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Nobody cares what republicans rally behind, republicans are always going to vote republican because they're cucks. What matters is swing voters and indie voters.

Trump will likely embarass himself at the debate tonight with the inability to answer basic questiosn and incoherent conspiracy rambling.

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me when I'm in an incoherency competition and my opponent is Joe Biden:

Insert Squidward nose shrinkage image here

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Trump is 10x more incoherent than biden lmao

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!chuds !friendsofpizzashill how well did this age?

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Like mayonise pizza on warm day

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Still aged better than biden.

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lol, good one, fatty.

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shareblue cope

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pizza is right, biden was on point for the SOTU address so much so that magacels were claiming he cheated by taking amphetamines

completely ignoring that amphetamines don't make you not have dementia, though the experiment sounds great we should give a bunch of dementia patients amphetamine and live stream the results

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why even bother arguing this point tho

in less than 12 hours we'll have solid proof of who is more incoherent when asked questions they might not have prepped for

(not the actual questions from moderators, I mean the questions they'll ask of each other/attacks they'll have to defend)

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no r-slur it was adrenochrome that he took

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Trump is incoherent in that he says real words in mixed up ways

Biden is incoherent in that you can't even tell wtf he's saying, he isn't word salad he's word soup

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Bever change bb.

Aside from the much needed weight loss.

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He 100% is.

Besy h2o folks, best air, shark batteries!

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Every single establishment Democrat admits Biden lost the debate. Even fricking Kamala Harris admitted it. You really are the biggest whore for Democrats in the entire country lmao

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neighbor nobody won the debate, you would have to be functionally r-slurred to think Trump incoherently rambling and failing to answer the most basic of questions is "winning a debate."

literally both of them got scored an F.

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The cope is infinite with this one.

!chuds, pizza's been revisiting this thread for the past 4 days arguing that Biden won the debate. He's our strongest libtard.


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I don't see the GOP rags calling for Trump to leave :marseysmug2:

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Why are you arguing as though you want Biden when you really want the autonomous machine behind him?

At least be honest you don't care about Biden being sentient if the day-to-day bureaucracy is run by good Dems.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Objectively Trump won simply by appearing to have a pulse. Nobody is talking about anything he said, the only takeaway is that Biden cannot function :itsjoever2:

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>Republicans are cucks for voting straight R with no thoughts

>Why yes, I'm sure the Ds will fix Portland if I vote exclusively for them and give them more of my money, we're only a billion dollars away from luxury automated gay space homelessness


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neighbor i dont even like dems but they're legit the only party in the country any mentally stable person can vote for.

What program does the GOP even have other than conspiracy mongering and racial grievance?

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>build the wall

>Lower taxes

>Make V8 compact cars and sbrs legal with no additional documentation

Simple as


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What program do the DemoKKKrats even have other than conspiracy mongering and racial grievance?

Gender grievance I guess. And negholepozzing. Anything else?

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Actual fricking policy lmao.

They arent trying to abolish income taxes for fricking tariffs, for starters.

They arent doing everything possible to make it harder to vote.

They didnt try to steal an election by throwing out millions of votes.

Wildly more in favor of infrastrucfure spending.

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lol you couldn't give a single example of actual policy.

They arent trying to abolish income taxes for fricking tariffs, for starters.

So they're not doing something that you just claimed the GOP wasn't doing either?

They arent doing everything possible to make it harder to vote.

Every civilized country in the world requires an ID to vote. You only oppose it because without fraud you wouldn't have won any election in the past 15 years.

Wildly more in favor of infrastrucfure spending.

First good point.

But discrimination on the basis of race and gender is evil, hence all government spending currently is evil and must be opposed.

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So they're not doing something that you just claimed the GOP wasn't doing either?

Except Trump pushed this, and still is pushing it.

Every civilized country in the world requires an ID to vote. You only oppose it because without fraud you wouldn't have won any election in the past 15 years.

This is what we call a strawman - in which you lie and attack some other argument because you're an r-slur and unaware of the actual argument.

Which civilized country tries to reduce early voting windows?

Tries to cut early voting out of specific dates more likely to be used by certain demographics?

Tries to reduce ballot curing windows?

Want to keep going? You act as if all of this, and constant republican attempts to suppress voters have not been proven in federal court numerous times.

Like this is the worst part about low information people (that's you.)

You have some weird surface level understanding of some issue - in this case you think the argument boils down to "HERP DERP ID TO VOTE" and are completely unaware of the reality, the context, and what these people are actually doing.

Even in the case of ID it has nothing to do with ID, like for example when one of their election riggers died and his daughter leaked his files to the press:


Hofeller's files include dozens of intensely detailed studies of North Carolina college students, broken down by race and cross-referenced against the state driver's-license files to determine whether these students likely possessed the proper I.D. to vote. The studies are dated 2014 and 2015, the years before Hofeller helped Republicans in the state redraw its congressional districts in ways that voting-rights groups said discriminated on the basis of race. North Carolina Republicans said that the maps discriminated based on partisanship but not race. Hofeller's hard drive also retained a map of North Carolina's 2017 state judicial gerrymander, with an overlay of the black voting-age population by district, suggesting that these mapsβ€”which are currently at the center of a protracted legal battleβ€”might also be a racial gerrymander.

Nothing to see here.

Other files provide new details about Hofeller's work for Republicans across the country. Hofeller collected data on the citizen voting-age population in North Carolina, Texas, and Arizona, among other states, as far back as 2011. Hofeller was part of a Republican effort to add a citizenship question to the census, which would have allowed political parties to obtain more precise citizenship data ahead of the 2020 redistricting cycle. State legislative lines could then have been drawn based on the number of citizen voters, which Hofeller believed would make it easier to pack Democrats and minorities into fewer districts, giving an advantage to Republicans.

Nothing to see here.

Hofeller's files, though, show that he created giant databases that detailed the racial makeup, voting patterns, and residence halls of more than a thousand North Carolina A&T students. He also collected similar data that tracked the race, voting patterns, and addresses of tens of thousands of other North Carolina college students. Some spreadsheets have more than fifty different fields with precise racial, gender, and geographic details on thousands of college voters.

A spreadsheet named "NC College Voters for ZIP ID" contains voter data for more than 23,100 North Carolina university students, including thousands in Greensboro. The detail for the North Carolina A&T students is precise: students are sorted by residence hall. That means that Hofeller knew which A&T students lived in Aggie Village, on the north side of campus, and which resided in Morrow or Vanstory Halls, on the south sideβ€”along with a detailed racial breakdown and information about their voting status. As Hofeller sought to create two reliably Republican congressional districts, his computer contained information on the precise voting tendencies of one of the largest concentrations of black voters in the area.

Nothing to see here at all.

At the end of the day you'll be as ignorant and low information as you want to be, which is seemingly very.

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Except Trump pushed this, and still is pushing it.

I'm not the one who claimed that the GOP didn't have any policy other than conspiracy mongering and racial grievance.

Which civilized country tries to reduce early voting windows?

Early voting in person is pretty rare in civilized countries.

Voting by mail is more common, but it requires a registered address (in many countries that address is printed on your ID).

At the end of the day you'll be as ignorant and low information as you want to be, which is seemingly very.

I just don't like racists so I'll have to vote for Trump.

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Why do you come here to spew this shit no one will read?

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So that I can downvote him

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They provide the gibs without which pizza wouldn't be here.

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Gun rights which are kino af. LESS. CHECKS. FOR. SUPPRESSORS!

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Killing minorities.

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republicans are always going to vote republican because they're cucks

said the vote blue no matter who guy


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yeah because my only policy position is making sure hicks seethe

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People have been saying trump has dementia since like 2011.

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As opposed to the eloquent and totally not senile biden

They're both old pants pooping r-slurs

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CNNshill with another utterly worthless braindead dumbocrap wagie take

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I care

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How badly did Orangeler embarrass himself?

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Pretty badly. My personal favorite was the incoherent rambling about ukraine when asked about childcare.

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My favorite line of the debate was Biden when he went "mneehhhh Six strokes unmnhhh.... Uhhh.... mmmeightstrokesmnnnngh..."

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We must've watched a different debate, then. Biden just rambled and started into space when he wasnt. He had the same stare my old demented dog had.

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Which question did trump answer?

We watched the same debate, youre just demented.

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I should go back and check some parts. I think Biden almost said Beau was a d-day.

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He responded to all of them, pretty much, while throwing in comments about what Biden said.

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Trump did not answer a single question asked. Pretty much every time the mod had to reask the question.

"We had the best h2o" on jan 6 was a good line and not evidence trump is r-slurred at all, right?

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I remember them "reasking" if he'd accept the results of the election, but that was only because saying he would if the election was fair was somehow not an answer.

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Every question was reasked. Go rewatch it, trump failed to anseer pretty much every question that was asked.

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Once more: Democrats are actually harder on immigration than Republicans. Obama deported more migrants in both his first and second terms individually than Trump did during his time as president.

Biden enacted something like 300 executive actions on immigration in the first year of his presidency to Trump's 86 (during his entire presidency Trump only enacted a total of 472 executive actions tackling immigration).

Between May of last year and March of this year, the Biden Administration deported more migrants than any other year since 2015.

For whatever reason, maybe it's because they don't want to campaign too hard on it for fear of putting off more far left leaning voters and the right wing media latches onto that, Democrats just don't tout these accomplishments. But, contrary to popular belief, they're not just allowing migrants to flood through the borders. For all of his talk on "The Wall", Trump was softer on immigration than Obama and Biden.

They don't tout these accomplishments because they didn't do anything.

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Biden enacted something like 300 executive actions on immigration in the first year of his presidency to Trump's 86 (during his entire presidency Trump only enacted a total of 472 executive actions tackling immigration).

This is such insane reasoning. No mention of the efficacy of those executive actions, or even whether the executive actions in question were designed to discourage or encourage immigration. Just the number of them. :marsey300:

It's also very specific phrasing. Biden has issued 139 executive orders total, which is why /u/Subliminal_Kiddo said "executive actions", a phrase which includes things like memoranda, proclamations, notices, etc. And if we're including proclamations, we might as well include his fricking diary entries. They carry about as much weight. :marseyregistration:

Between May of last year and March of this year, the Biden Administration deported more migrants than any other year since 2015.

He's deported more migrants because there are more migrants to deport. Encounters are through the roof. It's easy to deport more people when you have quadruple the pool of potential deportees. !math, why do people have so much trouble with percentages? :marseydunce:

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Excuse me presidential memos are very important documents



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Ya i did it so i can kinda track how the bot is being used without looking at the account

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It's because making proclamations about immigration don't stop illegal immigration when they simply allow everyone in and give them court dates 8 years out.

Which, surprisingly, Biden had the power to just not do this whole time

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Regarding the fact that Republicans have been substantially more likely to respond to pollsters after his conviction:

Is there the possibility that so many dems are anxious about this election they just don't want to pick up the phone about anything political?

I had a theory in 2022 that women were nervous to do any political surveys because they were afraid the orgs doing the polling were actually far right groups disguised as polling organizations.


Never mind that the pollsters obviously normalize their data so Republicans responding more doesn't actually skew the results. Although I think these races are primarily decided by turnout so one side being more motivated than the other is a huge factor. In 2022, Democrats were extremely motivated because the RvW appeal was so recent. It seems like old history now in comparison, I don't see many Democrats enthusiastic to go out and vote.

Gosh it'll be funny if Trump wins in 2024 by a larger margin than Biden did in 2020.


as a side note, all these cope threads are FULL of statements like this

economy is good, especially relative to the world

When will they realize that Americans don't actually give a shit about the economy of other countries? You will literally never convince the general public that the economy is good by comparing it to non-US economies. I don't care how "real" or "academic" the comparison is, it doesn't matter. Americans don't fricking care. We care about our own economy and that's it. The American public has literally ALWAYS been isolationist, and although it's not as extreme as it was before WW1, it's still the prevailing undercurrent.

If you want to convince the man on the street that the economy is good, you simply cannot do that through comparison to other countries. He doesn't care.

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Grocery have gotten r-slurred, insurance is raping everyone and housing still absolutely blows unless you can be a ruralcel

The economy is great besides that.

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The economy is great if you're a boomer. If you're not 35+ its never been worse

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Americans want other economies to be bad so they can travel cheaper, but they 100% don't give a shit about actual relative wealth when they can also see their money get fricked in rea time

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If you asked the average American to rate the issues on which are most important, that wouldn't even crack the top 10. Very few Americans regularly go on international vacations enough for it to matter at all. Most might go every few years, if they go on any at all.

I just checked and only 48% of Americans even have a passport in the first place.

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