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Google maps sends you through ghettos where you're more likely to get robbed, r*ped, and murdered because they want to help ""low income communities""

every mayofoid with a chanel purse who walks through the tenderloin to get her mocha chai latte is like a walking $200 donation to zombies in need of fancy jewelry.

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>among the top feature requests

>I fought it loudly

Silicon valley software in a nutshell, add features your users don't want and refuse to let your users do the things they want.

If I had my way they'd all be put in camps.


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My favorite is how Zillow and Trulia hid the demographic info of neighborhoods despite it being one of the most used features

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Google still knows what's up, which is surprising given how hard they've generally cucked the search engine.

Also, back in 2020 the original racial dot map got taken offline. It was a project by the University of Virginia to provide an accurate picture of race in the US based on census data. When it was taken down they issued a half-assed apology coping about how the data was no longer accurate, didn't reflect multiracial individuals, classified Arabs as White, etc. In reality they took it down because all it was being used for was :marseywrongthonk: purposes, and I cannot emphasize in retrospect just how insane everyone went in 2020 when it came to perceived racial injustices. BTW it's incredibly bad practice in academia to take down a dataset once you've made it publicly available, but no one batted an eye here.

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In general the degree to which data and access to data is being fricked with and destroyed and how rapidly it's happened over the last ten years has been by far the biggest thing that got me with rightoids.

It is fricking INSANE to me how orgs that (I think?) used to do cool shit like fight corpos and feds on insane data laws have become completely silent and toothless.

The entire fricking modern computing landscape is about twenty fricking corpos (501(c)3 or otherwise) butt-puppeting modern users in to viewing ads (don't even get me fricking started on how advertising is THE fricking bubble primed for a Great Crash) for garbage shit they don't actually fricking want (coherently extrapolated volition).

All major modern computing platforms (networked or otherwise) are darn near designed at this point to introduce a subtle but deep schizophrenia in end users:

>Computers make everything easier!

>Everything outside of actions benefiting the advertising funnel is difficult or impossible to do.

Take ad-blocking on consumer websites.

Modern computer networking at its lowest fricking conceptual level is about REQUESTING information. The idea that your device can be FORCED to request ADS is offensive on the deepest level to human sensibility. Yet this is the absolute state of things.

Go try to set up system ad-blocking on any stock western consumer phone. I'll fricking wait.

Heck, try setting up any entire-network comprehensive ad-blocking scheme. Outside of serious dedicated computing power and intentionally MITM'ing every fricking device on the network, you can't. You can block some of the idiot-tier ads on consumer apps, but even then, apple has started consolidating ads for apps, running them through apple servers much like youtube does now as well. (The ad originates from the content server, meaning you have to semantically interrogate the data to actually strip out the fricking advertising, vs. separate ad servers where you can just easily block requests to a server)

I write all this to explain that when it comes to serving fricking ads, web tech is ever-evolving and finding new ways to adapt (DNS over HTTPS is in direct response to old/simple adblock methods), but when it comes to actually making computation fricking useful or fun for the end-user? Everything is fricking dead.

This is genuinely one of my favorite things about rdrama: the site is fun, and the fun is semiotic and semantic. The bitches end-users have here are about glitches or for features that would 'un-fun' the user-experience in non-intuitive ways. Combine that with a userbase that covers everything from pharma normie foids to unironic incels and genuine 00s-era oldstrags and you have the closest thing on the modern net that's "like the old web". The admins here act like people, with various, sometimes conflicting desires, and the userbase isn't a gigantic fricking morass of eglin/GPT bullshit like the anon forums have become.

To bring this all home, the internet is increasingly becoming a homogenized mass of bullshit running off of CDNslop. Fight this by effort-posting, by learning how to make your own website and by never, ever, using cloudflare, akamai, AWS or any of that fricking bullshit.

Go rent a VPS, build and colocate a fricking shitbox, whatever it takes, but the only fricking way to stop this shit is by doing what the stragnerds running this rainbow frick-frick festival using AWS as a back-end did: go fricking get your digital 40 acres and a mule.

!followers In which I rant about the ABSOLUTE STATE of modern computation, advertising, rdrama and exhort the reader to go rent a fricking VPS and use nginx to serve some HTML or a ghost/django/etc instance.

!carp i bet this pings you, i'm effortposting about modern UX and trends against users in computers/websites, come effortpost

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don't even get me fricking started on how advertising is THE fricking bubble primed for a Great Crash

When only something like 1/1000 ads I see are relevant to me it makes me wonder how effective they really are.

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!codecels take heed

Rdrama is maybe the only fun site left on the web. If you don't already you should paypig.

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Comments can't be effortposted but I did give you a bunch of awards for a cash payout :carpwholesome:

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:marseyblowkiss: :marseyhearts:

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don't even get me fricking started on how advertising is THE fricking bubble primed for a Great Crash

Elaborate on this? :marseyfluffy:

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What's up with cloudflare?

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Glad you asked! They're a single monolithic entity controlling web-content delivery across almost the entire western internet.

Oh sweet mother of god, holy fricking shit, I didn't realize HOW FRICKING BAD IT WAS:

That is so much worse than I thought it would be.

What a CDN (Content Delivery Network) like Cloudflare or Akamai (lol) actually does is store and provide all the data-heavy stuff that makes modern websites so snazzy and jazzy. You see that rainbow-colored marsey dancing in the very top left corner of this page? Those are kilobytes that every single person loading this web page needs. Multiply that by ~25,000 people, hundreds or thousands of which are loading the website at the exact same time and you start to see why you need serious data capacity to run a website with a large userbase. Heck, this form just let me upload a random picture from my clipboard with zero effort. That data has to go somewhere, and Cloudflare's business model is being that somewhere.

How did the oldstrags let this happen? Well, much like Walmart, Cloudflare provides a necessary service (letting your rinky-dink little server provide concurrent pageloads for MILLIONS of people, if you go viral for example) for very slightly above what it costs. Cloudflare hit the ground running with enough datacenters to make their business model viable, and one does wonder where the heck they got that kind of funding.

These days, Cloudflare offers their entry level services for free. Switching DNS providers isn't difficult, but it's enough of a hassle that once you get all your TXT and MX and SRV records unfricked, you're not going to want to deal with the headache clusterfrick of trying to actually do a zone transfer.

Cloudflare is one of the companies that made Jersh's life a living heck in trying to keep the farms on the internet.

Due to economies of scale, "just start your own CDN" is almost exactly the same prospect as "just start your own Youtube".

Again, the only actual remedy here is for everyone with even maybe the capability to do so to go set up their own website, even if it's just a single shitpost HTML page.

!followers ranting about CDNs in more detail, ANOTHA ONE

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Under current leadership, the monopoly of cloudflare is somewhat bearable. The CEO only caved on kiwifarms once :!marseytrain:s started calling his wave at night.

The day he gets deposed or the company gets in trouble and needs to increase monetization will be very painful.


>Again, the only actual remedy here is for everyone with even maybe the capability to do so to go set up their own website, even if it's just a single shitpost HTML page.

The current small-web, while a :marseytrain: stronghold, is a comfy contender to the alternatives. They have no chance to fight back, it's more of a cry of stubborn neurodivergents into the ether

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Twenty years of 'modern' web history show us that this is a 'when', not an if. No plan based on "surely this corpo won't frick us" has ever survived contact with time.

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cloudflare can also read all the content that flows trough them

they are effectively the an enourmous man-in-the-middle attack . :marseyglow:

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Best practice for finding places far off to move to when I was younger and much more mobile was just going to the Wikipedia page for the town or neighborhood and scrolling down to the demographics section. You want an absolute minimum of 80% non-Latinx white. And it is night and day how different 80% and 90% are. The sweet spot is >95% but things are usually decent at 80+ and good at 90+.

!followers unironically important advice for if you're ever looking to move to another part of the country and want to find out where the good places to rentcel are. Zillow and and shit are incredibly misleading. Always check the demographics. Do not deviate from the strategy above or you will regret it immensely. If you can't find anything not outrageously priced in the good areas, rethink your move and realize it's not salvageable.

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when I was younger and much more mobile

:carpchonker: :carpburger: :carpneckbeard: :carpferaljak:


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Non-rentoids would have read "more mobile" as meaning "rentoid"

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when I was younger and much more mobile


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Do asians count as 2 whites for this?

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Buddy if you find an area with an appreciable Asian percentage and it's not an Asian neighborhood or town, they're gonna be pakis and Indians and shit

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I'm culturally !antibharatiya as a matter of course but tbh there's a bunch of Keralan !Catholics Indian immigrants in my neighborhood with tech/finance jobs and they're really good neighbors.

The incense at a Syro-Malabar Mass makes it smell familiar too. :marseyorthodoxbrap:

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The Intel ones seem fine in my experience too.

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You see we need constant ads in our os so the dumb goy cattle users can be lead to only buying the best products :marseywink:

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Idk, I appreciated being told about all the black-owned businesses I should avoid


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I use the "identifies as woman owned" and "LGBTQ friendly" to filter out fake ethnic restaurants, yjk a real neighbor or ricecel ain't got time to fill those things up

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Do they mean "LGBTQ friendly" as opposed to all the "No queers allowed" businesses? :marseyhmmm:

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It means there's poppers in the bathroom.

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The term you're looking for is "feature bloat"

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Featured bloat is when they write an article about their female engineers on their blog for international women's day.

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!codecels check out this zinger

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Good one buddy

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are you saying you hate women?

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But unironically.

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