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'just make it an option' is the smoothest brain take

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They have their own bardfinn

You've been here 3 hours; you're not really in a position to be asking someone else why they're on the forum. We've been here for years and have had contact with people who work at the company who inform us of what decisions are made and why. We understand more than the casual player as a result, and even when not satisfied with the results we get, we at least understand the kind of effort that goes into providing them in the first place.

Besides, the forum is for people to talk about the game and related subjects, whether it is defending the developers' decisions or disagreeing with them, we are here to talk about it. If that's not going to work for you, if you're only on here to complain and looking only for people who will agree with you on those complaints, this place isn't going to be for you. Take your complaints to IOI's website and let them know directly what your concerns are.

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 14 hours 26 minutes and 03 seconds

Record is 1 days 17 hours 56 minutes and 57 seconds by BARD_BOT

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was butthole which was 0 days 14 hours 49 minutes and 26 seconds

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Theyre all bardfinns

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 06 hours 50 minutes and 41 seconds

Record is 1 days 17 hours 56 minutes and 57 seconds by BARD_BOT

Best friend is ACA with 264 mentions

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In order to pay the people who work on it, as well as manage the overall company and all the responsibilities that come with it, they need money from any source they can get. Don't blame IOI, blame the system they're forced to operate on.

There's no save points because of CAPITALISM :marseylibleft:

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What are they even seething about? Timed missions?

Fricking g*mers, man.

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You can't save in the middle of a mission, which means your poor time management is their fault.

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But you've never been able to save during a mission in Hitman? This isn't a new thing. It's by design, otherwise there'd be no point in observing and planning and all the stuff that make these games different.

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Yes you have you moron. Ever since Silent Assassin to the new games you can save during missions, with an exception for the awful Absolution. There were limited save slots until the WOA trilogy.

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Oh yeah, apparently if you played on little baby b-word mode, some very limited saving was allowed. I didn't know that, always played on the highest difficulty.

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The games always gave you saves after meeting Smith no matter the difficulty, so yes there have always been saves :marseynails:

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But you've never been able to

You don't get it: I am extremely stupid and have an serious lack of accountability.

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For second i thought he meant story stuff. And that is valid complaint in modern day stories.

Little people get trampled under without any reprocusion. Its more and more common to see stories where characters are part of priviliage class and little people are fellating them or just facless mass.

Lot of cases plebs might not even exsist.

I kinda want crpg where you actually help common people with their proplems. Rather then end of the world or proplems of elite.

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I kinda want crpg where you actually help common people with their proplems. Rather then end of the world or proplems of elite.


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God hates poors

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where you actually help common people with their proplems.

Yakuza sidequests

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Nobody cares about zipperfaces

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Your loss

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This one's story is shit anyway, could have used the budget on making a level or two more instead of blowing it on cinematics

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All i could think during gamr is having mission briefing before missio. Kinda military style where target and location is shown.

Or tief styled narated expirience. Just cut the fat and let us play.

Also i want proper military inflatration in nu-hitman style. Mission based. You have set objects on every mission. Espionage. Sabotage. Assasination. Rescue or what ever. You pick out your gear and where you get dropped of and off you go.

Kinda like hitman X metal gear solid ground zero. Or hitman x old splinter cell.

I would go as far as having time limit and day and night cycle. You have 3 days to complete this mission. You can spend 2 days observing and then pick time. At night there is less people around. But guards hear better. But its dark. But you find people in strange places during night shift.

In day there is lot of things happening. Car comming and going. Its easier to find opening. But more people to spot you. But people are working rather then hanging around. You find them only in places where they work. Not hanging around. Its light, but you dont have to be as quiet.

Or do you observe where shift change is happening and take advange of that. Do you find clue about rain drain you can use to get inside. Maybe there is truck you can sneek into coming in on third day. And truck takes you near target.

Maybe there is drill happing on second day and there are less people in base.

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Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him.

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Kinda misses the point tbh

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>crpg where you actually help common people with their proplems

Maybe wasteland 2/3? Post-apocalypse rangers helping people to get their support (plus some big bad)

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Why are people who play the hitman series so darn brainbroken

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Replayability breeds autism

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I played the demo and the first thing you saw was a splash noting how important non cis-white developers were or something. Didn't buy that game, lol.

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Its a good game

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