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  • Horned_waifus_shill : grats to trump for winning the election
  • Freak-Off : HahahA @pizzaJill keeps talking the Ls. Can it get worse? Project2025 cute twink.
  • vappy : WOOOOOOOAH
  • FoidBlaster : ACCELERATEEEEEEEE :marseyletsfuckinggo2:
  • yoni : Male violence yet again. More female presidential assassins please :marseysuffragette:


Shots at Trump https://x.com/_johnnymaga/status/1812249229902880976

Trump gets up https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1812251930007101593

Shooter bloodied https://x.com/Lukealexxander/status/1812257556116488243

Potential shooter on far away roof


Trump at stump speech in PA and a ton of shots supposedly at his direction. He was tackled by SS and eventually got up and fist pumped as he got rushed off.






Betting odds for Trump skyrocketing


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he got shot (moreso grazed) in the ear


schizo theory: the shooter is secretly a #darkMAGA trump stan who deliberately missed the headshot to make his popularity go through the roof and encourage him to get revenge on the libs when he gets elected

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Ok fine Trump is cool

And REALLY rappermaxxing these past few months

!everyone possibly the most dramatic event since the site came into being pls upmarsey @giga_jannies the OP


Lmao look at how CNN is covering it :marseyxd:




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they are both here to destroy something blue :marseythinkorino:

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Someone post this to /r/accidental-rennaisance or whatever it's called PLEASE @ENGLANDSHILL ping everyone or something this is an opportunity for a gayops to annoy reddit

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betting thread on perp :marseybegging:

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Too risky with the site's propensity to fedpost as le heckin hilarious jokerinos


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!metashit carp lost his balls in the attack

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Amanda Seyfried is legit a great actress.

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This was the only movie she was tolerable in

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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wrong and gay

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In Ted 2 she was like a black hole for humor.

Was she in the movie with Justin Timberlake and they kidnap that kid? I guess she was alright in that if I remember it right.

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Frick off


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I want to give her a c*m mustache.

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This but unironically

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I'm gonna have to take something else as a trophy then when i find him :marseysulk:

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He always does this

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can someone saying,:"yeah it was literally me lmao" really actually get this site in trouble?

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:marseysweating: dude but imagine having feds be forced to read this site... well Russia :marseytrotsky: is not involved, I am not going :marseysal3: to change my narrative.

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They wouldn't be forced to do anything, they'd hammer our service providers, Aevann would get pulled into a field office, cloudflare would be subpoenaed for RayIDs since we don't capture IP and they'd immediately fold and anyone even tangentially related to it would find themselves being flashbanged by US marshals in under 12 hours.


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Literally this.

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do you think the CIA workers would subscribe to my youtube channel


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Sounds like good drama

Signed: A guy who only ever uses this site from behind tor

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Sounds good for drama though :marseyoperasmug:

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good for drama tho

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Then you guys might want to IP block HeyMoon before he makes another post like the fake juror lol

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Wtf is RayID?!

See, thats why I, if i ever decide to fedpost IRL, will do so the old-school way with newspaper clippings sent to CNN by snail mail.

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Well if the feds are readin this then they must know that fussy conquers all.

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I did it.

I killed Mufasa


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I was dreadfully worried I was going to have to giganuke you

I like you a lot :marseysippingsad:


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Neighbor killed Mufasa. Nuke his butt.

Peepees out for our homie Mufasa

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It was literally me BTW (I'm dead on the ground)

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Soy + no it cant

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I mean, someone tried to kill a former president and current presidential candidate. The feds and secret service are probably going apeshit right about now :marseyshrug:

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Yes, it's a former President and current candidate lmao

Secret Service does not frick around with "in Minecraft"

:marseyposteditagain: :marseyspecial:

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Me trying to remember if I said anything :marseycoleporter: r-slurred :marseyretard: in the last few days: :marseygigaretard:

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boo, you whore

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Heymoon(or w.e it was, i dont remember) gonna pretend to be the shooter and get an even bigger reaction than theybdid pretending to be the juror. Still cant believe that shit got brought up in court 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Inb4 a news organization posts the shooter and it's just :#marseysamhyde:

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Ok now I really hope someone memes this and tricks a news org intern

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That's what they would :marseywood: say isn't it

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extremely limp wristed post

"we dont need a canary, nothing ever happens"


make up your mind neighbor

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"we dont need a canary, nothing ever happens"

We have a canary but it means nothing. No canaries mean anything. They have no legal standing. You can and often are legally compelled to LEAVE THE CANARY INTACT as a result of criminal inquiries and to deny the existence of these inquiries.


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leave the canary intact

This is why having a posted canary is fricking stupid

Just have a statement that disappears from a regular installment community bulletin LIKE WE USED TO HAVE

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Glowies arent r-slurred lmao. Removing a statement that you're not contacted by the feds is the same as making a statement saying you were. Its the intent and effect that solely matter.

The letter will just say something like "youre not allowed to confirm or imply the existence or content of this inquiry in any shape or form".

You cant trick the law by playing word games, thats how you end up in the slammer for being an r-slur.

Just ask moonmetropolis lmao

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Not removing a statement, just not adding one. That'd be compelled labor.

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@Aevann is this true, was your canary a lie the whole time?

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Bookers my love

This is ALL canaries


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thats true i remember null saying something like that about them subpoenaing his email or whatever

my counter to that would be that afaik aevann is not subject to american laws and therefore can do what he likes.

like... just dont host it in america and tell them to eat shit

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I bet it was Jeb Bush :marseysquint:

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First time he showed strength since that time he held an attacker to the ground.

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He missed

Trans lives matter

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thats how you know comrade Snappy wasnt the trigger bot

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Antifa dead

Trans lives matter

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100% white. No BIPOC :marseykkkblm: could've gotten half an inch away from killing :marseymegalodon: the president :marseyobamadope: lmao

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Motherlover just guaranteed the election.

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Turned my grudging "fine I really don't want scrambled egg brain man so I'll vote Trump" into "frick yeah Trump" already


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Fricking moron.

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Getting shot and living is metal and badass. Sorry Biden isn't metal and badass.


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You can hate Trump but he is at his core a showman. That fist pump absolutely rules, it's a total movie scene

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I can't think of anything even approaching it that's happened during our lifetime. Utterly, actively defiant in the face of those who would brazilify us. Trump 2024.


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Kino 2024

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If the bullet :marseyworldisavampire: actually :marseyakshually: met his brain :marseymentalgymnastics: he wouldn't have lived. It grazed him. There :marseycheerup: is nothing metal :marseyklennypunished: about a bullet :marseyworldisavampire: grazing your ear.

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Even a bit more impact on the side of his head could be lethal due to shockwaves?

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Cry more leftoid Jewish lives matter

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First comment of yours I haven't sidevoted.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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Why are you gay?

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He's just joking. As you can see from his name & flag & his pattern of speech he is clearly an English lad and thus cannot vote in the US election.

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I'm not a conspiracy theorist (well, compared to most of this site lol), but this is absolutely true and makes me wonder if it's a false flag

Best argument against false flag is that it happened on a weekend though- if it was purposeful they would have wanted to do it during the week to get even more attention on it

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He could of had a small explosive device installed in his ear before hand to mimic the hit.

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You cant mimic a bullet wound with explosives, even if its just a graze.

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Also it would be incredibly dangerous to shoot anywhere near his head. Nobody would take that risk.

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Wouldn't losing the election be dangerous for him tho?

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No that'd garuntee an easy time for him. If he left politics :marseywingcuck: tomorrow he would :marseymid: be left alone :marseyitsdangerous:

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Drumphp cut his own ear and had stage blood packages, just like he lost the debate against Joey


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He has spent a lot of time with pro wrestlers. :marseyhmm:

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Uh, ever heard of a guy named William Tell?


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This one?

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wtf is up with the replies to that video?

>මේවා තාමත් අහනවා බලනවා...අනේ ඇත්තටම ඒ කාලේ කොච්චර සුන්දර ද

>I remember looking at it with great interest at that time and searched for it. If I had to go back to punchy time again .

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R-slurred SEA/India spam stuff.

Hey, it's a super obscure series from the 90s. Was the only vid I could find that only had the opening. There was another 6:30 long "trailer" one, but who has time to watch that?

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makes me wonder if it's a false flag

Trump would never sign off on having a bullet fly that close to his head.

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He didnt have to. I used blanks and a dye pill in the ear

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Nah that was a trick ear with blood pack inside

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What if there was no shooter and his ear just did that? :marseywrongthonk:

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Everyone's responding saying "why would they risk a shot that close" when obviously, if it were fake, they wouldn't use a bullet. Trump would have a blood capsule or a pin on his finger, he grabs his ear repeatedly throughout.

I don't think it was fake because Trump was already winning by a lot and the fallout from getting caught would hurt his campaign more than any potential benefit.

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Trump :marseyhitler: was already winning by a lot

I wasn't aware :marseyitneverbegan: the election :marseytrumpitsoverwereback: was held and the votes were indicating he was winning. Are you six years old?

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No way would you risk shooting someone in the ear in the middle of a crowded arena for a false flag

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Bruh, yes way someone would cause people are just that fricking stupid that they act first then realize the consequences. Especially dumbass redditors who almost always overestimate their abilities and physical fitness. Look at all the conservi-cuck and libtards who got caught trashing their own stuff/jobs/churches/schools to blame the other side, almost all of them have the shocked pikachu or OMG my life is so fricking over look that says they figured they were smart enough to not be caught and now have their little world view shattered by reality.

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How r-slurred :marseyretard: do you have to be to think :marseygigathonk: this

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Even worse


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No fricking way lol


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!nonchuds carp swallowed up the breaking news headlines up like a chud newborn :littlestchuddy: :marseylaugh:

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they were still calling it an injury in an incident an hour after the shooting per my own screenshot neighbor


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I love cnn. Based accelerationists.

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reality show star suffers superficial wound at publicity event



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Geriatric felon real-estate mogul escorted from rural cattle market by federal agents after bleeding from ear

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Carp I don't think I'm comfortable with you calling me "neighbor" you can say neighba

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Yeah this photo just won him reelection.

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So lets all vote Trump :marseyhitler: because a bullet :marseyworldisavampire: grazed his ear? Who is this r-slurred :marseyautismchonker:

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Independent voters.

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Trump is black you can't convince me otherwise. What race would have a solid gold potty made as soon as it's an option. Not yt

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This but unironically

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No one sensible said he lacked composure. But it'd be a good thing for the country if he died and he must not run for office again.

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Trump is going to win, and I will help him.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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yea trump is the blackest president of all time neighbor is a felon he got shot he gonna start selling crack next hes the fricking goat

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Obama might have been the first African American president, but trump is 💯 the first BIPOC president lmao

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first African American president

That was :#marseysax:

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Getting shot and saying HECK YEAH is so American


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What was the incident CNN?

A bad one.

Yes but what happened in the incident?

Trump got injured?

How did he get injured CNN?

He got injured badly. There was blood everywhere.


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Hey carp you should point a gun at yourself and pull the trigger without checking if it's loaded first

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Like Alec Baldwin, but with yourself.

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>Ok fine Trump is cool

He is always cool I just miss when he was the funny guy

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did you put a shooter vote up yet because i think i wanna vote trans/trans adjacent

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"Trump gets an owie"

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Yeah that pic is handing him the election on a platter imo.

Joe acts like a sundowning geriatric ( :marseyhmmm: ) while Donny gets shot and makes a pose like that. Not difficult to figure out which one americans are gonna vote for.

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I'm really impressed by his reaction. Still no way I'll vote :marseylaughwith:

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I thought maybe his ear was scratched in the take down but it looks like he was hit and reacted to it

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This is definitely a dramatic happening

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Or the firebombing Walmarts meme finally radicalized someone into action


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there's no fricking way they set up shooting him in the ear. imagine how precise you would have to be to not frick up and just dome him.

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Yeah i said this twice already but it's impossible

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Nah. I remember seeing an advert in a gun magazine that had a picture of a .223 case with the caption

small targets are boring

from <100m an intentional ear shot would be easily doable

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spent 1,000 currency on pings

:marseylaugh: deny it all you want, you're one of us !r-slurs

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occasionally when drinking I go onto !r-slurs and kick some people in part hoping to ruin their hard-earned marseysavings

this might have been one of those occasions

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I could do it. I'm built (D)ifferent

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Yeah and I just saw a ford commercial where the truck was towing Godzilla.

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:marseynotes: Buy a Ford

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That'll come in handy when I go on a date with your mom.

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ok now try when the person is surrounded by a crowd with nobody noticing you trying to aim


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just show up with the whole squad theywill keep the crowd back. you people really not good atplanning huh

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Get jostled (kinda likely when you draw a gun in a crowd) and you blow his brains out. Whoever did this was 100% okay with Trump being killed.

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huh. d'you think?

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Lol. Never_held_a_gun_before-cel

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But not an earshot while the target is moving. End of story. I could hit a 1 inch target at 100 m, but the risk of a strong breeze turning it into a headshot is too high for anyone close to sane to attempt

Putting the :e: in spookie

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If you can get a 1/4" dispersion at 100yds I'll fly out and give you a blowjob, livestreamed to all of rdrama :marseyoverseether:

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I can't imagine what kind of shit armament you have, that you can't imagine a 1/4MOA rifle even exists

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You can get 1/4 MOA dispersion with an AR and aim perfectly on the first :marseywinner: shot?

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"5 shot groups" aren't a measure of anything :marseycoleporter: but luck

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:marseycope: just admit you have shaky hands and go

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In proper MAGA fashion I am going to claim this was a false flag attack with crisis actors.

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/r/politics is doing that right now. Also saying his icky rhetoric caused the attack, but no mention of r-slurs like them claiming democracy is heckin over forever if he wins.

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Lol youre not even joking, new is full of those posts

Edit: not even new, top comments when sorted by best lmao

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They'd be celebrating if he died, I don't expect them to have class rn

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I like how they're pretending we haven't gotten so many of them banned for violent comments

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I'm thinking the secret service tackled him into the podium. No one behind him was hit.

Edit: no he grabs his ear before going down. Shooter was from his right

Putting the :e: in spookie

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Nah Trump is a WWE fan he did the 'ole cut yourself with razor trick

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gigabased LMAO

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He IS a World Wrestlin Hall of Famer you r-slur.

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how'd nobody behind get hit?

Edit: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17209142902973588.webp

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Shooter seemed to be to the left (trumps right)

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You're right, he turns before suddenly grabbing his ear and then ducks down.


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wrong dumbass he was looking the same direction for the whole paragraph

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It's possible some did. Gunshot wounds are harder to see from a distance than you'd think

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It was John Fetterman. He thought Trump was a guy jogging past and chased him.

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nah, he had Barron fire a few shots in the air, and palmed a razor blade to cut himself before getting tackled.

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Q is activated. It's finally happening.

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There he is!


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Bet it's a airsoft gun which shot him from his right and then SS took the guy down with real bullets

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If someone actually shot a former president/current candidate with an airsoft gun, they win the award for most dramatic r-slur on Earth.

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love the theory but you do not miss a shot and hit the ear, he's very lucky.

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Wrong, he is #47 it is written

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Yea in the necronomicon.

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LOL i thought that, too. trump losing part of his ear just assured he's winning the election. some hardxcore maga dude doing this wouldn't shock me.

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bro u can't just snipe someones ear lmao

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i mean i'm 100% sure someone out there could do exactly that. it's not impossible.

likely? of course not. but it's at least possible.

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You are so r-slurred it's unreal

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i've watched a TON of documentaries about snipers like sniper or sniper 2 or sniper 3. i think i know what i'm talking about. :hmph:

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!enemiesofgrue she's back!

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oh man everyone clap for this knee slapper that no one has ever come up with!


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:#tiphat: thank you thank you I'll be here all night

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Ugh, a grue comment I have to agree with.

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Ive always wanted to be a movie stsr! :#marseystars:

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The thing is that doing such a thing without an unacceptable risk of actually killing him is impossible

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for sure but in this scenario i've created in my head the alt right maga shooter isn't mentally stable enough to think about that kind of thing

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This but the shooter is an actual far righter, i.e. unironic mayo supremacist.

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There are literally people aaying this lmao

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My schizo :marseytinfoil2: theory: Shooter :marseyelliotrodger2: is just an incompetent shitlib :marseyleftoidschizo: who screeches about how guns should :marseynorm: be illegal.

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Time to go into maximum reportmaxing overdrive on reddit!


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You got anything else than a nitter BIPOC link? Their server is slammed.


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