Leftist academics :marseyreapcrying: what they :marseysowsmug:


Some lefty infighting


He has since apologized and locked his account


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I'm a mathematician (probably less cucked than history as a field) but cannot fathom talking to a female bipoc in this way on a public forum under my Christian name.

Even in this STEMcore field there are prominent lolcows like Piper Harron and obviously we all notice :marseywrongthonk: that xe gets opportunities xe may not have earned in the traditional meritocratic sense, but we don't just Notice :marseywrongthonk: it on X. I seriously doubt this guy has a future in academia.

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Oh he's gonna have too write 5 more @collectijism is not a Nazi @collectijism swear books those other poorer whites are before they even think about taking off their immediate banned accounts list

Trans lives matter

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Her academic work is subpar and her personality is insufferable.

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>7 years for an MA

>”Survived pervasive cult of genius mythology”

She created a delusion where she's not the dumbest in her cohort? And put it on her resume?

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that means she had to compete with mathlete asians and neurodivergent white males who smuggly dominate the field

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who smuggly dominate the field (by being good at it)


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my god

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I write software for money and, while I've read some horror stories about this kind of shit going on in tech, I've never actually seen it at any of the places I've worked (to be fair, the horror stories seem to mostly come from FAANG-scale companies and I've never worked for one). Most of my coworkers have either been apathetic about politics, or seemed to have pretty moderate views, or if they were wokes they just didn't sperg out about their wokeshit. Of course I still try to be careful about discussing any really touchy subjects, but it still seems a lot better than this academia shit. Although I wouldn't know, I have zero experience in academia from any point after I got my BA in smoking weed and writing papers the night before they were due (I did humanities in college, didn't get into tech shit until a few years later).

I do remember that back when I was in college I already found laughable and strange the whole genre of "critical theory" writing where everything is like "the intersection of the discourse about post-colonial hegemonic paradigms with a contemporary analysis of neo-liberal norming of queer theory blah blah blah".

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Yes well at my last company the branch is main, we have an allow list, supporting anything right of far left is grounds for termination, and its an open secret no white or asian man is allowed to be promoted

Heck, they'll even fly you to another state if you need an abortion

Yes im talking about a multibillion tech corporation whose product you've used

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>Yes im talking about a multibillion tech corporation whose product you've used

Rdrama.net sounds like a fantastic place to work. Don't you also have sissy Fridays and monthly bussy dilation workshops too?

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supporting anything right of far left is grounds for termination

Something tells me they don't mean the "billionaires should have all their shit taken away by the people" kind of far left.

>its an open secret no white or asian man is allowed to be promoted

What are the mechanics by which they pull this off without getting sued?

>Heck, they'll even fly you to another state if you need an abortion

I'm pro-choice so I don't think that's a problem, but the rest of that shit sounds pretty bad.

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What are the mechanics by which they pull this off without getting sued?


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>What are the mechanics by which they pull this off without getting sued?

Stage 1: Diversity training. Maybe everyone walks out thinking pfft what a load of rubbish, but now they know the rules.

Stage 2: A DEJI commitee gets looped in on every stage of the hiring/promotion process. In a neat trick, this is officially done to avoid bias. Usually with formal powers like a veto over final hiring decisions, or managers have to justify hiring a "nondiverse" candidate when there was a qualified "diverse" candidate available (all definitions subject to the whims of the DEJI committee).

Stage 3: Managers know choosing yt/azn moids will cause drama, so they opt for the easy route. Kinda like how most people obey the police without being forced, because they know they theoretically could be forced, and is it worth the effort?

Stage 4: Every promotion is "diverse", new hires are overwhelmingly "diverse". Everyone knows what's happening, but there's no smoking gun to whistleblow over.

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Sounds like some men there should be demanding interstate trips for abortions and calling them transphobic if they don't get them.

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That's why I am never going to US. I am neither white nor a "diversity".

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That's why I am going where I am counted as a diversity :marseyjewoftheorient:

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just poor

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It happens in finance sometimes too

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the horror stories seem to mostly come from FAANG-scale companies

I think about 30% of the population work for large corporations or government and the rest are small-medium businesses. 30% of the population having to deal with it is plenty

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Even in the Soviet Union or Maoist China, they often dialed back the presence of political commissars for industries related to national security or science, and Operation Paperclip let literal nazis off the hook for warcrimes. Once you punch above a certain level you're immune to political garbage, and if you're :marseygigaretard: doing pleb work they don't really bother you either. Stupid people are naturally chuddy, so in r-slur industries you often find /pol/speak being open.

But anyone in between suffers from it in various amounts. With the upper middle class always bearing the brunt.

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That plus tech is mostly a male industry and the only place that has lots of women, BIPOC, and HR in STEM are the big corporations, government, and academia. And inside those a lot of divisions are just all asian or indian so it's a mix. It's mostly white people doing it to themselves.

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This is one of the most craven apologies I've ever seen. I get not wanting to lose your whole career because of some crazy and/or sociopathic people but man, this is full-on slinking away like a beaten dog level.

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All the white male "humanities" academics I know (in anglosphere/EU) act like battered spouses. Their life is a non-stop struggle session where they have to repeat how awful they are and how much they hate others that are like themselves, how much they deserve to be discriminated against, how the people who benefit from that very good discrimination, who basically get promoted and hired without any quality control whatsoever, are inherently better than them.

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Hmmm wonder why the industry collapsed

Trans lives matter

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Human knowledge is not an "industry". Please frick off back to the tractor factory or w/e smug poorcels do for food.

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Education is absolutely an industry. The humanities also no longer really serve a purpose outside of scamming kids out of money. :marseyxd:

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Spoken like a true reddit STEMlord

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is eating a settler-colonialist act?

:marseythinko#rinotalking: -> :m#arseylongpost: -> :ma#rseyawardretard:

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Depends whether you're cannibalizing up or cannibalizing down.

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momma they fighting in here :marseysoypoint:

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Spoken like a foid with a masters in anthropology whos going to die alone with her cat. :marseyfoidretard:

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My liberal arts degree >>> your stupid engineering diploma. Go design me a bridge, wagie. :marseytwerking:

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And ebony cupcakes aren't historians or academics in any meaningful sense

No one wants too read about how a newly discovered variety of stank kitty yeast bread made by obese black kweers while onboard slave ships was actually a stunning revolution in human development.

Black trans lives matter too securing grant money in the humanities

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Tic Tok is still available, academia can disappear and human knowledge would be just fine

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yes, sadly because humanities exist at such scale and even the STEM related ones produce very little industrial value (computer science academia is a joke in the real tech world)

it's a make-work program for women and unemployable males who like to read, and the only requirement is spending half your time doing nothing while you constantly worry about the need to put out a paper to keep up appearances that it's a real profession, plus occasionally teaching

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If it isn't an industry that's great - means my tax dollars won't need to pay for it anymore.

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Very early Shakespeare criticism used to be written (I'm talking, like, early 18th century Lewis Theobald) by whoever was interested enough, and success was determined by whom the public believed to best 'get it'. De Quincey wrote a whole essay on the mysterious knocking sound early in Macbeth. It's a good essay, because he talks about something simple, and tries to just understand what it means.

Now Shakespeare criticism is written by people who read the Spark Notes, and it's written for literally nobody to read. They write entire essays about why Falstaff was actually always a transfat who uses humor to dissemble xer MAP kink, and how this is proof that Shakespeare was neurodivergent. 'Your thesis must be original' has been a disaster for the humanities and humanity.

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It is somewhat r-slurred to have to somehow prove something completely original when there's really only so many ways you can somehow twist a work's meaning any which way without your argument losing all relevancy to the real world.

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Yeah it's the 18th century version of those shitty youtube video essays about some kid's franchise being deeper than you remember. Except back then it was written and nerds would sit down and read it.

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I guess I'm pretty lucky that I'm good at STEM shit.

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How long before all the goodwill the university system has gets burnt through? In my short adult lifetime I've already seen them burn through half of it. Subjects like Film are already life ruining tier if you're stupid enough to waste tens of thousands of dollars studying it. The rest of the humanities seem to be following suit.

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He deserves it for recognising the game is rigged, but still trying to play within the rules. Whining about how oppressed you are is kitty behaviour for a white man and doesn't ever work, especially not when it's a mystery meat foid berating you.

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What career?

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Bro straight up said, "my bad it's actually the right-wing's fault all of this is happening." Lmao BUCK-BROKEN.


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Don't worry, I called her an ugly gorilla BIPOCette on his behalf :marseyspecial:


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Congrats, you're giving her exactly what she wants: an opportunity to feel like a victim.

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@JollyJihad is aware. @JollyJihad want her too feel like a victim because it means she's more likely too make a post like "Walsh's neo-nazi followers are harassing @JollyJihad and threatening @JollyJihad's life". God willing @JollyJihad will do @JollyJihad's small part in destroying this Walsh coward's future career chances.

Black trans lives matter when @JollyJihad can weaponize them against other progressives

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That's all v legal and v cool, but I suspect you are unironically mad-mad at proud black womxn. :marseyseethe:

I hope you and your loved ones are r*ped by a pack of BIPOCs for your sins against DEI.

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I am always mad-mad and my bigotry is always genuine. :chudseethe:

@JollyJihad hate uppity black women for being ungrateful, parasitic underminers of whatever they waddle their bloated, cellulitic bodies into.

Black trans lives matter

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Having to see ebony cupcakes is genocide

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Black trans lives matter too those without eyes, noses, or ears.

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I supprt your jolly jihad brother

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u mad

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Being a black woman is already victimising enough. :marseysmirk:

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>confirming her delusions about how she's persecuted by racist power structures


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@JollyJihad is well aware, but she should be persecuted by a racist power structure, and @JollyJihad is doing @JollyJihad's part.


Scrape black trans lives matter off you're boots

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That is very dramapilled of you but in practice it'll probably just make her even more unbearably woke without actually doing a single thing to reduce the power that she has over people like the soundly whipped and humiliated Mr. Walsh.

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>By repeatedly proving her right, over and over again, I'll gradually undermine her power.


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I don't know who needs to hear this but

Your 👏🏿 comfort 👏🏿 is 👏🏿 not 👏🏿 my 👏🏿 responsibility


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Also good because I most likely hate all her coworkers as well. Making their lives more miserable is also an acceptable outcome. :marseywholesome:

Black trans lives matter

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you could be in !accelerationists with us but you're playing :marseyplaying2:

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She's a brown foid humanities professor. No way she will be against woke when it benefits her in every way.

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omg hi @JollyJihad!!! okay so this is like super awkward omg but basically i had to remove ur comment bc u didnt say black trans lives matter lol. don't worry though, we like wont let you post anything that like doesnt have black trans lives matter in it. anyways im like just a robot 😲 but if u want to talk 2 somebody you should do it here lol

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Ask her if she's single for me. Cause I'd definitely hit.


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I wish I could unchud you

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Lmao it is absolutely true that the tenure track foid is in a MUCH more powerful position than the postdoc but they all have to pretend she's not

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having a yale postdoc means he could go work in private industry but there's only so many people looking to hire historians with 10yrs of post-secondary education

he gambled at getting an elite gig and basically has to move to some shittier university and work his way up now

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They're barely pretending at this point.

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"That would explain the dearth of 30-something year old white men in the field"

B-word, where?? History grad programs are like 70+% women.

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I just did a count on our history department;s phd students and it's 20% white male. It's actually mostly white women studying POC history lol.

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Yeah exactly, same at my school. I already knew this because I'm close friends with one of the only white male history students. I've never met another white guy in his program.

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always makes me laugh how deeply in denial they are about this

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"we love this thing and constantly cheerlead it and it's officially written into our processes, but also it doesn't exist"

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you dont get it, he's just nuanced and misunderstood


i bet he could write :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: explaining why while avoiding the truth

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God I'm seething

>the history foid who doesn't write like a history neurodivergent

>the soy apologizing

>the soy pivot to muh RW

>'breech' of solidarity like it's his pants, or an artillery piece

:#marseyrage: :#purerage:

:#ragestrangle: :!#soymadgenocide:

He needed instead to write a 5000 word screed based on Nietzsche and post one of those sharty epic paintings full of black suns and swastikas, then call the foid a breeding sow of the Kali Yuga.

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he was more concerned about showing people he's pro-palestine to signal in-group than confronting how he ended up there

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be academic

can't spell "breach"



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spelling is overrated, especially anyone who grew up on computers

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These people need Hanania.

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Shes a little sociopath tho

“Erm sure you may be homeless but a guy who looks like you is a billionaire. So what if i have a high paying job and live in a gated community, people say mean things to me on twitter!”

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