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Russian bot :marseyrussianmutt: faked a document and ai video of Zelensky's wife supposedly buying newest bugatti :marseyzelensky: in France. Rightoids eat it up, some big names including Jackson Hinkle :commiebrainlet: retweet it. But the story takes an unexpected turn.... :marseyquagmireshocked:

The story starts out with the following post of some vatzig, who claims Zelensky's wife just bought 4.5 million euro bugatti. Anyone with more than 4 brain cells can instantly notice the attached video is ai generated, and the document attached is noted to have multiple mistakes, but i guess even that is too much for rightoids and commies to handle because a lot of them eat it up

Shortly after Jackson :marseycomradecry: Hinkle makes a post about in his usual zoomer brainrot style and a follow up.

R-slurred rightoids of course believe it instantly:

These include ziggers of reddit:

As well as conservacucks of /r/walkaway

Now, what the idiots did not expect was a slap back from bugatti itself, who few hours ago posted about their intent to take legal action :marseyobjection: :marseyxd:

Which is understandable since they literally made fake legal documents and a fake AI generated video of actual official :marseybrainlet:

This is your brain on ziggershit !nonchuds !anticommunists

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As soon as the Cold War started they began flooding the world with forged documents. (Operation Infektion where they told third world tards that the CIA invented AIDS is an obvious one.) One of their most important goals, something they were really obsessed with, was driving a wedge between Europe and America.

I'm sure that would never happen now that Putin, Defender of the Based Trad "Catholic" Faith is in charge and AI can do anything for you. :marseysipping:

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It's fashionable among contrarians to deny it, but Russian misinformation is real and it operates on a large scale.

I recently found a guy who is tracking Russian fake news ads on Facebook and he has some interesting posts. For example, some Russian troll farm accidentally put a screenshot of their VK Teams workplace in a Facebook ad they bought. Very organized, they have a channel for each country they're targeting:

Or this, an example of a fake article that is a bit more sophisticated than the typical "Zelensky stole $10000000000":

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It's fashionable among contrarians to deny it, but Russian misinformation is real and it operates on a large scale.

The problem is that mainstream media r-slurs used "Russian misinformation" as an excuse to handwave any leak or bit of news that was inconvenient to the democratic party, so the public got used to dismissing such accusations.

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Sounds ineffective tbh.


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You have NO idea how stupid people are

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There are lots of Salvadors out there in the world.

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Salvador was right, though

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Weird how rightoids so easily fall for this drivel.

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Not wierd at all, rightoids (especially nowadays) actively resist education and critical thinking skills

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they were really obsessed with, was driving a wedge between Europe and America.

also stoking racial tensions was a big one

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>The soviets were the original racebait spammers

:!marseykneel: :marseycomrade:

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@BWC is a commie

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Defender of the Based Trad "Catholic" Faith

This is especially funny because their patriarch taught theology at a state-sponsored seminary during the 70s. He is literally one of the wicked commies the Trumpcucks claim to hate, pretending to be a priest. He was an agent of the KGB during the Soviet era and is an FSB stooge today.

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The Russian Orthodox Church has also been in schism with Constantinople since 2018, all thanks to refusing to recognize the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Nothing more trad than putting politics before tradition. and serving nakedly as a propaganda arm of the state.

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Why would the Orthodox Church of Russia have to recognize the Orthodox Church of Russia 2?


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>Orthodox Church of Russia 2

Oh, you mean the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate?

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Some tankies in eastern europe still believe in Operation infektion. One of my letoid FB friends was anti american developed vaccines because of that.

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Something something one of these caused academia's support for Palestine

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This but unironically.


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Yeah, the soviets invented "zionology", which is basically critical race theory but obsessing over jews instead of whites, back in the 60's, and promoted it to commies all over the world.

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Anti-zionism started in Soviet Russia in the 1920s

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Little did they know that no effort would need to be expended on that. Europeans are insufferable

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You're going to have to work really hard to make chuds hate Russia more than they hate the democrats. Especially considering you seem unable to stop condescending to them while you try. Good luck though.

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you seem unable to stop condescending to them while you try

Ummm... okay cute twink. Is this condescending enough for you?


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And chud who is weak enough to chant their voting habits because of meanness can KEEP YOURSELF SAFE

ALSO death ☠️ to 5th columnists

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:chudseethe: Please just be nicer to us :chudtantrum:

:chudsmug: Libcuck :marseytrain: BIPOC cute twinks :chudsmug:


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Where's the lie?

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don't condescend me


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Shouldn't you be panicking right now, doc?

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>USA didn't invent HIV/AIDS

I will not accept this slander against the USA, Reagan invented AIDS and cannot be convinced otherwise! :marseyindignant:

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The entire receipt being in English should have been an immediate clue. There's nothing the French hate more than using another language for any reason whatsoever.

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I heard being a codecel who has to deal with the french is awful.

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Rightoid :marseytranshitler: try not to be the dumbest mf on the internet :marseystopposting: challenge goes unbeaten.

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msn is aislop regurgitating aislop :marseylaugh:

also your bugatti paris link doesn't work

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:marseyconfused: But it does?

Maybe some extension of yours blocks fb shit

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:marseyshrug: maybe

went to the site itself and archived it

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its probably ai that picked up the story too lol

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These include ziggers of reddit:

Well, reading those comments reinforced my belief that some political views can only exist because of information illiteracy.

BTW, my favorite comment:

when all the media is trying to deny the fact, it's because it's true


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Ziggers always so desperate and flustered when they try to pump themselves up. It's dripping from their keyboards

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some political views? More like all political views which are not mine

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Sure it's fake, but the fact I believed it says a lot about the situation in Ukraine.

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No, it just means your r-slurred.

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to be fair, this french receipt being written in english is very believable!!!!

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@WeihnachtenSalvador will explain how it's actually real

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Did I posted this ?

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No but you are an unashamed zigger.

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Here Ukrainian story where they admit stealing money worth 3 Bugatti

Like can you now suggest Ukraine is going to win ? Those guys now openly saying stuff I been saying for years, that the corruption today in Ukraine is higher than in 2021, that they ain't going to reach 1991 boarders, that their men ain't motivated and don't enlist.

So supporting them made west europe only poorer. I am also not a guy who believes in European economist because most European countries are in lost decades.

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It's true, every country :marseyrussianflag: in the Russian :marseyputin: sphere :marseymisinformation: of influence are African :marseyblack: levels of corrupt, only barely beaten :marseypunched: by Russia, and by barely I obviously mean an unimaginable difference. Wonder :marseyphilosoraptor: why countries want out.

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Wonder :marseyphilosoraptor: why countries want out.

They can go frick them self.

EU doesn't need a 3rd lost decade

That what you homosexuals don't get

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Meh, eastern :marseyrussianmutt: european :marseybacktoeurope: immigrants :marseyabbott: would :marseywood: be miles :marseyspiderman: better :marseysaulgoodman: than anything :marseycoleporter: else europe :marseyww1french2: usually accepts.

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Average Eastern European is 40+ they have no future just as west Europe

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Ukrainian officials may have stolen billions, but at least Big Z's wife did not buy a Bugatti.


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Link it or you are gay

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ok great.

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This is so sad, my father was so excited when he read this story yesterday. :marseycrying:

I don't think I have it in my heart to tel him it's fake and he has fallen for foreign state propaganda (again).

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>Polish dad falling for ziggerganda


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Globohomo West bad mindset that makes you align yourself with Eastern barbarians, instead of returning to tradition and fighting both the West and the East .

:marseykaiser: :marseypunching: :!marseypunching: :!marseysoldierrussia:

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was he a soviet enjoyer

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Not really.

I don't think he has any coherent ideology, other than Corrupt West bad.

He has a soft spot for commie times since he was well off, but I don't think he likes Soviets in any way and more so buys into the Righotid image of idealized conservative Putin Russia.

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i know a guy from europe with the same ideology. a vague belief that "west/the elites le bad" without any concrete reason as to why.

poland is one of the countries that got the richest percentage wise since the 90s tho.

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Now, what the idiots did not expect was a slap back from bugatti itself, who few hours ago posted about their intent to take legal action

Will they be able to do anything though? I wish the could, but I just don't see how this will have any impact

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This supposedly "french" car company has an Italian name :marseythonk: That's how I know this is all bullshit. If it were real, she would have bought a Citroën.

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I'm amazed :marseysal: hadn't made a post about it before it was debunked.

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Wrong Sal neighbor

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:marseyclueless: the real story is that Ukraine is corrupt enough that it could a been true :marseyclueless:

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I don't know about you guys, but I get all my trusted and verified news from Albawaba

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Can someone spoon feed the AI video to me?


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Literally included in the first link in post body dumb butt

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Do you not understand what "spoon feed" means, sweaty?

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My man!


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darn, I was looking forward to the @WeihnachtenSalvador post about Zelensky's new Bugatti too..


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Dude you can't be this homosexual

Ukraine was called the most corrupt country in Europe before the invasion started. Even after invasion there was many corruption scandals directly related to Zelenskyy team like Reznikov

And he is defense minister.

Yet you pathetically coping about this story using it as Ukraine is not corrupt.

Here 3 Bugatti

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If he's so corrupt then how come he doesn't have a Bugatti like Andrew Tate?


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Do Andrew Tate even own those Bugatti? It's just question of time till he'll join khabib

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If he did he might have sold them for his legal defense now. Most of his luxury cars were rented but not all

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Typical Zigger L.

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It's obviously true and your buying into the coverup. Frickin moron

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Gonna cry?

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I love community notes so much it's unreal

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Last link broken?

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It works, but you're probably experiencing Instagram's latest Jewish trick. It gives fake errors to logged-out users after they hit some hidden page view limit.

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what happened to ace hood

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Russia still isn't my enemy, sadly

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Who asked?

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