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Little known facts about England

Why do I listen to you people every two years

Why do I always believe you

Every single fricking time "no carp honest it's coming home this time for sure"

And then shit like this



Kick a Spaniard in the teeth.

!britbongs !football

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me on the right

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Good morning, when is the bet payout?

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you owe me 40k coins :#marseyraging:

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Here's how we can still win

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!football the Dominion reffing machines were all rigged. Stop the count!!!

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You got a rare glowing emoji in your flair, nice! :marseyexciteddance:

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downside is that I made :capywholesome: but I can't add it to my flair without losing the glow :marseyitsover:

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Just update it again and again until you get another glowing one.

Might have to change it up every time to re-update, but id say thats worth it :marseytroublemaker:

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  • N : Not anymore, I just tried it :marseychristmasgift:

it costs 25 dc each time and thanks to the worst country on earth I don't have enough to waste it on changing my flair over and over :#marseygunshotsuicide:

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Oh darn.

Ok fair enough lol

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uhhh would you believe me if i said my current flair was a complete accident?

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We are the elite :#marseygigachad:

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:#marseysweating: Are you saying you can change my flair and I'll lose my glowie?

:#marseycry: I didn't even realize that.

This is bait btw. I have a deflector :chudsmug:

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I have one too, but it's on WPD :marseyexciteddance:

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guess what :marseysatisfiedvappy:

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:#marseysquint: :#marseyconfused:

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noooooo let's go back to playing negative football when we score noooooooooooooo let's let spain tiki taka around us and play for penos nooooooooooooooooooo

ffs southgate

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>get Kane off the field

>immediately score

>ok arry get back out there

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The level of rigging here is unreal


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>one team lucksacked their finals on penalities and draws

>The other had 0 draws, 0 loses, 7 victories and gorillion goals

Which one were the riggers again?

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7 victories in a row sounds suspiciously riggy to me

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It's called pure skill

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right? it's crazy they thought they could rig england all the way to the championship. i can't believe it worked for as many games as it did!

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Let's go Sudan

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Wow. Oh that is sad.

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Plot twist: They threw the game to collect the sweet sweet DC rewards :lolface: :troll:

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First the krauts let me down now the bongs! Western Europe has completely fallen :chuditsover:

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Both Spain and England need to be nuked from orbit :marseybeanangry:

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it's coming home just not yours

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Está llegando a casa

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so if i voted no i won the bet?

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Push the button, fish! Give me my winnings

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:#marseybonggenocide: :#marseyqueengenocide: :#marseydrumgenocide:

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:#marseycheerup: It's more fun to pull for the underdog but usually ends in heartbreak

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it's okay lad we'll just win the olympics

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So England won?

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Man I actually kinda feel bad for bongistan. Its been what, 60 years since they won anything? The only people remembering it are retired by now lmao

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Harry Kane the antiwork legend of the Euros, played the whole tournament without doing any work :marseykneel: :marseydogwalker:

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Kinda lame you closed betting so soon I wanted to bet today morning with the rest of my money and it was closed already

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Kill Spaniards. Behead Spaniards. Roundhouse kick a Spaniard into the concrete. Slam dunk a Spanish baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Spaniards. Defecate in a Spaniards food. Launch Spaniards into the sun. Stir fry Spaniards in a wok. Toss Spaniards into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Spaniards gas tank. Judo throw Spaniards into a wood chipper. Twist Spaniards heads off. Report Spaniards to the IRS. Karate chop Spaniards in half. Curb stomp pregnant Spaniards. Trap Spaniards in quicksand. Crush Spaniards in the trash compactor. Liquefy Spaniards in a vat of acid. Eat Spaniards. Dissect Spaniards. Exterminate Spaniards in the gas chamber. Stomp Spaniard skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Spaniards in the oven. Lobotomize Spaniards. Mandatory abortions for Spaniards. Grind Spanish fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Spaniards in fried paella grease. Vaporize Spaniards with a ray gun. Kick old Spaniards down the stairs. Feed Spaniards to alligators. Slice Spaniards with a katana.


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I'm glad I only had like a thousand coins to bet on this

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they didn't come home?



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Do we get paid for betting on Spain now? Don't take this from me this time cute twink

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Was it the black players fault? I hope so :marseyfsjal:

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It actually wasn't this time, our Ngubii played admirably and a lite Ngubu scored our only goal.

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thast wat you get for liking soccer imo tbqhwy fr

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dw next time it really is coming home

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Please process the payouts on those hundreds of bets I placed.

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Kick a Spaniard in the teeth.

They'd still have nicer smiles than the English.

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Update your betting thread so I can collect the DC I spent

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You got that meme from me dramacoin pls

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Yes. Gott strafe England! ER STRAFE ES!

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Mark and Spencer tea :marseychefkiss:

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Change your names before you humiliate yourself more my dude

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It's never :marseyitsover: coming home as long as Cursed :marseycdm2: Kane is around :marseysmug:

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