into the woods to live with the bears.

( . ) ( . )

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There is a Steven Wright joke about this:

"my dental hygentist is very pretty, so I eat a whole package of oreos before a cleaning"

Not funny. Someone dox that redditor and throw bricks at his head.

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This was my orthodontist... I never minded coming in to get my braces tightened. That and grabbing some taco bell quick before my teeth got sensitive from the tightening.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Why do foids act like men are the only ones sexualizing people? Foids be mad lyin frfr.

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Every dental hygenist I have ever had has been fat. It grosses me out and is the main reason I don't go to the dentist anymore.

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I had a skinny one with small boobs and they still brushed against my shoulder


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The cringe thing about this is I assume there's a bunch of arguments in that thread between a bunch of teenagers and people in their 40s

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The boomers be sayin they like boobs, and the sexless, seething prudes are the zoomers and teens, but ugly fat women as well.

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The best part about going :marseysalmaid: to the dentist is the hygenists

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It's like you roll a dice and can only win

  • wide hipped Caribbean?

  • fat butted Latinx?

  • skinny Mideast foid?

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Remember this: Whoever fricks sparingly will also c*m sparingly, and whoever fricks generously will also c*m generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6




I hope no female dental hygienist comes on this thread only to learn that they're being sexualized while working on TEETH. Christ on the cross y'all.:

I think this is a pretty common thought for 13yr old boys still going through puberty. What I'm really trying to say is grow the frick up. I remember having an attractive dentist when I was much younger and having this happen to me, and it did "excite" me at that moment. But now that I'm older when this happens I literally try to make more room for them if possible, because I'm positive that they notice sometimes but can't do anything about it because boobs get in the way sometimes. I've heard my girlfriend curse her own boobs at several different times. Those thoughts just feel disrespectful now, even if not shared.:

This is a gross thought that should have stayed internal:

Lots of this thread needs to go outside:

“it's cringe to call people cringe”:

“I'll chop my balls off before taking advice from reddit”:

“Ty for the insight. cumtitsmcgoo”:

“Bro you fricking blocked someone just to get the last word?”:

“hey! You've been all the way inside my mouth!”:

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Whole thread is nothing but CHESTLET COPE


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