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Twitterinos say yes too. Celebrate Juneteenth by killing crackkkers.


Lol the racist neighbor.







You wouldnt get it snow roach:



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Black twitter is the best argument against the Civil Rights Act

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Black twitter is the best argument for why you should always be armed.

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I can't wait for your Rittenhouse arc

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We're one dead neighbor away from roof pizzashill and I can't wait

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The one time I'll support Pizza.

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That and the civil rights act being r-slurred. I can't make a maid cafe in America because of equal employment laws and I have to let any hoodthug BIPOC do business and any communist to be permitted

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What's a maid cafe?

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Degenerate weebshit made 3D. Losers in Japan actually go to a shitty cafe/restaurant where the draw is "femoid in a maid uniform calls me master, brings me food and draws a face with ketchup or bbq sauce on my food." Basically paid to act like an anime girl.

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That shit would probably frickin make bank. Betcha could since hooters tilted kilt and strip clubs etc exist.

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Sounds cosy :marseyfluffy:

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Weird way to say neurodivergent but ok

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Basically just women dress as maids and serve food, imagine hooters but with maid dresses.

Illegal in the US, hooters can do it because they call themselves an acting type of company however they still need to accept applications and hire equally for all woman, including fat black kweens and :!marseytrain:s if they meet requirements

And I'd only want pretty, thin and potentially athletic women working in mine

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gotta be some weebshit :chudjakasian:

in my imagination, it's a coffee shop with baristas in anime-style french maid outfits

sounds exactly like the kind of thing japan would have

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You can just have half of your maids be femboys

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Can't hire selectively by traits so fat old men will join :marseydepressed:

Otherwise I'd be okay with femboy maids

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Its the best argument against the 14th amendment tbqh

Well, that and witnessing BIPOCs in real life

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BLACK :marseymime: twitter :marseybluecheck: is the best argument :marseystrawman: for the civil :marseysaluteconfederacy: rights :marseyslipperyslope2: act.

:marseypopcorntime: :marseygossip:

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lmao they are praising this dude spending life in jail over an insult


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My nigguh Soros finna free him :marseybait:

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Dindu Nuffins... I kneel.

:#niggalivesmatter: :marseykneel:

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There is nobody in America who can claim ignorance on the n-word. Not a single person. It was, and still is, a word meant to attack, victimize, and dehumanize black people. It was and is a weapon of violence.

Really cool that our education system and HR departments have been coopted by this. :#marseyextinction:

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BIPOCs truly are the most pathetic people on earth I first thought. Then I saw fat white people on reddit who pretend to be them and they are a million times worse.

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nah blud took out his opps ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ free my neighbor

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FR FR no cap! Peckerwood has it coming

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Sorry, I don't speak BIPOC-r-slurian, can you repeat in English?

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"Words are violence, chud"

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Blacks are jews without financial education.

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Look even I cannot dig that deep into the rabbit :marseybunny2: hole I am missing :marsey404: the reference here.

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BIPOCs needing more education instead of inherent ability is (ironically) a jewish lie

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>We need mo' money fo' dey programs https://media.giphy.com/media/KFhf8KqsJrCQyk7HmX/giphy.webp

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They look like they're having fun :marseyill:

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Blacks would :marseymid: succeed far more if they stopped using that money :marseycalebhammer: to teach black :marseybipocrentfree: education and instead used it to just teach education.

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It is not hard to imagine the Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) embedded in the Black American psyche, especially when there has been a very noticeable surge in it since 2016 and MAGAism.


Anyone willing to use that word in that context is already committing violence

I refuse to believe this isn't bait

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Ohh yeah the teachers and HR drones were super based and cool before that

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I mean they weren't this bad in America lol :marseysuicide:

Teachers in general are a subgroup that goes along with the prevailing ideology. I'm sure the Frankfurt school has written something about their role in social reproduction that is probably accurate even if they're worms. In Mao's China and in Nazi Germany they were amongst the most enthusiastic supporters helping to rally the youth. Similarly but in the opposite direction, teachers in the US (even just a few decades ago) used to be disproportionately Protestant and patriotic. I can pull citations if you're curious but !historychads might know more offhand without checking.

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Wow that's a lot of words, the milf English teacher who molested you must have taught you well

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Sorry you were too ugly as a child to get groomed by older women. :marseyindignant:

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That's okay, now I'm a grown up champagne socialist and can do the grooming myself ๐Ÿ‘

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>Tfw you didn't get molested by your bpd English teacher senior year of high school while she was trying to warn you about bad girls during a study session are her house that you didn't tell your parents about

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At least during the Cultural Revolution the "le heccin revolutionaries educators dof the Red Youth" were deemed to be reactionaries holding back the cultural evolution of China and were butchered and eaten by their students in large number

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Because they were enthusiastic supporters of the previous regime.

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I have nothing to add you're 100% right lol

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It was and is a weapon of violence.


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Did these people not grow up with multiracial friend groups with everyone saying it and no one caring because it's just a word? :marseyhmm:

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I've been called slurs before and I didn't chimp out and gun the guy down

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Let's see if you could have killed someone and gotten away with it, though

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This is one of those cases where Reddit makes a complete u-turn from their passionate soap boxing about vigilante justice, the death penalty, the level of danger necessary for self defense, and what warrants deadly force. Had this neighbor broke into your house in the dead of night with your wife and children in the bed, then their opinions on all those matters would be the total opposite.

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Don't forget how bad guns are (except when a man with poor impulse control shoots someone for calling him meanie names)

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>This is one of those cases where Reddit makes a complete u-turn from their passionate soap boxing about vigilante justice, the death penalty, the level of danger necessary for self defense, and what warrants deadly force.

Because Reddit normally sympathizes with mentally unhinged people or predatory people who are in actuality "victims of capitalism" or whatever.

But when a privileged person chooses to engage in hatred or some other similar crimes (eg. sexual assault), Reddit sees this as utterly inexcusable - you had every opportunity to not do the bad thing, it would have cost you nothing, yet you chose it anyways - so you deserve whatever happens next. A person who uses this word in this way has knowingly chosen to die.

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As shucks. I need a reddit account.

[โ€“]Foullacy 132 points 21 hours ago

People love to drop the โ€œit's just a wordโ€ to black people whenever someone says the n-word and is met with physical consequences.

You don't have to get punched in the face to understand that hitting people because they said a no-no word is illegal and stupid. Every black person who attacks or kills someone for saying the n-word should serve their time in prison. Their entire community should rightfully chastise them for being so stupid.

That'd get me banned from there definitely. :marseyangel: Easiest bait is simply disagreeing with redditors when they're chimping out over some culture war nonsense.

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Expecting black americans to act like normal humans is stochastic terrorism you CHUD. :soysnooseethe:

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BIPOCmericans are truly a disgrace to the sub-Saharan African immigrants that I have seen.

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Anyone who resorts to murder over being called a BIPOC is definitely proving themselves to be a BIPOC.

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Blacks are the jews without financial literacy.

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There are other articles that state he was being attacked, had attempted to flee, was caught and confronted, was on the phone with 911 and was about to be attacked. But yeah... "words"... /eyeroll

Now do Kylie Rittenhouse you cute fricking twink. I'm sure there is ideological consistency.

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Someone needs to post the video of one of Kyle's attackers calling him the n-word and watch Reddit scramble to justify it.

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One of Kyle's *victims, and black people are allowed to say it, so I'm not even gonna watch the video

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If you can't see how being called the bipoc :marseysouthernbelle4: word after antagonizing, threatening :marseysunflower: and about to attack :marseyeren: someone is grounds :marseygrouns: for pro active self defence shootings, but being actively ran after by a mentally :marseymeds: ill p-dophile :marseycirno: who is 100% gonna :marseyvenn6: at the very least cause grave :marseyzombierising: bodily damage and head trauma is not. Than I can't help you chud .

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People love to drop the โ€œit's just a wordโ€ to black people whenever someone says the n-word and is met with physical consequences.

America will be dealing with the consequences of how we treated black people for the next 200+ years.

You can't dehumanize and subvert the efforts for a better life of an entire race for as long as we have and then expect anything different.

After hearing this some people might come to a conclusion this poster isn't a fan of.

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Yeah the uneducated nigs who say the word a thousand times a day really know the 200 year history of the word. They just know society treats them as a victim when whitey says it .

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Japs could recover from a nuclear bomb, but blacks can't even reach middle class en masse for hundreds of years. Maybe there's a reason they could never succeed. L

Please don't think @Picos_ice_cream stand with Israel.

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Be nice. They are a fragile people. Look what power a word has over them.

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Female level cope, they just look for an excuse to be violent

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It's a word with history and it still doesn't matter that it makes you react with violence.

America will be dealing with the consequences of how we treated black people for the next 200+ years.

We? 200+ years? Praying we have transhumanist Hoteps by then :prayinghands:

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!reportmaxxers the !BIPOCs are having a chimpout again

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I have no sympathy for the dead guy, but from a different angle.

If you antagonize a lower-class bipoc and aren't prepared for violence, it's your fault when your kids end up orphans. Dumb MFer probably swims around kissing Alligators on the mouth and expecting them to not bite. :marseyshrug:


lol, you know this guy is onboard for the ongoing lynching of daniel penny

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True, it's hilarious when chuds think the internet is real life and drop it as if it will win the altercation only to get dropped themselves. If you don't lift, train in combat sports, and stay strapped at all times, and think you can say it as if you're in a community tf2 server, you are a fricking r-slur who relaxed. Never mind being all those things, and properly defending yourself, only to get railroaded by the local justice system because the mob wants blood.

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Of those six comments you linked, this is the only one that might've been made by a Black person. The rest are Yakubians experiencing a !mayomoment. :marseyblackface:

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Guns are le good


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>get chased down and bashed in the head by a skateboard mob. Shooting justified?


>Get called the N word. Shooting justified?



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Why can't black people be normal :#derpwhy:

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yeah but when Kyle Rittenhouse shoots a white guy for using the N Word everyone gets all upset :marseyeyeroll2:

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I don't see how anything sensible comes from reacting to what was said, a word, and more. Society loves to say that it is empathetic and to reform criminals and the world and then to gloat over people like this killing or dying over shit like this.

โ€œI shot and killed him because he said a bad word/slurโ€ is peak r-sluration and society gives an excuse about it because of โ€œjustice servedโ€ and โ€œfrick around and find outโ€. Life is dealing with strags like that who will say stupid shit like that. A way you stoop yourself down to his level is through โ€œfighting backโ€ by fighting, shooting him, stabbing him, killing him, etc. Fighting doesn't solve all your problems, it just makes them worse and shows you don't have proper self-control.

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Until it's the enby who got beat up in school and later died, then it's ridiculous again

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There is nobody in America who can claim ignorance on the n-word. Not a single person. It was, and still is, a word meant to attack, victimize, and dehumanize black people. It was and is a weapon of violence."

Me to piss people off and flex what little power I have online:

BIPOC :#marseyxd:

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White fragility is when white people get offended when you call them racist. Black fragility is when an entire race is so sensitive that a single word is meant to trigger them into a violent stupor

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BIPOCs suck.

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Chewbacca was black coded

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>get called a BIPOC

>act like a BIPOC


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  • Jeet_K_Rool : Rule 3: No racism outside of /h/chudrama














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If you go into the lore of the purge movies the violence :marseyww1british2: is justified because every purge begins with loudspeakers across the US blaring BIPOC :marseydoit: with an hard R. This is why the purge is one of the few hollywood movies with the least amount of black :marseyblops2chadcel: people. Chimp out extinction event.

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"this isn't who he was" "not a racist bone in his body" blah blah blah

he wuz a good boy, went to church erry sunday he wuz gunna be an asternaut or a doctor

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As usual, I side with the shooter

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ITT: coping mayos

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I choked a kid out in high school for saying something I didn't like. I get it.

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Can't see a negative consequence in giving a group of people a pass for any and all bad behaviour as long as they do an equivalent of South Park's 'they're coming right for us!'

I do wonder how they'd react if a black man r*ped a white woman because she did the same thing.

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