Gaijin walks into r/japancirclejerk to show local sushi people that he "totally isn't like those OTHER Gaijin"

Our honolable son of the rising sun in learning tries in vain to show his fellow Japanese how he is one of them by blood and soul

"My girlfriend forced me to watch Anime"

"I only learned Japanese because Spanish seemed boring" the stranger cries, but it's too late. The honorable mayo has already fallen for the trap of the kamikaze people.

He proceeds to be fricked with by all other local residents while showing 0 self awareness.

:marseyweeb: :marseyneckbeard:

Will he ever reach his dream of Japanese engineer, dead bedroom and wife and son that dont respect him? I pray to my dakimura for this honorable samurai.


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Lol this guy is fricking r-slurred. So he either didn’t get into Stanford or he’s a larping high school student or something. Stanford runs the Yokohama IUC, the most renowned advanced language school in Japan. You can do a semester abroad at literally any college.

But the best part is the “I did cross country, we slowly for an hour.” This r-slur is saying it took him a fricking hour to run a 5K, so he’s likely straight up obese. Like imagine being so neurodivergent that you brag about how horrible you were at something.

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