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Word of caution for aspiring CS majors - [wealthy mom textboard site] :taylorlorenzcrying: :surejan: :fancywithwine:



WSJ is reporting what many are already seeing -- market for CS majors is pretty saturated.

Are English majors in high demand?

Actually, yes. The future is bright for humanities majors.

For low paying jobs.

I make $300,000. But sure.

Kids that have actual social skills are in demand more than. Kids that can communicate effectively, look people in the eye when talking, write effectively. Kids with great time management skills and EQ.

All of these executive functioning disorder/adhd Geniuses glued to a screen, not so much.

My husband always tells our HS sons--if you put down the iphone and channel more time in face-to-face and real world you are going to fare so much better than the others of your generation. Set serious limits.

Read the 'Anxious Generation'--if nothing else doesn't convince you that tik tok and SM and iphone are dumbing the h*ll out of our kids and making them socially inept IRL.

:marseynotes: anxious generation...


What market isn't saturated?

Also, this is why it is so hard to get admitted to a CS program -- they aren't expanding the seats to meet student demand unless there is market demand.

UMD CP actually halved the CS class, but I think that was due to too many students who are not ready for it being interested in it, and wanting to keep the classes more intimate. UMD is also developing its AI/ML programs.

Job market is cyclical, but low level IT jobs have all been offshored. The big thing now is AI and ML, both of which are related to CS degrees. Some colleges are now starting to offer AI majors. That's the next big thing.

Lets push more kids into a technology whose primary benefit is requiring less workers

It's good that they're not expanding the seats. My English major found a good high-paying job quite easily out of school, but I know there are not clearly established paths for those majors as there are (or at least used to be) for CS majors.

Please share firm and $.

I won't name the firm but it's a large consulting firm with quantitative focus. Salary is around $90k. I agree with the advice to go to the best school you can get into, do as well as you can in that school, and don't accept the notion that you are limited by your major. My English major also took math, econ, government, etc, so firms knew she could do the work.

Great advice.

And hustle. Wherever you are.

I've already help DS [dear son] research the clubs/teams to join at Ivy - will be freshman in fall.

The parenting job doesn't end once they get in to a top college or program. It shifts and changes. Now they need life & career advice. Show them where to look, questions to ask, clubs to join, people to meet.

I know this is much harder with introverts….


Many CS majors end up with contractors and bouncing from job to job with little job security.

A friend seems to be "off" every few months as they say, looking for a new gig.

They are probably in lower level jobs or in older tech. My spouse was the same. Luckily, spouse is at the tale end of their career and retiring.

This economy sucks

I guess people should go into the low paying industries like home health care hospitality instead since that is where the job growth is.

Get a liberal arts degree (economics and something soft) from the highest ranked school you can.

Recruiting for finance, consulting, and corporate /strategy roles are much much easier if you are in English and economics major coming from Rice or Vanderbilt or Emory compared to CS at Purdue…..

Ask around people!!!

lol at this bs

Unless you have good connections/networking, that will not help.

DS [dear son] will graduate from an Ivy, commencement is today, and he is still looking for for a job, as most of his friends who don't have connections. Those with connections have good jobs.

Your kid had to join the clubs in schools and network network network….

Nothing lands in your lap.

These "clubs" arent the only way to network. One of my undergrad TAs encouraged me to apply for a job he used to have, since I had mentioned in office hours that I was interested in that subfield and I had a high A in the class. You don't need to golf.

+1. Some seem to think it's not fair when a person gets in the door a job interview due to connections, but you need to work to develop those connections.

Ultimately though, outside of CS, you need a graduate degree if you don't want to hit a hiring ceiling a few years down the road.

Huh? Why wasn't your kid networking? It's a requirement in life…..

Social skills people.

Golf and tennis….

That's why my kid is double majoring with math. Hoping for options...just in case.

Also, 90% of the people who were CS, along with myself in undergrad, moved into other areas like sales or management. Very few spent their career in tech. Some of the best product managers I've met at top Silicon Valley companies started off as Engineers even before going on to business school.

My husband is a senior software engineer with a highly specialized skillset; the market for entry-level to low mid-level is extremely saturated and starting salaries are no longer competitive.

Party's over!

I know! My oldest just graduated from UMDCP and only got 3 offers for over 120k.


That's why my kid is double majoring with math. Hoping for options...just in case.

My kid is also a double major in math and CS, but only because they love math. I don't think a math major in and of itself is lucrative.

Math connects back to the data science and financial quant side (and goes further "just for fun")

This is why we need entrepreneurs to create more of the jobs your kids want.

We need your kids to be the entrepreneurs! That's what Gates and Zuckerberg and Page did!

Being an entrepreneur is too hard for most people. I say this as an owner with 50 employees and $26M in sales last year. People want the success without the risk and pain. Honestly, most people are basic and want a steady paycheck for minimal effort.

I mean, my CS major took English and Business classes (straight As). I guess they can do non CS related work, too?

+1 Our CS major is minoring in creative writing and theater.

Very soon the CS degree will be considered obsolete


good thing my CS major kid can communicate effectively and look people in the eye (debate team), and write effectively (IB DP grad), as can many other students of other majors, not just English.

English majors aren't in high demand, though. So, it's better to major in STEM or business AND communicate and write effectively.

Just returned from a college reunion, and my friends' kids who majored in CS and graduated last year and this year are all un- or under-employed. It seems pretty obvious to me that low-level CS jobs are the first to be gobbled up by AI. If you go to a top school, it truly does not matter what you major in. Most of those kids who want top jobs in tech, finance, consulting will get them. Majoring in something skill-based is more important if you attend even a slightly lower-ranked school. This is why people work so hard to secure spots in the Ivy-plus schools.

Again the data doesn't agree with your imagination.

Harvard english major 4 year out median salary = $49,675


This is utter BS.

You have no idea what you are talking about.


oh shit there's 10+ more pages of this shit


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Most new CS students I've met are actually incompetent. Like… not understanding what an array is level incompetence.

If you have no idea I've heard a physics major is a good choice. It at least signals the world that you're not dumb and the navy will scoop you up for a Nuke position

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Some cs courses are just very theoretical, I did a cryptography module from comp sci department and it was all just math, no coding

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Computer science is neither about computers, nor a science. Software engineering is about writing software, computer science is about the mathematics of computation.

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If you actually write code for any crypto algorithm you're going to have to deal with arrays though and even if it's theoretical, it's much easier to understand something when you can fiddle with code.

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Having a CS degree alone doesn't signal competence, but it's imo really not that difficult to impress during an interview. As long as you get an interview, you should be set, if you know what you're doing. As you mentioned, the bar is just so low these days. The number of candidates I've rejected for not knowing basic stuff is too darned high.

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What gets you ahead of the curve when taking CS in college has more to do with discipline and whether you actually want to go on in a career or have a passion for it (granted you can also say this for all STEM majors). CS is a sad career to stay into if you have no passion for it.

I remember the president of the main CS org on campus sat next to me for a final and was trying to bum answers from me in a class I took like two years ago :marseyxd:

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People were trying to copy answers off me like crazy in every CS class I ever took, both CS 101 and senior classes

When they weren't, they were begging for homework answers because it wasn't on chegg

Take notes in class and study everything related to them? Ask the fricking professor for help?

I had some mfers ask me if they could copy off my major projects :marseyshock: heck no!!!

English majors unironically take better notes

Our class to professor ratio was HUGE, and most of the professors were ancient C enjoyers and 90s java sirs that didn't give a shit

I love ancient C enjoyers but these were friendly lovable old people that just want you to learn :marseywholesome: and every class had like 10 buttholes trying to emotionally manipulate them into good grades and they'd be like :leokay: "...ok you can have one more week :("

The only thing that stopped everyone from graduating was one single hardass java sir that would get people expelled for cheating, had esoteric requirements, and actually give out F grades

:kovid: "Oh, is unfair? Life unfair sometime. Your time to resolve the issue has past. Remember for next time."

:kovid: "..."

:kovid: "That is an issue for financial aid office, is not my problem.

TODAY WE ARE REVIEWING THE SPECIFIC OF THE JAVASCRIPT, I hope you all reviewed the materials assigned as I have asked, there will be quiz, there will be participation"

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Oh, everyone who made the professors push project deadlines back were always the most r-slurred and lazy students in the class. Me and my friends would always complete these projects that could be something easy to very challenging like a week or so earlier than the deadline but the students would make the profs push them back to a half week even for the easiest projects. Thankfully, I got a steady job now since I graduated university but I'd expect at least 95% of those students are un(der)employed now

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Wow, you must be a JP fan.

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I don't even have a degree and the Navy recruiters keep calling me asking if I want to work on a nuclear sub.

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I meant officer positions, but yeah… they really need bodies for that

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What's the point of becoming an officer if you still need to suffer through working on a sub?

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Better pay and retirement plan. Also officers don't do “real work” unless they're a pilot or something like that. They're just PMs who make more then real workers

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Go into engineering over physics unless you're looking to stay in an academic/research job. My cousin did physics and lamented for years that he wasn't getting work like all the engineers on his team were getting.

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At the end of the day, just do CS. The market is narrowing but it's still the highest reward-effort field, and worst case scenario you're still an engineer (in most programs).

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