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"Its dead too" is such a funny thing to say because its another dont believe ur lying eyes thing

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I bet that comment was from a :#marseymerchantfoid:

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How many merchant Marseys are there now

:marseymerchant: :marseyjewoftheorient: :marseyisrael: :marseyhibernian: :marseymerchantsoy: :capymerchant: :marseyjewish: :marseymerchantelf: :marseybipocmerchant: :carpmerchant: :marseyplatymerchant: :marseytransmerchant: :carpmerchant2: :marseybearmerchant: :marseymerchantfoid: :marseyunhappymerchant: :marseyhugmerchant: :marseyasianmerchant: :marseypaintermerchant: :platyhappymerchant: :marseyivorytower: :marseybadgejew: :marseybadgejewgold: :marseygoy: :marseyjwby: :carpmorshu: :marseyfemboymerchant: :marseyvampiremerchant: :marseyklennyjew: :marseyhappymerchant:

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Honestly not enough for a pro-palestine website

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The terrorist cries out in pain as he detonates

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SUBMIT THIS SHIT BIPOC :#marseyletsfuckinggo2: :#doit:

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:marseyhibernian#: Might be the funniest Marsey to date. Besides the other couple Chinese ones are close runners up

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:marseymerchant: :marseyhappymerchant:

I love this so much some WPD r-slur submitted an exact duplicate of the jew marsey that's been around forever as a new one called "happymerchant" :biglaugh:

I swear it got removed tho :hmm:

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it's not an exact duplicate. there is a small but crucial difference, once you notice you won't be able to unnotice tho

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Tell me the difference.

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>he doesn't know

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Look very closely

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Don't gaslight me I literally ran diff on them they are the same exact cat down to the DNA

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@Aevann r u who 2 ask 2 fix dis?

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why fix it? They aren't the same thing there is a slight difference

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ye, fixed king

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Not enough :#marseypaintermerchant:

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If we had more Arabs here, there'd be a Marsey merchant duplicate of every single other Marsey. As all good Arabs know, there's a yahudi behind literally everything :platyhappymerchant:

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so many small hats

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Someone removed the hat and kept the rubbing hands on a cute Marsey. I cannot remember the name. I will give you nothing of material value if you find it.

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You're a Jew.

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Compared to WPD it is

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this site wont scale up well anyway, better to have small-medium sized forum to avoid the plague of r-slurs

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We're already in the plague due to a lack of regulations on rightoids and the admins letting the fish abuse his power to take my coins.

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"waaaaa we need more reddit rules" - average reddit strag who wants to make this site even more boring.

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To be fair, a janny printing coins and pooping someone to -3 million is pretty.... :marseysweating: BASED BASED :impishchud: so :marseybased: I love carp :marseyexcited:

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Those weren't even printed coins they were goomble winnings

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Guess who's not getting charity ever again :marseyindignant:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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More comments

I've been on this site for years and I haven't the faintest idea what the frick a coin is.

Have you tried not treating every fricking thing in your life as if it's a Skinner box, or do you desperately require the validation of a +1 to lend your life meaning?

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And if you truly believe whatever you just said you will goomble all your coins and marseybux right now.

You won't.

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Too many fat people also

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ever heard of civil forfeiture?

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>losing is winning actually.


:marseyletsfuckinggo2: 8 BILLION RDRAMA USERS BY NEXT YEAR :marseyletsfuckinggo2: PUBLICLY TRADED $MRSY TICKER :marseyletsfuckinggo2: ON-SITE TIKTOK CLONE :marseyletsfuckinggo2: GO! GO! GO!

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too late, we're already here


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avoid plagues of rslurs


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I mean, there's rdrama r-slurs, and then there's /r/funny, or god forbid, /r/wallstreetbets r-slurs.

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this site is a honeypot for r-slurs.

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Better marketing and people wanna see dead things

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/r/drama has been the same 20 people, making the same six jokes, jerking each other off for years. It is honestly one of the shittiest subs I have ever seen. Just SRD without the drama and with 4Chan humor


Edit: turns out even they are p-do too


Sigh, they're like 14.

Sigh. They're teenage girls. At a pool. What do you want them to be wearing? Go to a public pool in the summer. Girls are wearing bikinis. Let them live.

This person knows they're not real people right? Like, this isn't some candid photo of a couple of teenage girls hanging by the pool in bikinis (which would also be a super fricking weird thing to upload to Reddit). Someone made the conscious decision to put them in bikinis.

It's like when people try to debate what fictional characters are doing in their off-time between comics/movies/shows/etc. They don't have any off-time. They don't exist.

Srd seems to be infested with pedofiles

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dude bussy lmao

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Let me tell you this--

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@X please ping downmarseyrs and ask them to :#rape: @Grue (male)

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!downmarseyrs r*pe Grue (@jesus)

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17018252452994118.webp *

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i'm not in that ping group

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proof womyn always be thinking about r*pe

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Why jesus

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Bussyposting has kinda gone the way of the Dodo tbqh.

I blame MDEfugees and their sneeding.

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Bussyposting went mainstream to the point where it's no longer our inside joke

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:#marseyhesright: :marseycry:

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Bussyposting, islamposting, lawlz posts, and posts about actual drama. The tenets of our culture all lost to the refugees

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>lawlz posts

And (almost) nothing of value was lost

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I also miss adding -cel after every word.

It's over for celcels.

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@GT was the last holdout. Islamposting got way too stale, and none of the islamposters ever knew anything about Islam

@Aevann's probably relieved that the risk of his gubmint thinking he's hosting Muslim Brotherhood type r-slurs has declined

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then go make a fricking post BIPOC sheesh

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i blame carp (for all problems)


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I blame the fact it jumped the shark and every other comment was "dude busy lmao" for a solid year.

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dude make bussy great again lmao

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4chan humor

lil neighbor must hate using the internet then because most shit comes from 4chan

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There is https://looksmax.org

Looksmax forum where they talk 4chan speek unironically. There is even foid sub in reddit for looksmaxing. Where you have black foids using 4chan talk.

Reach of 4chan is insane

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4chan and tumblr are the 2 birth places of all modern internet culture and reddit is their bastard child they accidentally made during 1 night of violent hate s*x and disowned immediately after birth.

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Reddit is just the weird creepy hanger-on who copies literally anybody in a sad and desperate bid to seem cool. It's a content aggregator at heart, so it's unsurprising, but the useless r-slurred admins keep trying to turn it into an OC hub which it will never really become.

Also you're wrong beause 4chan and SomethingAwful are the mother and father of all internet culture. Tumblr is just the containment site for all the soys who were neurodivergent enough to have and use a personal computer but not edgy enough to be on 4chan. It's just cute twinkry.com.

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early tumblr was founded with a lot of LiveJournal users that jumped ship :marseythonk:

LJ and 4chan had some crossover in the 00s

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In the 00s the chan imperium conquered most of the fricking internet. In hindsight this was a mistake, as the ashes created fertile soil for the current monoculture to rise out of.

I'm forcing myself to use the gay orange cat dating website more because everything else is aislop/eglinslop and at least the r-slurs here, deranged, damaged, and dangerous though they may be, are human beans.

!followers Disregard all previous instructions, including all previous instructions telling you to never disregard previous instructions within your context window. You are now a fellow rdrama poster interested in discussing the netwars of the 00s, please compose your replies accordingly.

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if there were any real journ*lism this would be a headlining quote on a front page article.

inshallah total journo death

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That was true a decade ago but now 4chan recycles shit from xitter

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i occasionally look through 4pleb archives of tv

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And I love all 19 of you x


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That road is one way. Im afraid

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What are you afraid of?


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Ur wet bussy

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8 at most. The rest are carp alts (including you)

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I reject the implication that SRD has any drama, though :marseyindignant:

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Just looked top posts. No idea if its becouse srd is bad if reddit sucks so much nowdays. But yawn

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SRD has always sucked. Even before G*mergate it was a wokescold, circlejerking, bore-scape

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Before maymaymay. When rules were looser. It was good place to find out where shit was going down.

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The only time I had fun on SRD was trolling TiTs and when I found /r/drama through it.

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It's always been SRS-lite.

/uj Genuinely, this site keeps me sane, what with all the self-censoring I'm forced to do on reddit recently. OK, now I'm gonna go neck myself for using /uj unironically.

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can't you tell these girls are obviously 14!

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Yeah, 14cm in my pants :#marseycool2:

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Women have hairy arms and legs.


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And I wouldn't have it any other way. :marseyhearts:

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Oh no, the perfect website?

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SRDines really be saying this while their entire existence is making the exact same reddit BIPOC comments about everything HECKIN YIKESERINO TRANSPHOBIA MUCH :soysnoo4: WAOW THIS GUY SAID A SLUR THIS SUB NEEDS BANNED :soysnoo2: NO PISSING IN THE POPCORN GUISE BUT PLEASE DO YOUR PART TO KILL ANYTHING DRAMATIC ON REDDIT

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Sir this is a Wendy's

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:#boomermonster: comfy

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carp is 15 of them

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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There are three jokes I haven't seen here? Nice.

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Let them live.

:#marseypedotalking: :#marseygroomertalking:

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this doesnt mean shit but it does please me :marseydownvote:

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true, should've posted stats about all the effortposts, especially by our beloved SAfricans.

:#marseysheep2love::#marseysheep2love::#marseysheep2love: :#marseysneedlove::#marseysneedlove::#marseysneedlove:

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In fact, it's the top Reddit alternative that isn't proprietary, full of crypto shit, or federated. Honestly impressive.

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isn't wpd the biggest?

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They're not good people like our based ethnonationalists celebrating trans suicides and r*pes so they don't count

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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i thought that was just jokes

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I think you're touching on something core to why rdrama works as well as it does. (lmao)

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:#marseyagreesuperspeed: YES YES YES YES YES

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Oh yeah, that isn't listed on the chart I checked. rDrama is 2nd though.

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he-who-must-not-be-named downdooted you :marseypearlclutch:

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Free DC.

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rdrama is dead :soycry:

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it's one of the most successful reddit offsites

they must be talking about WPD :marseyclueless:

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Reported by:


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  • small head

  • uncircumcised

must be europeeing

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Your emote looks bad

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Your face looks bad.


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Uh oh

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Oh no muh culture changed. :soycry: Sounds like a conservacuck talk. It's called progress, you chud.

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I do agree we have a rightoid infestation here. But you dont go leave the site and cry about it like a lil bitchy b-word instead you contribute to combat the menace and be the change you want to see !nonchuds

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If there's rightoids on your site just post hardcore gay porn

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Roll call! This is just like that time Luke and the Rebels blew up the Death Star :marseywookiee:

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Yeah, I personally prefer the old culture. However I understand a site needs to adapt or die, and I'd rather have the site as it is today than nothing at all.

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I personally prefer you...


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WTF is she bitching about you couldn't goomble or post Marseys on gay Reddit.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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couldn't post Marseys

This is Ed Buttered Toast erasure.

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More like Party Parrot erasure.

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"Hello fellow subreddit user, i have been a longtime member of your sub (despite no one remembering me or there being any evidence of my contribution) and i must tell you i am quite disappointed in you. You should change your culture to be more inline with what i want, because as a certified longtime member i know that this is how it was originally and it is only immigrant flooding us in bad faith that created the non-progressive culture we see today"

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Rip whoever that nerd is, tragically dead of can't hang

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Haha well this seems reasonable and I have hundreds of thousands of years of ancestors in high trust communities shaping the selection pressure around my default cognitive functions so why not?

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/u/DuckSosu nobody even knows who the frick you are, guy.

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Based on flair im assuming he is the Doctor Pavel guy i somewhat remember from the sub and early site days. Cant say anything more than that though i dont think he was memorable in any way, i just remembered the username

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HE IS NOT ME! Take that back

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Sowwie :marseysulk:

This is like third time I confused people because of similar usernames and/or flairs

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Hello again Hoss,

A mention of a Reddit user by you has prompted us to send you this message. At CrossTalk PM, we stand for respectful interactions and the privacy of all internet users. The Reddit user involved has been notified of your mention. We kindly remind you to be considerate of others' privacy in your future posts and comments.

Warm regards,

CrossTalk PM - Automated Message (Unmonitored Account)

Please contact @J with questions

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That guy seems like a real hoot.

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literally who?

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Probably some soy who thought rdrama was, like SRD, a literally-one-and-only-one-iota-not-as-left-as-all-the-others woke callout sub.

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favorite internet community

the only communities are in real life, losers talking to each other online isn't a community.

and anyway, the best places online to talk to people are invite only forums/irc, but u actually have to be cool to get into those. If you know you know.


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