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I discovered once that there are "people" who find bonsai trees upsetting and abusive. A real black pill moment.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Bonsai trees are so fricking cool and I really want to grow and tend my own oak and weeping willow bonsai but I'm too scared of failure


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You can just buy one from the store for $30 and then gradually over water it to death it's much easier to do it that way.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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Don't even try. Those fricks are deceptively difficult to keep alive and I don't even know why. Maybe because of how intensely contorted and pruned they tend to be it weakens their tree-soul or something. Anyway, I had one and it died. I have a full sized non-b-word weeping willow on my property and I never had any trouble keeping that alive so I know it's not a me problem.

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turns out playing god is a lot harder than you thought. trees belong outdoors

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They belong inside their natural habitat: the Rainforest Cafe

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If that were true then my tree wouldn't be trying to constantly grow into my fricking window

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your window was talking shit, the tree's fixing to kick its sash

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You probably should have conducted some s*x magic rituals to renew its life force.

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I'll try that next time I feel like raising a bonsai. Do you know if using blood in the ritual is beneficial to tree life force?

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No, needs c*m

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Turns out that keeping a tree under extremely constrained conditions and not letting it grow creates a plant just on the edge of life that will die at the slightest additional hardship

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trees grow outside on their own. how could you fail at growing a tree?!

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You can do it, Carp. You are a caring human being with a beautiful soul, and plants feel and respond to that :marseytree:

Also, if it dies, you can just get a new one and try again

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You will never be a bansai tree farmer. You have no seeds, you have no clippers, etc.

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It's easier to just buy a pre-dead bonsai

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Reminds @Featherina_Fabulousa of that episode in ugly americans where the soy OC can't keep a plastic plant

so long live the ccp

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Conflating plastic plants with miniature tree growing through extremely precise pruning and bending and containing from seed that people make a fortune doing with decades of practice is more indicative of soy than whatever netflix slop you're on about


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Yes I'd like too know more about you're ancient technique of pruning roadside shrubs

Yet too hear of someone making their fortune by finding the best seed in-between the cement cracks of Hanoi's slums. That fentanyl infused drunkard piss must give it great qualities.

Long live the ccp

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Wait til you find out what people think of bonsai kittens


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People younger than 30 won't get it.


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Trees deserve to be punished. They're male feminists, murderers and blasphemers reincarnated.

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Fricking trees blasting their jizz all over my car spring.

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@Featherina_Fabulousa's sinuses agree


long live the ccp

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i saw karate kid, shit movie, shit tree

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MUH GLOBAL SOUTH :hysterical:

anyone who has ever unironically said global south should be killed

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Global south except including a load of countries north of the equator and excluding australia and new zealand (except abos and maori) and japan but it's not just "poor brown people" because that's racist even though nobody who's white (or Italians) is allowed to be included

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Pretty much

Ukraine has a GDP per capita like 1/3 that of Mexico but hey they're just same as France because people who speak a modern dialect of Latin and not consonant salad are mysterious third worlders.



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Also I just noticed this twatterer defending pagan rituals is using a Sacred Heart pfp. What's going on? :marseyitisfinished:

Why do leftoids always pretend !latinx !pinoypride people support this nonsense? Is it because the token minorities they keep around on campus actually feed into it?

The Filipino history subreddit always has :marseyradfem: asking about "what if animist practices were retained?" type hypotheticals and the :asianchud: :marseychadyes: are quick to tell them it's a ridiculous idea and that they should be wondering about a total pacific islands caliphate instead. :marseylulz:

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!andale andale yippa yippa

@ACA love sucking peepee in Latin America

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Probably should include Italians

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And a completely gerrymandered East Asia where South Korea is in the North and North Korea is in the South.

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It's a convenient word to describe the corrupted BIPOC shitholes all around the World. :marseyimam: :marseytunaktunak: :marseychingchong: :marseypregunta:

What else should we use, then? "Third World" has been obsolete ever since the Iron curtain fell.

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  • The US

  • Not the US

Found 162 Coins!

A Mimic Ate 95 Coins


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this neighbor doesn't respect the southside :marseydisgust:

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Western colonialism was a mistake because it created creatures like these

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tbh most of the people in her replies defending stonehenge are "white" greentards explaining how we must atone for the original sin of not living like a savage. They're the ones who feed this horseshit

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At least when the child sacrifice rituals start occurring outside of the doctor's office we'll remember why our ancestors converted.

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Hear me out, if we killed all these people at the Pyramid of TeotihuacΓ‘n, I think we can get Mother Nature to be happy again.

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:marseyclapping2: :marseyclapping2: :marseyclapping2: And that is why their voices should be uplifted in these conversations. It's also why activists should be listening to and uplifting global south and indigenous climate activists instead of refusing to acknowledge their existence. :marseyclapping2: :marseyclapping2: :marseyclapping2:

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I have attempted to community note them


Can you see this/brigade it?

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>rocks are inert

Can you please stop this colonialist propaganda? :chudseethe:

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"My people used to ride these babies for miles."

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Why in modern times is "actually I worship rocks" a winning rhetorical move instead of a reason to ignore a person for being an idiot?

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because women were allowed out of the home 200 years ago

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Remember β€œactually 2+2 isn't always 4”?

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Dont worry its still a reason to ignore them

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Are indigenous people just crystal bitches?

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Are people with micropeepeees more likely to look androgynous?

Because looking at this niamh person i'm about 60% sure they're male.

And they seem to be very very angry at big impressive phallic things.

Or are they just hoping to go to jail, because the last time anyone remembered they existed was when they were bullied in high school.

Meek and sad.

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Listen to it's voice and you will know this is a foid. Peepee envy from an individual that can't even have a micropeepee.

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I couldnt believe when he said he was 21. That dude will make a fine bottom one day, when he actually reaches puberty.

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People on twitter having insanely long discussions using their own made up circle-jerk academic bullshit terminology has got to be the final sign of the absolute decline of our civilization. What the frick are any of these people TALKING about? :derpwhy:

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nothing lol. this isn't how talking works. they're flexing and exercising their rhetorical devices. it's crap

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:marseysweating: yeah haha we would never do that here

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Dumb honkey's don't understand that anything that can be interacted with (rocks, weather, cumshots, fire, etc.) were considered "alive" to indigenous groups.

That never stopped them from raping and pilaging, it's just a different way to view the world around us.

They also thought dreams were real, which is a superior mindset because that mean's I really did frick your mom that one time.

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holy shit who do you think the indigenous people of the UK are

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I'm so happy that people need to spend time and effort sweeping up the mess both figuratively and literally of climate activists. The attempt at rationalization will turn more people off of green party nonsense than the original vandalism.

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I hate these people. Everyone involved. Their nonsensical screeching about "indiginous people of global south" tells me they have never been to the global south, beacuse ive been all over and people dont give a frick about nature anywhere in the global south. Particularly not in fricking india where this lady is from. Its deceptive bullshit tailored to win over stupid western people.

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Did any of you guys notice she has her own website in her bio?


the consultancy page lmao

I am an award-winning Earth Scientist with specialisms in strategic planning for learning, engagement and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. I offer consultancy services for museums, charities, arts organisations, learned societies, NGO's, corporate business and local government covering:

unironically this person could die tomorrow and the world would not, in any way, be worse off. she provides nothing to humanity or civilization.

edit: look at her resume


BSc Earth Science (Kingston University)

PhD Geography (University of Southampton)

she has a PhD in Geography, not Geology. Lol. Lmao.

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how do you even get a phd in geography? i feel like where shit is is a pretty solved problem. what research is being done here? lmfao

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I think this is her dissertation.


The role of grain behaviour in subglacial deformation

The aim of this thesis is to examine subglacial deformation through the interaction of grains at the micro-scale and characterise such behaviour to rheological deformation.

Research on grain behaviour continued in the form of micromorphological analysis. This study has developed a new semi-automated technique for microfabric analysis using digitising and an orientation program. For thin section analysis, a modified micromorphological classification scheme is proposed, which utilises geological terminology rather than soil science based nomenclature. The scheme also incorporates a new suite of structures identified during the course of this study. These new structures are prominently rotational in behaviour and are present across a wide range of Quaternary diamictons and contemporary sediment facies. Among many findings, subglacial deformation microstructures have been identified in sediments interpreted to be lodgement tills. The most intriguing microstructure found during this study is a grain plaster feature. This is a matrix layer that surrounds the grain and comes in many forms. Microfabric analysis on the plaster layer revealed an oriented fabric parallel to the grain edge, suggesting a rotational forming mechanism. Studies of grain behaviour across sequences exhibiting increasing homogenisation were also conducted. Micro-scale features are found to survive homogenisation, unlike macro-scale structures, by dispersion and diffusion into the surrounding matrix where strain is distributed.

Grain behaviour can be used to characterise rheological behaviour. During plastic deformation grain bridging is a dominant mechanism where threshold failure points are reached quickly by grain fracture. As grain size breaks down the matrix cushions interparticle stresses, so that components in the bridge slide out and disperse into the deforming matrix. As deformation becomes distributed across the finer matrix a transition to steady state viscous (or pseudo-viscous) rheology occurs. In this environment grains rotate through the fabric as individual components, dispersing and diffusing entrained bedrock material.

No idea where you can actually download the paper, but that's the abstract. Trying to read past all the pointless jargon, it sounds like it's looking at rocks from beneath glaciers under a microscope and looking at the microscopic structures, observing that as the rocks obviously get worn and moved by the glaciers above, the microstructures remain fairly intact. Hard to tell though and I'm not going to actually look up any of those terms.

It, ironically, sounds more like a geology dissertation than a geography one. I wonder if she has a typo on her own resume lmao.

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Actually looks like a real phd dissertation in the being extremely boring, most likely pointless but conducted very thoroughly way

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Better bust out that metakour projection

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how is this real life

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the right loves rules for radicals 'make them play by their own rules'

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I hope this reminds us all that when we β€œdiscovered” the earth loving rock worshippers they were cannibals who spent most of the day sniffing each others asses and they shouldn't ever be in a position to chastise us for not thinking that sniffing each others asses is a worthwhile enterprise.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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Why he shrugged? :marseyshook:

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he is atlas

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NVM that's a pooner :marseypoonerretard:

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Niamh is a female name, they just have short hair

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Chances that they're an enby are very high.

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Do the reservations have a different climate zone than the rest of burgerland and leafland? :#marseyquestion:

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Yes, an alcoholic climate.

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"Hello, my name is [not a real name] and I'm as twatish as you expected. My parents bought me into Oxford".

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noooooooo no the heckin rocks :soycry:

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A country populated with people named β€œNiamh” pronounced β€œNaeve” is simply not a serious place.

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>For millions of Indigenous & Global South ppl across the world..


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This whole thing is like some fractal of r-sluration

Every time you think you reached the bottom a whole new pattern appears

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everyone involved in this bickering should be forced to work on a farm with no electricity for the remainder of their lives

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I mean, I agree that Stonehenge is more than just rocks if only in a symbolic way.

I think she's just using their shitlibbery against them in advanced form.

To read #Stonehenge another way: It is a pretty good example of anthropocentric carving up of landscapes to reconfigure materials to create a new spectacle for human pleasure. The sacredness of the stone & its ecological communities were disrespected long ago in its creation.


This is a "white" Angloid btw.

Yeah, so if we're going to survive, it's not going to be from living in harmony with Gaia, who's been trying to kill is since birth. It's going to be by buck breaking the planet, solar system, galaxy, and universe.

This is a desperate action, and VERY contentious, any thoughts on how t raise the profile of a sustainable future. Even though many people raise this concern v. limited election comments on what's required, slow incremental change regards climate change not fast enough, thoughts

lmao these r-slurs are religious fundamentalists lacking a deity and have replaced it with "nature" (a meaningless construct based on aesthetics)

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Shitlib colored foids are the worst

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Hah. wtf..

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I have no idea what's going on. I need some one to explain this.

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what happens is when you let people whinge about oppression when they are rich and soft, others will get the same idea and eventually we end up at the place where people are cancelled for saying rocks aren't spirits or w/e it's all stuipd

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Usually I don't care about vandalism, but stone henge is fricking awesome. Idiot deserves to be sent to the gulags

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Oh, go crawl back into DeuxRAMA, or GoldandBlack, or whatever other gross anarchocapitalist incel spawnpit you originally crawled out of. Mammals are talking here, Pepe.














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