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In Italy, representatives of left-wing parties, faced with results like these, usually say that it is the voters who are wrong, and that is why they will lose more and more votes.

Entire thread is full of redditors blaming the voters and calling them stupid. They never learn.

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They'll just make opposing parties illegal in order to save democracy. At least Germany wants to

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Not sure how it's in Germany but in the Netherlands it has been proven again and again that plans/proposals/ideas by right winged parties are illegal, unobtainable, unrealistic and bad for the planet, quality of life and future generations (in terms of environment and European safety).

This is a meme waiting to happen.

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"Proven illegal" is an absolutely baffling phrase in general, but especially in this context. We're talking about politicians running for office. If they win, they'll become the government. They'll make the laws. If something is currently illegal and they think it should be legal, they would just go ahead and do that. :marseythumbsup:

Do Redditors think "laws" in the context of a code of law are the same as "laws" in the context of scientific law? They're an immutable force of the universe, and the purpose of a legislature isn't to make laws, it's to discover the laws that are inherently there? :marseybigbrain:

That would actually explain a lot about how these !r-slurs view the world. If laws are natural phenomena, then if a law that's been implemented by a government is in accordance with natural law, it's objectively correct; if it's not in accordance with natural law, it's objectively incorrect. :marseydisagree:

Of course, that's just religious morality with a truly terrible understanding of both science and government substituted for scripture and clergy, but that's not surprising. As us !grillers are well aware, wingcucks are like that. :marseywingcuck:

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"Proven illegal" is an absolutely baffling phrase in general, but especially in this context. We're talking about politicians running for office. If they win, they'll become the government. They'll make the laws. If something is currently illegal and they think it should be legal, they would just go ahead and do that. :marseythumbsup:

Its illegal to be rude to migrants because of r-slurred treaties we shouldnt have signed that trump national law, but nobody ever considers that you can withdraw from treaties

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Northen europe and parts of US loves tules and regulations. They think them as divine law.

Back in early days of ukrain war. People were celebrating how they managed to checkmate russia becouse they didnt declare war. And that limited what they could do.

Then russian goverment just ignored law and did what was necessary for them.

Whole thing was bizzare considering whole world had seen 4 years of trump and 8 years of obama. Obama was king of breaking all the rulers and making new up as needed.

He bombed US citizen and justification was. Shitty dad.

He bombed al shabab guys left and right. Then us military ended up capturing one of them and nobody knew what to do with guy becouse there was nothing in place to prosecute him. Becouse there was nothing that justified anything against al shabab back then.

If you used obama justifications as precedents. You could justify bombing of twiter users who talk shit about US goverment and invade any country simpy with presidental order.

Trump did what ever he wanted. And people were going nuts how he can do that.

Yet people think law. Rules. Norms and regulation as divine law.

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You typed all of that without thinking about states with a strong separation of powers and constitution. If Joe Biden decided to throw all of us in FEMA camps tomorrow it would be illegal for several reasons, most notably because it would conflict with rights established in the US Constitution. Furthermore it might be illegal because of laws passed by the Legislative branch.

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But we're not talking about one guy in one position, we're talking about the European Parliament as a whole being run by the AfD and their various equivalents in other countries. Which would presumably mean those same parties are either currently in control, or will soon be in control, of the majority of the constituent nations of the European Union's national legislatures. :marseypendulumright:

The closest American equivalent isn't a president issuing a bunch of executive orders, it's the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives all being dominated by one party, while a supermajority of governorships and state legislatures are also held by that same party. Even if the courts somehow weren't controlled by that party, they could change that it an instant. The only thing holding them back would be their ability to coordinate within their own party. :marseycomradehandshake:

Fortunately, that's exactly why we'll never have to worry about this problem in America. :marseyleftoidschizo: :marseylaughbothsides: :marseyrightoidschizo:

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maybe, but surely there is some form of constitution in place to limit the power of the state???

:marseysaluteusa: is superior, yes, but that is always true

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In Europe? Not really. The idea that the founding document of a nation lays out what the government can do and anything that isn't mentioned is, by default, something they can't do is very American. As is the idea that changing that document is a big deal and is only done when absolutely necessary. :marseyusa:

For instance, in the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, they have an entrenched clause that prevents removing certain articles, but they can be amended. Plus, a lot of them are very open to interpretation. You don't even have to go past Article 2 to see that. :marseyreading:

Article 1

[Human dignity – Human rights – Legally binding force of basic rights]

(1) Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

(2) The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world.

(3) The following basic rights shall bind the legislature, the executive and the judiciary as directly applicable law.

Article 2

[Personal freedoms]

(1) Every person shall have the right to free development of his personality insofar as he does not violate the rights of others or offend against the constitutional order or the moral law.

(2) Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity. Freedom of the person shall be inviolable. These rights may be interfered with only pursuant to a law.

You can be who you want, so long as you don't "offend moral law", and your rights can only be interfered with "pursuant to a law". Those are some pretty hefty caveats to stick right there at the start. :marseyunamused:

Compare that to our First Amendment. :marseypatriot:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

No caveats, no equivocation, no bullshit. Just pure, unadulterated freedom. :marseysaluteusa:

Germans long for the boot. They can't help themselves. It's in their inferior Mayo blood. :marseymayo:

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You can be who you want, so long as you don't "offend moral law", and your rights can only be interfered with "pursuant to a law". Those are some pretty hefty caveats to stick right there at the start. :marseyunamused:

:marseyxd: do germs really :marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd:

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>European govts

>limited by a constitution


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Do Redditors think "laws" in the context of a code of law are the same as "laws" in the context of scientific law? They're an immutable force of the universe, and the purpose of a legislature isn't to make laws, it's to discover the laws that are inherently there? :marseybigbrain:

You are so r-slurred @Grue wouldn't have believed it until @Grue witnessed it just now

@Grue love sucking peepee

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I've always thought these people don't really respect the idea of natural laws at all..

stuff like markets, nature, the natural behaviors of man, biology itself :marseysmug2!:

all can be overcome by sheer force of will. that's the idea behind stuff like communism: that man-made systems could triumph over emergent behavior like crapitalism

I read about this on some political diagram that called 'restrained' vs 'unrestrained' thinking or something. :marseyshrug: authoritarians in general are unrestrained in that they think man's laws can ultimately control people and the world more effectively than nature's

but maybe you're right, it's not that they don't believe in natural laws. they just have their own silly made up system where whatever 'our democracy' decides becomes natural law :marseythinkorino2:

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Why do they have to make a gayer form of religion.

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β€œOnly educated people I mean people that think like me like token blacks and college educated whites vote correctly β€œ

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