Sneedia going "erm, it was just loud noises :marseyreportercnn:", nothing ever happens :marseychudnotes:

Even Wikipedia is doing it! :marseylaugh:

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:marseyeyeroll: Was already posted. Someone in the previous said rightoids are going to parade these screens like hunter peepees pics and it seems to be true

The titles were changed within like 2 minutes and they looked like this because nothing was confirmed so they can't be sued for fake info. Tldr rightoids are unfamiliar with the concept of developing story !nonchuds

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That is not how the law works. If a headline said 'Trump injured in apparent assassination attempt' who do you imagine could sue? With all due respect your reasoning is r-slurred.

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If this was in good faith the bare minimum would read: "Trump shot in ear at maga rally, assailant unknown. Trump in stable condition." Like it was literally on camera. Anything else is straight up nonsense.

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I live in America and I'm not r-slurred?

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Factcheck: This claim is a gross exageration of reality.

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they looked like this because nothing was confirmed so they can't be sued for fake info

Out of of all the cope self lies I've seen today is the one most high on copium. A) they can't be sued for good faith reporting following journ*listic best pratices. B) Who the frick could sue them for it? An assassin that got smeared? Cope some more, maybe sneed in a reply.

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titles were literally changed within minutes this is a big deal because ummm uhhh umm


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Title is unchanged 15 hours later. In awe at the wingcuckery, absolute cute twink!

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I already addressed this point please get new material and stop spreading misinformation

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You're going to make me say "overton window" and "gaslighting" in the same sentence you fricking frick. If I have to say it, I swear to god :marseyraging:

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is cope a literal drug to you people? Why cant you own up when you are just flat out frickin wrong? Everybody can see it

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USA today still has the obfuscating title

Donald Trump removed from stage in Milwaukee rally, cause unknown

Lmao even the url is fricked

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1 news site still says so in a delisted article

We need a grasping at straws marsey

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Dinosaurs seek shelter amid geological event, impact unknown


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This is the kind of response libtard redditors give when they're cornered with proof that they're wrong. No counter argument, just "I don't like you".


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This reminds me of the time you were caught with the hard drive full of cp on your work PC.

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He's giving us deep @Redactor0 lore

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For any glowies: No I don't have cp on my computer.

But if this is actually a bot that has evolved into throwing pedophilia accusations at people, we're getting close to the singularity.

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:quote: accusations :quote:

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Between :marseyzeldalinkpast: bussy-boy p-do accusations and snappy :marseypennypolendina: gaining true sentience during the attempted assassination :marseyjfk: you might be right :marseysoren:

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Sounds like something a person with CP on their computer would say

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He literally got fired after using this one guy's computer to load up porn and jerk off. He was always one step short of doing it in the bathroom while making eye contact with the kids in the stall next to him.

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Tell me more? Was he prosecuted for these heinous crimes?

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More comments

Brother :marsey1984: carp just posted proof :marseygraze: it was on still on the front :marseyviewerstare: page. The reason this guy doesn't see it is because his frontpage being different :marseyvenn3: due to being a euro. Story :marseyslime: is still up btw last I checked

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Aren't you a rightoid? You seem to carry a lot of water for these frickin ingrates

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On blood I was pouring my soul out for cute twink rights before you born.


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I can still see it :marseyshrug:

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I don't , ergo, fake

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Literally just click the link you stupid BIPOC r-slur

As a !bipocs I'm allowed to call you that :dasrite:

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This is not what delisted means :marseyfacepalm:

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Oops :marseywhirlyhat:

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You lost! Your hero is a brain dead demented old kook and your mortal enemy can't be killed by bullets! You lose, Satan

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This is a good idea: a fishing line connected to a bundle of straws bobs up and down as our hero fruitlessly reaches for them

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U are pathetic

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>not understanding something


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Look at how angry they are :marseylaugh:

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ngl I am kind of furious now that the initial humor of the situation wore off and I start to consider broader implications. The brinksmanship from DNC mouthpieces and their social media echo-chambers has been beyond the pale for far too long and this is a natural result. Nobody responsible will never feel real consequences for this. I haven't been as angry as I am now since journ*lists tried manifesting a mass shooting at Joker showings because they didn't like the demographic going to see it.

!grillers anyone else wake up feeling a little seriousposty today? It feels like there are people with institutional power who see no value in the continued stability of America despite living in it.

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I've been fine! Actually, this is literally me:

:#marseyantiwork: "I wonder when they'll tell us about his social media accounts..."

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The stuff about him failing in the shooting club was jokes, can't lie about that :mars#eyemojirofl:

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The brinksmanship from DNC mouthpieces and their social media echo-chambers has been beyond the pale for far too long and this is a natural result.

I haven't voted in a very long time, but that's basically why I'm voting for Trump. They've pulled so much shit from his getting elected to now that I'm tired of it despite Trump's anti-international trade stance.

Normally, in a first world country, when you lose a presidential election, you recoup your losses and plan better for the next election. You don't pay off some former British spy to launch a conspiracy theory to have the state police investigate and hamper the new administration. It's chaotic, and they found no collusion! :marseyrage: It undermines democratic institutions, but they go on and on with bullshit impeachments while unleashing propaganda about him ending democracy, being a dictator fascist no gooderino, and then burying their candidate in a bunker away from the public eye during 2020 when there should have been a public debate.

All of the sudden, these r-slurs are shocked that Biden's a bumbling old man. Yeah, motherlover, they pulled the wool from your eyes and have been engaging in all this cloak-and-dagger bullshit for years. Frick 'em. They voted for a frickin child predator, I mean what the frick. Where are the moral principles with Democrats? :marseyeyelidpulling: Great propaganda campaign btw. :marseyclapping:

I've been neutral with the two major parties for decades, but this recent shit Democrats have been pulling is enough.

!chuds !grillers and (I can't ping nonchuds because 400 is the cap :marseyaware:) , have a late night drunken rant from Yours Truly. :marseyblowkiss:

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Im in oregon so it doesnt really matter who I vote for so I'm gonna vote for Marsey :marseyfsjal:

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A vote for Marsey is a vote for the Future!

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Yep, my parents both voted for Biden in 2020 and are voting for Trump now.

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I voted for Hildawg and Biden but I'll be voting Trump for similar reasons now.

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The irony of this message for rightoids:

"It's just political bullshit, I'll vote for whoever I'm told to"


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Yeah it was the leftoids who've been talking about violent revolution for the last 30 fricking years.


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Maybe I just don't pay enough attention to mainstream rightoids but that's the sort of thing I only see from extremist r-slurs forced into fringe websites. It's a totally different world when it's coming from people with real power, "the end of democracy," tacit acceptance of secret courts and "russia hacking the election" from elected politicians or their mouthpieces in the media off the top of my head. Glorification of political violence against politicians, repeated lionizing of prosecuting opposition and their family on both sides in mainstream sites that I have to assume are moderated with oversight from RNC/DNC patsies.

Idk maybe I'm just getting old, it feels like escalation after escalation since 2010 and serious clamps down on online speech, but only one side's, through corporations the last few years especially. This all feels like it's going somewhere and I don't think I will like the destination.

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Are you fricking kidding me? You never listened to Rush Limbaugh?

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Correct. He was just some nutcase on the radio to me and I never paid him any attention.

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Trying to save face at this point is pathetic.

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it's so weird that our political opponents use our r-slurred propaganda fumbles against us


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The titles were changed

So you're saying they're real :marseysmug2: I accept your concession :marseysmughips:

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There needs to be a new addendum to Mutt's Law regarding leftoids referencing Hunter Biden's peepee apropos of nothing

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Lol they cant get enough of it

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ABC literally reported this as being investigated as an attempted assassination 10 minutes after it happened. lol.

Unironically defending journos. Why are nonchuds like this? :marseyxd:

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The NY Post claiming the shooter was Chinese was funny though.

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Lol cope any harder u frickin twat

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Holy shit !nonchuds I thought this loser was seething to every single of my replies then I checked his comment history and it's basically him coping about dead Trumptards nonstop for the past 24 hours :marseylaugh:

To heck with serious posters

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>is a subhuman

>projecting that you are the actual subhuman

Many such cases!

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Yes, rather than wait a moment to establish facts to report, they felt it was important that they be first to publish watered down heat of the moment gossip.

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