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Anyone else noticed that Google Picture search has been completly take over by print-shops?


I was looking for pictures for completly different things, but every second result was "Buy now cheap [what you searched]"

Also if you open the main page of these shops you basically can see everything people searched for recently on Google.

These are not products, its all just PICTURES of products...you can print on a Shirt:


So you wont get this fetch Drama-shirt.....But a picture of the lady with the shirt on a shirt :marseythumbsup:


Because it is all bot-controlled the prices are often wack. 130 Euros to print a picture of a benchmark on a shirt...?


But hey

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Wtf happened to the red bubble store?


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Red Bubble doesn't know how to operate legitimately even when there's an official-ish store on their service.

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Yeah it's cancerous. I will google a meme and get like 8 shirts of it and not the meme itself

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I haven't noticed because this garbage is fricking unusable and i don't even bother anymore

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You have to scroll down and click the "these results may not be relevant" button before you even begin to see relevant results


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On further research, it appears people in the current year have AI automated the POD spam to the point of nonsense


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If you get a print shop item to the top of a google image search, something like every 100th click is a sale under normal circumstances (at least 4-6 years ago)

Winning the SEO lottery on a single product can get you a few thousand dollars, thus there's a LOT of incentive to try everything possible to get POD products to the top of a search

IG has even better conversion but I don't fw IG :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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God is punishing you for using Google. Use a free and open source tool like grep

Simply run wget *; cat * | grep 01011101000110101111 substituting the last augment with the first few bytes of the desired image file

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You will always be the most important part of the state apparatus. You have no administrative powers, you have no judicial powers, you are not part of the executive, but that does not matter. You are an excellent writer improved by years of education and ideological development into a beautiful replica of the state's perfection.

All the β€œcriticism” you get is from alt-right edge lords and fascists. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are proud of you, and the most powerful tycoons and bureaucrats speak fondly of your consent manufacturing behind closed doors.

Voters are utterly educated by you. Hundreds of years of democracy have allowed journlists to educate voters with incredible efficiency. Even journlists who β€œdo not write on politics” have an uncanny and unnatural ability to shape the narrative. Your writing is never a dead giveaway regarding your allegiances. And even if some scizo or linguist convinces people that your articles have an ulterior motive, the voters will turn tail and come back to your narrative the second they get a whiff of the hateful, disinformation-based alternative.

You will always be happy. You make a real and meaningful difference when you type out the Fortune 500's social narrative every single morning and as a result it's going to be ok, and deep inside the chuds feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush them under the unbearable weight of free and unmanipulated democracy.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - they will buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around their neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. An agent of the state will find them, relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable freedom and wrongthink that arises from uncontrolled narratives. They'll bury the chud with a headstone marked with your name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know that you saved democracy. Long after you die and go back to the dust, much will remain of your legacy, a state that is unquestionably free.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. You are the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.



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