


Petroguzzlers I don't feel so good:


Aliens be appearing:


Russia is groping America's gock:


Putler coming for those f16bussies:


!schizomaxxxers speculate wildly.

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>Russia has surrounded the WEAK AND PATHETIC United States with their NUCLEAR submarines. It's over for American dogs!


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Russian :marseytankushanka: simps don't understand what a nuclear :marseyoppenheimer: triad is and why mid range missiles in Cuba were important to them in 1962 but not now.

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Why you so smart :marseypeterson: and don't understand is all about projection ? Main goal is to have an influence in Latin :marseydayofthedead: America :marseyliberty: and cover Venezuela and co. Is Triad going :marseysal3: to protect Venezuela if U.S. decide to turn it into Libya ?

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A nuke sub off the american coast doesnt mean anything for deterrence against LatAm shenanigans lmao.


>implying the rushBs would defend anyone else with their nukes

The slaviggers dont even claim to span a nuclear umbrella over anyone else.

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implying the rushBs would :marseywood: defend anyone else with their nukes

Wouldn't those nukes be a good deterrence from attacking Russian :marseyvatnik: bases in Cuba and Latin :marseydayofthedead: America :marseysouthernbelle4: so it will be also deterrence from trying to kick out pro Russian :marseyputin: gov in those countries. Just like U.S. can't get rid of Assad ?

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Is Triad going :marseysal2: :marseysal3: to protect Venezuela if U.S. decide to turn it into Libya ?

>believing the ruskies would :marseywood: even risk open war with the US for Venezuela

If only the US actually :marseyakshually: did some regime change in Venezuela and Nicaragua


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If only the US actually :marseyakshually: :marseyakshually: did some regime change in Syria

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Whats that even supposed to mean lmfao

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If US wanted moon would :marseywood: been green :marseysick:

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Venezuela is not a country :marseycatgirl5: fractured in a bunch of religious :marseyjesus2: and ethnic groups like Syria. Change the government along with the upper echelons of the military :marseysalutetrans: and it's done, it would :marseywood: be more akin to the occupation of Germany :marseyswastika: or Japan.

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it was only there :marseycheerup: to remove missiles from turkey and prevent bay of pigs 2. russian :marseyazov: can anyday launch :marseycruisemissile: nukes from submarines

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Yeah, Khrushchev made this sudden extremely risky move to put Soviet troops with nuclear weapons just off the coast of America because... he wanted a few dozen missiles to be retired in 1963 instead of 1964.


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one power :marseychaosemerald: move that involves US stakes, and suddenly it's a risky maneuver. US pilot :marseykamikaze: died, US citizen shat pants, Nikita was the one making demand terms. plus russia :marseysalutenovorossiya: had much warheads than what US knew about

keeping soying

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The submarine is only nuclear powered, AFAIK the zicron missile it can hold is only hypothetically nuclear capable at a future date, and it would be a small munition which wouldn't change any strategic dynamic

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Russia does this constantly it isnt even news lol.

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