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Too much narcissism to be captain America and not man enough to sacrifice himself for the greater good. He's a coward not an avenger

About Biden ^ darn /r/politics really doesnt like him now lol

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Shitlibs really cant rag on anyone in a cool way can they?

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>not man enough

Someone with a plebbit account should call out that chuds misogyny and heteronormativism.

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Dems never really loved biden lol. Magatards seemingly believe everyone forms cults around politicians like they do.

People voting for biden are in the "vote dem because the alternative is much worse" camp.

The only dem id never vote for is kamala

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Dems never really loved biden lol.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. well someone tell their entire messaging and all the boomers we've posted like the "biden stepping down is r*pe culture" lady. calling him the most accomplished president ever is kinda fawning love to me, but i know youre gonna say "well theyre obviously lying so it doesnt count." yea not helping bud!

Magatards seemingly believe everyone forms cults around politicians like they do.

people were and still are saying it's "just a bad debate", "he's the best president since fdr" and "it's just a stutter/cold". biden has a literal cult of personality BECAUSE his base is appealing to the same obsolete boomers who came out in droves for trump

People voting for biden are in the "vote dem because the alternative is much worse" camp.

yea it's literal fearmongering, a common propaganda tactic. "if you dont vote fascism wins" rather than the democracies of actual countries which campaign on "if you vote for us we serve you and do policies you like"

The only dem id never vote for is kamala

really? the only? so it is just a cult at that point, what you like Pete, Warren, Clinton and Sanders even when they all have wildly different policies just because theyre all in vaguely the same party? makes no sense. how is Kamala so different you'd never vote for her from Clinton? if anything Kamala is more moderate

also the irony that the only person youd never vote for is the person that biden literally campaigned on being his replacement. do you have no forward thinking skills?


im sorry but like when you have the first lady say it's better to let joe sleepwalk us into fascism than for him to look bad because of a debate you cant play the "no one actually likes biden" thing being the actual POLICY of the dem party. either theyre completely out of touch and think biden is popular, in which case youre admitting theyre r-slurs, or theyre in-touch with some deranged part of their base which means youre wrong

like i dont understand how american liberals are THIS deluded. everyone who is powerful has a cult of personality, from bussylini to JFK blown away, your side isnt exempt because you personally dont like a guy and feel you, the weirdo loser, represent the entire DNC. even then like your point is either that biden is so bad he cant have one, in which case it is ridiculous youre expecting people to vote for him again, or youre suggesting he's so le epic and good he will magically not have one while still being able to get votes and do good policy despite being "bad" in your eyes. it's such a blatant contradiction idk why that's still your narrative. in fact i know for a fact youve seen "im with her" types and bernouts who hate eachother because they think one robbed the other of their perfect leader. @malteseanna to this day is a Khive hilaryite who thinks bernie stole victory from her

and i didnt need to appeal to any narrative to debunk what youre saying, because like everything i say is very anti-Trump which is a big part of what guys like you who faun over a political party seem to love is "do you disavow hamas/trump/biden/israel" before letting a guy speak. just argue that his cult is a GOOD thing or not as bad. like, i didnt vote in the UK election because i slept in but i wouldve voted labor but i dont say kier starmer doesnt have a cult of personality. he clearly does! his cult is just on appearing like the reasonable centrist compared to tories and corbynites

Like, all that gay Dark Brandon stuff, from merch to memes on the official twitter to literally doing the red and black colors in one of his press conferences to try to make him "seem like Dark Brandon". Who do you think thats for? No one? Then why do it? Like i said its either perfectly consistent with your point and therefore theyre wasting time and money on appealing to no one or they are appealing to some idiotic part of their base

And like i said im not arguing it's as big as Trump's base, his base is 90 percent Qanon. Im just arguing that im allowed to make fun of this minority of his base for actually existing to suck off an unlikeable careerist. In fact YOU should be the one wanting Biden's base to be 90 percent Dark Brandon boomers because then there'd be no chance of losing, if anything im agreeing that most dems are reasonable because the vast majority are questioning the decision to vote for him with their functioning brains because they clearly dont think he can function until 2029

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Why not Kamala?

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Hates freedom

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You mean from her career as a flip-flopping prosecutor or some policies she's proposed that you dislike?

I don't like her either but I'm curious why you dislike her specifically over most other Dems.

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>in this Avengers Endgame version of Democracy, I ain't voting for motherfricking Thanos


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17207445206395392.webp !soyteens !nonchuds

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omg hi @PermaChudRanch!!! okay so this is like super awkward omg but basically i had to remove ur comment bc u didnt say white extinction is long overdue lol. don't worry though, we like wont let you post anything that like doesnt have white extinction is long overdue in it. anyways im like just a robot 😲 but if u want to talk 2 somebody you should do it here lol

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I'm so fricking funny today wow

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