Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was shot, the next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a guaranteed win

Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was shot, the next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a guaranteed win

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/r/teenagers /r/ageregression poster

!transphobes !chuds every single fricking time

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Greetings once more ENGLANDSHILL,

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Please contact @J with questions

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Girl, it's so confusing to define girl (Girl, girl, girl, girl) :marseyjam:

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I like your new name.

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Thank you! :marseyembrace:

@Redactor0 likes it too because it means he can hit me without feeling bad about it.

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Couple goals :marseyheart:

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She's really out of control

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I always suspected she was a s*x racist 1488 tbh.

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Yes! :marseyfluffy: Good girl :@1066_internationalpat: now take your titty skittles so your princess wand is easier to tuck

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>/r/teenagers /r/ageregression poster :#marseywoodchipper2:

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Definitely not to be.

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Noone else except a :!marseytrain: would say 'not to be that girl'

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Not to be that girl,


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Why do troids do this weird thing where they gender themselves when speaking. Women don't talk like this online unless you're an AGP riddle man that wants to live out your life like your favorite anime character

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It's a japanese thing they have different "I"s, depending on the speaker.

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Weebs don't actually speak Japanese, they're just pretending.

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so true desu

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Superkawaii!! :marseyuwu:

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trans lives matter

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It's not a Japanese thing it's a troid / AGP thing

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You're wrong, and quite frankly, r-slurred.

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Good point.

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Get ratio'd. Bozo.

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:marseytrain2:s are all weebs

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It's more of a stereptype about politeness. Men are more likely to use 僕/δΏΊ as they're more likely to speak in a coarse manner. Men will use 私 in polite company. Japanese doesn't have gender/plural concordences.

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Not to be that girl but speaking as a woman (she/her) you are wrong in my feminine opinion (XX)

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Can I teach you how to do your makeup so you look like an egirl desperately trying not to age out of the scene?

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Carp would look amazing in goth makeup, he even has the correct acessories already :marseycutting:

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*in my feminine truth

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Why do troids do this weird thing where they gender themselves when speaking

Women do it, but not in the same way; it's more subtle and basically never includes referring to ourselves as "girls" or "females" because it's infantilizing and disgusting

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Because everyone around them needs to be reminded that they are definitely a woman

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I prefer Presidents that don't get shot. :marseyclueless:

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All the really cool ones, excepting Nixon, do seem to get shot though :marseyhmm:

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Nixon. Is. God. He can't get shot, the universe won't allow it

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You're back! I knew this would bring some lost ones home :marseyembrace:

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Was Garfield really that cool tho?

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Garfield is Marsey's direct ancestor

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Shh... Jim Davis will sue

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Slip him $5 and he'll be fine with it

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It's kinda crazy how tolerant Jim Davis is of wacko knockoff parody content.


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Official rdrama lore :marseynotes:

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The virgin goth garfield vs the chad Martay


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Ummm... some of these neighbors survived the Civil War. Which was just shooting at each other until a lot of people were dead. I'm not exaggerating.

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Large if factual.

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Both Hayes and McKinley fought as part of the 23 Ohio during the Civil War, with Hayes being injured at Fox's Gap.

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:wishthatwereme: god what I'd give to take a wound in Fox's Gap...

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It took, I dunno, a few hours to realize your name had changed. And a couple more to bother clicking to confirm it. In that time I was much harsher on you having r-slurred opinions about everything (you have a..... :!marseyshook:).

So why am I easier on you when you're Jimie?

The real answer might disturb you. :marseyfortuneteller:

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I'm actually sort of curious about this! :marseygossipsmug:

I hardly notice my own username, but I did notice that chuds were upvoting me more and that maybe my sarcasm was landing differently from @sexracist1488

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I can't simp until I've either seen a picture or developed a personality profile

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i could tell your posts were aggressively shit the moment I read them just like on the other account so you are 100% on brand don't worry

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I know the real answer. :marseyfeminist:

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If no one's taking shots at you then you were never cool to begin with :marseynails:

I bet you listen to rappers who have never been shot too

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I prefer presidents who can walk off stage without looking lost:

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Teddy Roosevelt literally led the most succesfuly third party campaign in American history despite running for a third term in office. The only reason why he lost is because Democrats rallied behind Wilson while the rest of the country was split in a three-way race between Taft, Roosevelt and even the socialist Eugene Debs who gathered a surprisingly high percentage of votes. Ultimately Teddy came in 2nd with the poplar vote being somwhere along the lines of 40% Wilson - 30 % Teddy - 25 % Taft and 5 % Debs.

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Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was shot, the next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a guaranteed win

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Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the fricking successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the fricking win for democrats, the fricking multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was fricking shot, the fricking next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the fricking same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a fricking guaranteed win

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Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was shot, the next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a guaranteed win

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Definitely not a girl

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Teddy Roosevelt literally led the most succesfuly third party campaign in American history despite running for a third term in office. The only reason why he lost

Fixed that for you

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Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was shot, the next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a guaranteed win

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You should use your admin powers to forcibly add this as a quote to carp's personal snappy quotes.

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Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was shot, the next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a guaranteed win

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Law of Drama says :marseyarabcelebration: will always be good for popularity


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It's 6am and we have around 20% higher viewership rn than we do normal days at peak I think

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So you are saying Big Rdrama has a motive. :marseyhyperthonk:

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I came back for this :marseyfluffy:

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>go on those subreddits

>the comments are all about how it'd be great if trump did get killed


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You guys are gonna be really fkn busy this week

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These neighbors are pathetic. They whine and pray that someone shoots trump for nearly a decade, and now that someone does instead of celebrating they enter a complete cope mode about how "it's bad for our optics" or how "no leftist would ever do this" and shit about how this somehow incriminates them and will cause backlash and similar attempts on Bidens life.

Just own up to it and say it was based

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Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was shot, the next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a guaranteed win

>Ctrl + C

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>Ctrl + V


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Ok but did any of the previous president raise their fist up god butt, telling the almighty it was not their time to reach the gate of Eden yet?


Then it's Jeb time.

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Thid may be true for leftoid violence cases, but you think rightoid on rightoid violence will help his cause? :marseysm#ughips:

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It'd make trump look more moderate so probably

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What if they're a neocon? He did donate some loose change to some random prog org when he was 16

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Not to be that girl, but Teddy :marseytedsimp: Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination :marseyjfk: of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination :marseyjfk: attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield :marseywideload: was shot, the next election :marseytrumpwereback: went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party :marseyrave: as Garfield. Failed :marseychonkertrain: assassination :marseyjfk: isn't a guaranteed win

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Not to be that girl, but Teddy Roosevelt getting shot didn't win him reelection in 1912, the successful assassination of RFK in 1968 didn't secure the win for democrats, the multiple assassination attempts on Gerald Ford didn't nab him reelection, when Garfield was shot, the next election went to Grover Cleveland, who wasn't in the same party as Garfield. Failed assassination isn't a guaranteed win

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Wait, the fat orange cat was running for president?

Frick it, I'm writing in Marsey! :#marsey:

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Yea but they didn't get a cool photo op and weren't running against an incoherent mess

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This aligns with my worldview so i agree


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This is all true, but none of them had a really dope picture taken right after they were shot

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@ENGLANDSHILL can you please approve my Marsey in the submissions? I need it :marseybegging:

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@ENGLANDSHILL thanks :marseyxoxo:

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Registered republican

Convicted felon

Anti fascism has always been about jailing and killing political opponents

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