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/r/politics is very mad that Nate Silver's forecast has Trump in the lead with 66% chance of winning the election, 0 upvotes and 261 comments


For those who don't understand it... I would say to them: Think of your friends who will likely be killed if Republicans are able to get the level of control they aspire to and will probably achieve in another Trump term. By not voting, you condemn them to death. Our blood will be on your hands, and if your "principles" are comfortable with seeing us die so you can feel very temporarily better about yourself, you aren't a leftist, you're just an embarrassed Republican.

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Lmaooo it isn't even a pro-Trump article, it's just an article that has a positive outlook for Trump (whether they like it or not)

I've never seen such impotence as an /r/politics user furiously downboating something Trump-positive :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseyrofl:

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I fear that this post having 0 upvotes might be a symptom of our worsening head-in-the-sand-itis.

You aren't wrong lol we need outside opinions to check out biases from time to time, nobody is immune to group think or being stuck in an echo chamber where you only ever see opinions that back your own.

Now does that mean we should seriously consider blatant misinformation or propaganda? Absolutely not. But I don't think Nate falls into those categories.

I'm interested to see how many people actually read the article. It's obviously not perfect, no polling or projection is. But trump outperformed the polls both times in 2020 and 2016. Luckily Biden had such a big lead in 2020 it didn't matter, but now, it seems we're at a toss up at best, and Biden behind at worst.

Now obviously with the Roe V Wade overturning things have been relatively good for Democrats, and hopefully that can continue to carry some weight, but we've yet to see how it effects a presidential election.


People in these threads acting like people down-voting this means anything for the election.

/r/politics isn't going to have an effect on the election. Sorry to burst that bubble.

We could downvote every story into oblivion or every story to the top and that would still be true.


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If I downvote this information it means this outcome is not possible.

:marseymath: :marseystealthygeek:

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you have to be a certified r-slur to comment this:

Breaking news: Right Wing publication supports Right Wing polling.

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>DAE Nate Bronze lololollolol


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nate silver fricked your mom


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What publication do you think is publishing this personal subtack, r-slur?

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Think of your friends who will likely be killed if Republicans are able to get the level of control they aspire to and will probably achieve in another Trump term.

I want to live in a world were rightoids are even half as competent as deranged leftoids think they are.

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Here's how Bernie can still win

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>Nate Silver's forecast has Trump in the lead with 66% chance of winning the election

Alright, then, that settles it: Donald Trump is going to lose. :cryingtrumpjak:

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This is Bernie's chance. He can still win!!!

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"Think of your friends who will likely be killed"

They really just are dreaming night and day of the Fourth Reich, aren't they? and they'll be both the heroic Resistance and the victims being tied up and made into s*x slaves by the Aryan Ubermensch.

I half-wish these fantasies would come true, that there was a real chance of these people being rounded up and executed, but that's not going to happen in the USA to stupid white college kid lefties.

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If people truly want to surrender their rights and hand over their future to an anti-democracy, traitorous criminal, be my guest. America would cease to be the envy of the world in terms of being a credible nation that champions democracy, and the American people would rightly be seen as the dumbest sad sacks in history for throwing it all away.

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I can't tell which candidate you're talking about

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