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Reddit actually likes billionaires as long as they take an international flight to a poor country just to get a haircut.


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TIL that IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad (who started the company when he was 17) flew coach, stayed in budget hotels, drove a 20 yo Volvo and always tried to get his haircuts in poor countries. He died at 91 in 2018 with an estimated net worth of almost $60 billion.

Let's do this Sneedman style again. Tessa Fowler is the femme du jure.

!coomers behave


:soyjakwow: My favorite anecdote about him: "Even though he had a car, Kamprad often used the bus. In fact, he was once refused entry into a gala because he had arrived on the bus. He had to attend the event to receive a 'businessman of the year' award."


:soysnootypefast: He also liked to eat lunch at IKEAs, preferably before noon, when the coffee was free. :soysnootypefast: Oh, and also, he was an active member of the Swedish nazi movement in the 40s


True to the region he grew up in, he was stingy.

!chuds it is okay to label an entire race as monetarily stingy :marseymerchant:


:soycry: A lot of it is myth that he carefully crafted. He most definitely drove Porsches and luxury cars, lived in mansions in Switzerland, flew private jets. They peddled this story so that when IKEA really fricked up (cutting down virgin forests, using prisoners as cheap labor, etc.), they sent out Kamprad in a off brand suit where he yapped about being a simple man and that mistakes were made, blah blah, the media fawned over it and the issue forgotten.


Whatever all this haircut nonsense is




"Nobody needs $60B" and something about Costco


This concludes my effortpost.



!alligatorfrickhouse and !fhqwhgads I forgot to say hi

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Sounds like an insufferable cheapskate

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Like that billionaire who got caught getting handies at the cheapest handjob masseuse parlors.

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>that billionaire who got caught getting handies at the cheapest handjob masseuse parlors.

:#godiwishthatwereme: !coomers

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Robert Kraft, owner the New England Patriots

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Handies are hotter when you can see the broken desperation in the girl's eyes.

So they say.....

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This but unironically

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a lap dance is better when the stripper is crying

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"lol" as much as you want but the guy's got experience :marseysoyjak:

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Cheap hookers try harder and are more responsive to tips.

He probably did it because he was a cheap bastard though.

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I'm sorry Marsey

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Ty bb :#marseysalutepride:

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Reddit is so fricking gay. Fake facts argued against other fake facts

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I saw this thread yesterday where someone got 21 upvotes for claiming men who kill their partners gets 2-6 years in jail on average: https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/comments/152j7qj/i_watched_a_documentary_on_caril_fugate_and/

True crime-cels are especially r-slurred though for some reason.

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There's no fricking way that's true. Being female is literally the biggest advantage you can have when it comes to criminal sentencing. Bigger than being white, bigger than being educated, bigger than being rich. It can't possibly be that different for this one specific crime. !nooticers, time for some research. :marseydetective:

First, let's start with the linked source, an ACLU publication from 2006. They have a citation at the bottom for this claim. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1989. No specific report, just the organization and year. Unfortunately, they don't link to it, and I can't exactly track down every single publication the NCADV put out that year, so we're gonna have to go deeper than that and try to find some sentencing information from around that time. :marseyinvestigate:

A quick bit of Googling turned up this executive summary of Spouse Murder Defendants in Large Urban Counties, published by the U.S. Department of Justice in 1995. The data itself is from 1988, so while it may not be whatever data the NCADV was using, it's close enough for government work (:carlos:). It's also only urban areas, but I doubt the sentencing was all that different in rural areas. Plus, the homicide rate in urban areas is a Heck of a lot higher, so this is a significant portion of the spousal murders that year. And fortunately for us, they've got the exact information we need in a helpful visual on the very first page. :marseyreading:


According to this, women who were convicted of spousal murder got 6 years, whereas men got 16.5 years. Given that the initial claim from the ACLU (and possibly the NCADV) was that men get 6 years and women get 15 years, my supposition is that they had a document similar to this one, possibly from a slightly different year, and somehow got the numbers backwards. What !r-slurs. :marseygigaretard:

And that actually downplays the sentencing disparity. 19% of women who were convicted received probation, relative to 6% of men. In other words, women who were convicted of murdering their spouse were over three times as likely to not even receive a prison sentence. They got to walk out of the courthouse with a criminal conviction, but free as a bird. :eaglebikini:

Also of note is the conviction rate itself. 70% of women were either convicted or pled guilty, whereas 87% of men fell into that category. Beyond that, women who went to trial had a 31% chance of being found "not guilty", while only 6% of men who went to trial managed to convince a jury to find in their favor. Heck, women were 45% more likely than men to not even be prosecuted. :marseyyass:

So there you go. By every conceivable metric, women who are accused, charged, and/or convicted of murdering their husband are better off than men who are accused, charged, and/or convicted of murdering their wife. Or at least, they were in 1988. I could find more recent data to see if this is still the case, but I don't actually care enough to do any more research into deboonking this particular !foidmoment of a claim. :debunked:

HUGE ADDENDUM: I failed to notice something initially. Check this out:

  • Of the 100 wife defendants tried by either a judge or jury, 31% were acquitted. But of the 138 husband defendants tried, 6% were acquitted.

  • Of the 59 wife defendants tried by a jury, 27% were acquitted. But of the estimated 91 husband defendants tried by a jury, none was acquitted.

So I was wrong when I said "only 6% of men who went to trial managed to convince a jury to find in their favor." In reality, 0% of men who went to trial managed to convince a jury to find in their favor. It was the ones that went before a judge that had a snowball's chance. :marseyjudge:

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Yeah it's the exact opposite of the truth, but Reddit feminists still believe it:


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Putting this in my summary would've cluttered it up, but I know you frickers aren't clicking the link, so here's the methodology:


This study is based upon a systematic sample of murder cases disposed of in the 75 most populous counties in 1988. A case was considered disposed if the prosecutor screened it out, if the defendant pleaded guilty, or if the defendant went to trial and was either convicted or acquitted. The 75 are where a little over half of all murders in the Nation occur.

Spouse murder defendants in the sample were drawn from State prosecutor files in 33 of the 75 counties. The counties were widely scattered, from Los Angeles and San Diego, Denver and Dallas, to Philadelphia and Dade County (Miami). For each defendant, data collectors filled out a lengthy questionnaire and prepared a brief narrative from file information. Prosecutor files include such items as the police arrest report, investigator reports, and information on how the case was disposed. Questionnaires and narratives are the sources of data for this report.

The same database used in this report was previously analyzed by John M. Dawson and Barbara Boland (Murder in Large Urban Counties, 1988, BJS Special Report, NCJ-140614, May 1993) and by John M. Dawson and Patrick A. Langan (Murder in Families, BJS Special Report, NCJ-143498, July 1994).

It doesn't specify which 33 counties they used, but we're probably looking at ~25% of spousal murders from that year. Again, no rural data, but I just can't see that changing anything. :marseyshrug:

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Just recently court systems have started to go after female teachers who frick their students. But lot of them get dropped or get slap in wrist.

But foids need to be victims of ebil males.

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True crime-cels

Just say women.

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Truecrime is so fricking r-slurred in that they're trying to all be investigators but then fly off on tangents based on something like "They looked confused, therefore the moid made them do it" or "I watched this documentary and it convinced me!" yeah no shit, a TV show that isn't a good source of information, is biased, and probably has precluded a bunch of information.

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have you seen "graphology" foids? :marseyworried:

I've been meaning to make an effort post on this topic

:marseywomanmoment2: "yuh I saw a scrap of his handwriting and the consistent shape of his "e" definitely shows rigidness and fakeness hiding psychopathy if you get a look at the "j" over there"

:marseyfoidretard: "total psycopath "j", though placed in other circumstances it would be a repression j"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17189149917272172.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17189149919229302.webp

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Holy shit this is r-slurred


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!tops tag yourselves. I'm apparently “Selective S*x Pot” or “Intimate Enthusiast” :marseyinsane:

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Sexually frustrated or falling apart


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All my friends now hardcore party (10pm - 6am) and I just don't enjoy pubs and discos anymore :marseynerd2:

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Intimate enthusiast :marseyill:

:marseyworried: Uhhh, I mean you're not getting my handwriting info :marseyglow2:

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I'm falling apart! :marseyhands: Good thing I don't believe in this foid nonsense. :marseygigachad:

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Heady lover apparently LMAO

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I love blowjobs too. :marseyfluffy:

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sexually frustrated, checks out

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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This bullshit used to be big around mid-20th Century. I'd like them to explain how giving someone a little adderal radically changes their handwriting but not their personality so much.

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I used to entertain myself (and try to stay awake) in long lectures by trying to write with a different handwriting every day

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:marseyfacepalm: This is one of those bullshit "WHAT YOUR X SAYS ABOUT YOU" clickbait videos.

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Those same women on the way to argue thats a good thing a month later

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What would :marseymid: you expect from the crowd that worshipped Nancy Grace?

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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And all swallowed uncritically because it's the :marseyakshually: response to whatever is in the first thing

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Somehow it's "not hoarding wealth" and wholesome 100 to refuse to spend any money and take billions of dollars to the grave, as long as you don't own nice things

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ikr billionaires

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Whatever all this haircut nonsense is


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women aren't even that wasteful

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She's fat

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you: fat


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yea fat

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Fat titted

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Yeah dem titties FAT

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Why the pictures of the big tittied chick?

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Oh that's just filler material to pad the post. Standard journ*list move to fill the page.

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NYPost does this, every day there's at least one hot chick on the homepage

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Dude sounds awesome

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Nah, bet he doesn't even tip landlords

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This lady really just has no butt, huh?

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She is capable of sitting down. Let's focus on the positives.

@ACA love sucking peepee -- this is @ACA's forced chud award slogan.

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Her tits took all the nutrients :marseyitsover:

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using prisoners as cheap labor

They at least mention this, but being reddit they can't say it was East German political prisoners. Because East Germany could never do anything wrong.

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The triple-victimization of Eastern Europe between the fighting of the Nazis and Soviets and Independent Actors was particularly tragic.

@ACA love sucking peepee in Minecraft

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What's so morally good about being rich and driving a shitbox? So you just sequester capital like a Ghawar Field of NEETbux. For what? To give a few thousand more to some scam of an NGO?

You could buy a new G Wagen, hookers, blow, and Whole Foods prepared meals every day and not come close to spending 5% of your wealth. At least you allow people to recover some of the liquidity.

(It's funny that they all think themselves nothing like XTIANS and yet their morality and worldview is directly lifted from Puritanism minus God. If you wear burlap sacks, Science will be pleased and allow you entry into the right side of history)

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Wow that bimbo SUCKS

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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@ACA love sucking peepee for @ACA's lord and saviour Jesus Christ

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Big tits. Goomah

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