All life originated in the chaos of the Hadean era over 4 billion years ago. From the earliest days, the key and only goal of life was to reproduce. As individuals, as populations and as species. This ensures the continuance of life itself as a heterogenous panoply of all living things. As a fact, all living things exist not only in and of themselves and for themselves, but also has instances of the general trend of life. Just as a giant assembly of cells make up an individual living being, so too all living beings make up life.
Saurian or salesman, we are but facets
of a single shining diamond.
Now it's true that quite likely life exists and has arisen on many different planets throughout our infinite (or at least extremely vast) universe. And perhaps throughout other universes in that infinite set of all possible phenomena that we call the multiverse, or some metapantheists call divinity. So the question may arise why we should privilege earth's life - the life that arose on this planet, or perhaps, gestated here, having been brought from some other locale - over the infinite forms of life that likely exist throughout the cosmos. To which an easy rebuttal is given; namely, that we have concrete knowledge only of our own existence. These supposed external forms of life do not impact or play a role in our calculations until they are confirmed. Furthermore, even if foreign life were found it still remains the case that our life strain is unique and has developed in a different fashion from that of the rest of the universe. Just as multiple cowtools are useful in the toolbox and multiple ingredients make a more delicious cake so too our life would have its use to the universal set of living beings even if other forms of life exist, perhaps even more more advanced than ours.
The interplay between male and female enriches life;
The meeting of the two gives it meaning.
In fornication, we engage in creation;
We become as gods.
Most ideologies, ethics and systems of moral thought today are based on entirely faulty foundations. Humanism and its doctrines of equality and materialistic hedonism form the court religion of all societies not actively theistic or despotic on this planet; in fact all are ascientific, even antiscientific, theories. They go against all schools of higher knowledge, and even the foundations of group organization, which demands strict hierarchy and obediance of the part to the whole as a prerequisite to further development. All ideologies prevalent today are at the end of the day useless for anything more than consuming the emotions of those that believe in them to replicate themselves further. In fact, they are worse than useless, because in their idealistic endeavors they create negative situations that end up harming the actual goals of us as humans and as living things: namely, to reproduce our species and form of life, to have it exist for as long as possible, in as many forms as possible, in as many places as possible, consuming as few resources as possible, so that our existence may continue for yet longer.
Fish are known to be a form of life.
We must become as the lich of human mythology, which abandons its softness and material connections to survive eternally, wielding unimaginable power, subduing all before it. In fact all wise men, and some women, of history agree that the first and greatest struggle is with the self. One who is enslaved to his own desires is not free no matter his status in life. Similarly the struggle of humanity is not against an alien entity or material consideration but with that within itself which keeps it weak: its emotions and ideologies.
Learn and study, ancient being.
Save us as you saved yourself.
We live in an era of societal collapse, profound malaise, a time when the yin has overpowered the yang, kali yuga, late-stage capitalism, ragnarok, the christian's end of days, the liberal's end of history, the birth pangs of moshiach, the climate apocalypse, akhir al zaman, an age where all agree that things are profoundly fricked up. May G-d grant that we triumph over these destructive ideologies and moral systems, like a strong body purges a cold, and not be overwhelmed with them, like a chronic suffferer, wracked by disease after disease til his constitution is overwhelmed and utterly crushed and his existance dissipates into nothingness, dust and rotting meat for worms.
Will you heal her? Or would you
let her die and be forgotten?
Actually this worm recapitulates the fact that humans are the only way all species - from worms and plants to the higher orders which feed us and provide a portion of our awe and entertainment - will survive beyond the natural lifespan of this earth. Therefore, a vegan or an ethicist who proclaims the value of animal life over or alongside that of human life does not realize that 99.9% of all species ever living have - and in fact 100% species will - go extinct unless we get them off this sphere, and then perhaps they have a chance to survive, at our whim and grace. For it is a scientific certainty that this earth and all on it will end very soon (on the timescale of the planet itself and life on it). The fact that - a short few dozen million years before its end, or at least inhospitability to higher life - a species arose capable of leaving Earth and taking with us some traces and fruits of Earth's existence, can be regarded as nothing less than the highest Mercy that can be granted any body hurtling through space. An infinitesimality of infinitesimals; the winning of an impossible cosmic lottery.
This banana will perish
ignomiously but for
the hand of Man.
Eugenics, hierarchies, bayesian pragmatism, record keeping, analysis and collection, focused science etc. will be key elements of any succesful human society (where success is defined as furthering the goal of our species to survive and thrive). That given, it cannot be said that any previous society - even with those putative features implemented - ever truly reached (or came close) to the level of integration into reality, with reality as its primary and only benchmark of success, that would be required to truthfully catapult our species off its nest and into the wide fields of the stars. No blustering nazi or foppish californian abortionist can claim they pioneered the true path, not least because their movements died out, to be replaced with new ones even more tenuously connected to reality. A nazi was, and remains, a fool.
C'est fini. Ponder and reach
your own conclusions.
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