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Joe BidARYAN's dementiARYAN behavior has irreversibly ruined his reputation and campaign so much :gigabiden: that /r/politicope :soysnootypefast: finally look at themselves in the mirror :marseymirror: in a "are we r-slurred?" (:marseyagreefast:) moment, and lash out against DDD, as his interview made him look like a Democrat version of Drumpflermort, and because he does not cares about the upcoming Redditorcaust due to le Project 2020 or something :soysnootypefastgenocide: :soyredditgenocide:



This is absolutely infuriating :soyjaktantrumfast:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you really believe you're not behind right now?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I think it's in-- all the pollsters I talk to tell me it's a tossup. It's a tossup. And when I'm behind, there's only one poll I'm really far behind, CBS Poll and NBC, I mean, excuse me. And-- uh--

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: New York-- New York Times and NBC both have-- have you about six points behind in the popular vote.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: That's exactly right. New York Times had me behind before, anything having to do with this race-- had me hind-- behind ten points. Ten points they had me behind. Nothing's changed substantially since the debate in the New York Times poll.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Just when you look at the reality, though, Mr. President, I mean, you won the popular vote-- in-- in 2020, but it was still deadly close in the electoral college--

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: By 7 million votes.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Yes. But you're behind now in the popular vote.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I don't-- I don't buy that. :gigachad4:

I thought we were the party that lives in the real world and responds appropriately to new information. But I guess everyone is just going down the path where it's totally cool to say "I reject your reality and substitute my own" :soyjaktantrum:

(to quote the wonderful Adam Savage). :soyjak: :soysnoo: :soysnootypefast:



Also this response is just incoherent :marseyretardchad:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, what I'm try-- what I want to get at is, what were you experiencing as you were going through the debate? Did you know how badly it was going?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Yeah, look. The whole way I prepared, nobody's fault, mine. Nobody's fault but mine. I, uh-- I prepared what I usually would do sittin' down as I did come back with foreign leaders or National Security Council for explicit detail. And I realized--bout partway through that, you know, all-- I get quoted the New York Times had me down, at ten points before the debate, nine now, or whatever the heck it is. The fact of the matter is, what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn't-- I mean, the way the debate ran, not-- my fault, no one else's fault, no one else's fault.





GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: And if you stay in and Trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that's what this is about.





This makes me so so angry. It's like joe doesn't care about me or what will happen to my family at all... :soyreddit:



What's he supposed to say???? "I will stage an insurrection!"

:#marseythumbsup: :#marseyagree: :#marseyagreefast: :#marseyagreesuperspeed: :#marseyyes: :#marseyhesright: :#carphesright: :#eaglehesright: :#marseyhesboo::#chadyes: :#jinxthinkerhesright: :#hesrightyouknow: :#hesepsteinyouknow:

This is at least what he thought the question was getting at, which is why he's saying he'll accept the results.


Because the upper-level DNC bureaucrats and economic elites of the country know that this Project 2025 autism is all Heritage Foundation masturbatory fanfics that will not happen, and redditors will return to sperging about voting in the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIFETIMES :soyjaktantrumfast: in 2028 and then in 2032 and 2036 again? :marseyitsallsotiresome:


That answer alone should end his candidacy ASAP. Still cannot believe that was his response :soyreddit:



Apparently it has infuriated congress members. It really might be the thing that pushes them to demand him out




If this was the republicans doing this with this candidate, we would be giving them so much shit. Such hypocrisy




Democracy being on the ballot is clearly just a buzzword the campaign came up with. They don't actually give a shit. :soysnooseethe:


:#marseyhesright: even if Project 2025 is the actual installation of a christomagachudbigotnaziorangevoldemortpalpatinefascist dictatorship in the USA that redditors are non-stop sperging about, then the Dems do not care about stopping it, "VOOT BLOO CHUD" is their only solution to prevent the economic and geopolitical destruction of the United States?, give me a fricking break, the powers that be would have already gotten rid of Trump if he wanted to send the US to economic ruin and genocides :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome2:


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: And-- did you ever watch the debate afterwards? :marseyreportercnn:

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I don't think I did, no. :gigachad2:

The man can't remember if he watched the debate…just watch the interview. It was like the debate all over again except he was well rested this time…and tan. :soycrychicken:



Transcript might actually hurt him more than help him on this one… :chudconcerned:


!chuds !burgers !dementia

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Look ur not really voting for Biden or Trump, you're voting for Biden's deep state or Trump's deep state, and Biden's deep state is doing a good job 🤷🏻‍♂️

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The idea behind a deep state is that the people in it do not change no matter who is in office.

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Yeah dramatards are r-slurred lol

inb4 merely pretending to be

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Deep states and what they value can change. At one point Turkey's military would routinely remove chimps like Erdogan from office if they ever did typical ooga booga shit. Now they bend over to him.

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Federal Reserve hasn't changed from Obama and they're the reason both good and bad for all of this.

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The Fed reserve must be abolished at all cost and Black Hussein Ubunga's tyranny still seeds in its legacy and must be removed

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>Biden's deep state is doing a good job

Really? Source?

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>poors cant afford basic goods and services

Seems good to me

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also the number of poors is increasing while the middle class is getting smaller. This means a surplus of unskilled workers and lower production costs for companies. This is great for the stock market!

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That one military :marseytrain: is...uh...ruining the military...

And that other strag who takes luggage...

And the guy that likes to call himself mayor pete, because he's sooo relatable. He certainly hasn't improved transportation.

Come to think of it, biden's cabinet sucks butt too.

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Pete Buttraper is a Christ denying fsggot and also a gun grabber. He's almost as much as a satanic monster as Ewsome

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:#sneedbuddy: :!marseysneedbu#ddy:

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I prefer Biden's deep prostate tbh

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Brandon is a monster and his entire cabinet of controllers are anti America, pro globalist and anti Constitution. Brandon proved he was the worst "President" of all time before being elected and cemented being worse than even Ubunga within months. the demonrats have attacked the very soul of America and most be ousted

Zion Don is a globalist shill but most of his supporters know the evil of the left and what they are capable of. They're also armed and will keep democracy in check. I still will never vote for a child murder advocate so am writing in Constitution Party

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Did Obama r*pe your mom or something? !nonchuds why is this cute twink so unhinged

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His TradCath and lolbert sides are at conflict with each other, which is why he sorta schizoposts from time to time :shrug:

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Keep yourself safe you are no patriot if you allow communism too run free @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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Ubunga was a socialist kenyan globalist war monger war criminal who changed his name from Barry Soetoro as a dog whistle to his fellow islamists. He destroyed the sanctity of marriage by allowing sodomites to pervert it, leading the way for the :marseytrain:, p-do and animal male feminist acceptance. He enabled the r*pefugee crisis, and enabled an expanded welfare state with ruined healthcare wnd ubungaphones and also changed the age of an adult from 18 to 26 to enable the manchild work from home lifestyle of millenitards who are ruining this country

He was the worst president of all time now only the second since the tyranny of brandon. Hussein's legacy of communism and destruction of American values is why we not just need to make America great again but make America pure again and remove the stain of black communism and unconstitutionality and eliminate globalism from our shores. America made a grave sin by not electing Buchanan and not just the hundreds of millions of murdered unborn children Ubunga is responsible for

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>The Hawaii official who verified and released President Barack Obama's birth records has died in a plane crash. :marseyhillarybackstab:


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lol @ unironic snopesposting like cnnshill @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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No he didn't.


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Absolutely did all of it and even more @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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Bro you live in New Hampshire right? Zion Don can actually win that state if yuppies don't go out and vote and Massachusetts strags aren't bussed in. Vote for Trump since he has a chance to win the state

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We're the most conservative state in New England but I can not vote for someone who believes in the slaughter of unborn children

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:marseyhesright: :marseyagree:

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>confusing the unelected bureaucracy with the untouchable deep state glowBIPOC creatures

:#marseywingcuck: moment

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Doing a terrible job you mean. Giving away money and power to special interest groups, racking up debt, expanding the federal government, opening up the border, and investing in green energy scams. They want to make us the new Venezuela

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investing in green energy scams

Nice try Senator Romney

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Crony capitalism, which the Democrats love to do, is corrosive to our economy. They burn money by subsidizing of green energy projects that have no future and terrible energy production. Many of them are straight up scams: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/04/12/remembering-solyndra--how-many-570m-green-energy-failures-are-hidden-inside-bidens-instructure-proposal/

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You're right, but it's an outdated argument since both parties love industrial policy now. It's either gibs to solar panel companies or gibs to steel companies (or both).

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It's doing an alright job, but Trump's deep state was also doing an alright job when Trump was in office. The truth that wingcucks hate to see is that the country has been just fine for the last 8 years, both under Trump's reich and under the Biden regime. Neither presidential administration was fundamentally horrible in any way, both were fine for the country. At the end of the day, I despise both sides about equally - not because I think they are horrible for the country, but because they don't align with my preferences. And given that I don't live in a swing state, my vote for President pretty much doesn't matter. That said, I am probably going to vote for the Libertarians. They're a joke of a party and I don't even agree with them about a lot of things, but they're at least a bit closer to my classical liberal views in some important ways than either of the two main parties.

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I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that's what this is about.

!r-slurs I find this inspirational :marseyawardretard:

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>:soymad:: nooo drumpf is president and its all your fault you senile old frick hes gonna genocide us all

>:gigabiden:: welp i tried my best

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I always rember your goodest job you did

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Wonder if a bait op to start the lefts version of jan 6th if Trump wins would work.

Maybe like make it a general sub for ideas of what to do if Trump wins, call it alternativesolutions or something.

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bait idea to get r-slurs to commit crimes

@MoonMetropolis thoughts? :#marseyfacepalm:

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Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... can't get fooled again.

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Gonna get vanned if something ever comes of it accidentally.

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>Getting an evaluation is like Obama showing his birth certificate. You win nothing by doing it, you just lend your opponent credibility.

Kinda like Drumph's tax records?

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Wait what? So they admit Obama is foreign born now?

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17202385107717.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17202390179592276.webp

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Jill Biden hates Kamala's guts, if memory serves. If Harris takes over for the election, there will be a torrent of embarrassing leaks and news stories about her.

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there will be a torrent of embarrassing leaks and news stories about her.

>Implying the media would actually cover the stories


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Even the media for a time was picking at what a loser she is

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They might if they hope it gets their pet candidate nomination instead.

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The only good moment Kamala Harris has had in her political career is calling Joe Biden racist during the 2019 primary debates. Her polling soon dived, she dropped out months before voting actually began because she was going to lose her home state, and she has been the most unpopular vice president in modern memory. I genuinely think she's a worse politician than Hillary

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California politicians in general are pathetic. They came up in a one party state that somehow did everything wrong and turned one of the biggest economies in the world into a rotting shitheap. Kamala of all people being put on the ticket because she had the diversity hire cred demonstrates how hilariously out of touch dems were and somehow still are

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California's troubles are not just due to Democrat rule. Any Californian will tell you that of all the shitholes, the Central Valley is the worst, and this is an area that still votes red.

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Everything north of the bay and east of the coast is flat out irrelevant. The valley will always be a shithole regardless of who they vote for

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I cant believe the Khive/Bidenbro peeps legit forgot about that. calling him both racist and believing he was a sexual harasser

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Yeah but did Hillary suck off Willie Brown?

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And cheat with Montel Williams? Heels Up Harris is widely known as a Blow Job Artist

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She also basically said Biden was a male feminist if I remember correctly, then when asked about it her response was "HAHAHAH It was just a debate HAHAHAHA". Whenever Kamala talks she is either lying in the most unconvincing way possible or panicking like she wasn't prepared to talk to anyone.

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Yep, she was attacking him all thru the 2019 primary season. Joe Biden promised to pick a black woman in order to get some woke votes versus Bernie. I think he was planning to pick Susan Rice, but her Benghazi baggage and donor pressure forced him to settle for Kamala.

Her complete lack of charisma is very similar to Killary. They both lie and make it very obvious. Neither could motivate a fat kid to eat cake

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a torrent of embarrassing leaks



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there will be a torrent of embarrassing leaks and news stories about her.

Pretty sure everyone hates her tbh

Obvious why if you know anything about her history and career path

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if Kamala takes over she is going to girl-boss to the full extent of the Presidents new immunity powers. :marseyhillarybackstab: Killary will be so jelly

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https://twitter.com/malteseanna how is malteseanna reacting to this im blocked :(

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i dont see any tweets today regarding biden, this is the newest one i guess


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Unironic Hilary/Biden stans are the weirdest people. Clearly it was correct for both of those people to drop out because she lost and he's projected to lose

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Published in November 2011, a whole year before Obama's re-election

This is happening in less than half that time and right before the DNC convention

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and also one had a functioning brain

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Obama was much more capable at the time than Biden is now.

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Also whiter

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Hmm let me just check one thing with the transcript...

Ctrl + F "Project 2025"

>0 results

Hmmm :marseynoooticer: Why would they deliberately ignore such a huge talking point? Don't George and Joe know this is the most important election of our lifetime?

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I'm the guy that shut putin down

:#marseygiggle: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17202596329867394.webp

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Anyone claiming NATO expansion is why russia attacks neighbors is r-slurred lmao.

NATO only ever expands in response to russia, theres a reason everyone around russia wants into NATO

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Explain the Cuban missile crisis and how that's different than Ukraine.

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Eggsplain how it is similar in any way :marseygigaretard:

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GOOD point

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The cuban missile crisis was a problem because it happened before the nuclear triad was fully fleshed out, meaning a first strike from cuba had a real chance of preventing a US counter attack or seriously degrading it.

NATO is a 900 pound gorilla and russia is an 80 pound crackhead these days. Ukraine being in NATO has no relevance in a war between NATO and Russia, the cuban missile crisis threatened to degrade a nuclear counter attack during a peer conflict.

Any other questions?

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Because at the time the missiles had limited range and them being on Cuba was an existential threat. Its why both sides compromised by moving missiles further away.

We can now launch an ICBM from anywhere one the globe and hit Russia, not to mention with Crimea still under Russian occupation Ukraine could not join NATO so it wasn't a threat.

And if Russias plan was to stop countries bordering it joining NATO the plan has clearly backfired considering Finland ended its neutrality.

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Belarus would like a word.

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wonder if the is was at all influenced by the former Raytheon executive that he appointed as is Secretary of Defense


He also was appointed to that position despite not being a civilian which required a a waiver of rules designed to preserve civilian control of the military and prevent coup de tas.


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After disaster interview pt2 we're going to see project 2025 tweets quadruple, buy buy buy :marseychartuptrend:

reddit rn https://media.giphy.com/media/mmYy42RNrgA0w/giphy.webp

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'nother Biden :marseydarkbrandon: sneed :marseychudgravedance: thread


'bout the only organic thing o'er yonder on reddit :marseymagarentfree: deese days mhmm

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can we get another week out of this cow please, it's so funny :marseyxd:

way better than the Israel-Jihadists cause there's no dead kids this time.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I love they're still arguing that republicans weren't right :marseyhesklennyyouknow: about his mental :marseytherapist: deterioration for years and that this just popped :marseypopcorntime: up out of nowhere :marseysalitssomewhere: with the past month

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I've already posted on here many times saying I took the L on that. I earnestly didn't realize that it was this bad. My friend would send me tiktoks daily of his gaffs and I assumed it was mostly fake edits.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I'm usually not so sceptical about Biden's condition but this one looked so bad I thought it was a deepfake at first LOL


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Yeah I guess the debate was most convincing because it was real time but would've had professional framing in a controlled environment. If you look bad in that- oh no.

When it comes to video clips like this I've fricked around with cameras enough to know how hard it is to look good on one so I kind of discount if a person looks ugly on less produced live TV.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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vote vote vote vote vote

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botox + dementia face


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god i wish i was the ground

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At least you admit you are a total dingus for ignoring it so long :chudcheers:

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I mean when chuds are talking about Big Mike with the same conviction as Biden being an dementia-rilled corpse I end up taking both with a huge grain of salt.

That's partially on me, but I'm more in it for the memes anyway.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I hope you admit you are a dingus a few years from now when Big Mike's schlong falls out of his dress :marseyrabbitnewyear4: during his inauguration :marseyindignant:

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Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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The first woman being a man and also obama being gay retroactively would honestly just obliterate the black community. Like imagine taking blacks seriously after that. Not that we do now but just imagine their 10% becomes -5%.

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who tf is bike mike

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Rightoid meme name for Michelle Obama because they've never seen a woman with triceps before, so she must be trans.

:marseytransrentfree: + :marseybipocrentfree:


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Michelle Obama

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I did so much gloating with my fiancé about that


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And his life long stutter showed up last week as well

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PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that's what this is about.

I'll be happy with the results as long as everyone tries their hardest and has fun

:#marseybidenlove::#marseybidenlove::#marseybidenlove: :!#marseytrumplove::!#marseytrumplove::!#marseytrumplove:

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listen jack you think this country is an economy but you're not a fast one to talk with the medicare on the back nine


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>a chargpt president would be ok as long as the party chooses a good cabinet :marseysoyhype:

It's absurd how fast democrats accepted being ruled by a bunch of unknown unelected bureaucrats. It's only a matter of time before the republicans will be pushed to accept the same thing because it's the only way to beat the satanist demonrats! :marseyitsallsotiresome:

I hope CIA starts MKUltra again after taking full control of the country and uses the whole population as testing subjects for being stupid enough to agree with it.

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Jesus, it's not even sorted by controversial and they're dunking on him.

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It's… :thinking: it's…. :thinking: ……..️ :pilgrim:Grippy!

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It's… :thinking: it's…. :thinking: ……..️ :pilgrim:Grippy!

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