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Would be Trump :marseytrump: Assassin claims to have 10 inch Hog :marseypig:

@BWC thoughts?

We lost a real hero didn't we?



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goddarn imagine being an edgy teenager in this smartphone era

every stupid little thing you ever say gets to hang over your head like the sword of damocles

>According to TMZ, Crooks was incredibly skilled with computers and knew how to take them apart and reassemble them.

lol a monkey can do this :marseybruh2:

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goddarn imagine being an edgy teenager in this smartphone era

I would have roped the moment I gained sentience in my 20s.

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The social media i had was facebook and i stopped posting on it because my mom made one and added me. Thanks mom

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Why hide your shit from your mom? Your mom loves shit.

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Your mother loves my huge German peepee.

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You have a tiny Asian peepee :marseydicklet:

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Not so

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that was like 9/11 to a certain kind of !codecels

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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i'm out of the loop, plz explain

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The Verge (tech news/review site you probably know them, they're pretty Apple-biased and normie techie) hired this rando to do a PC build guide and he did literally everything wrong. :marseyfacepalm: Like legitimately everything you could do wrong. It's been ages since I've seen the video but it's worth watching just to see how bad it is. :marseybrainlet:

The guy just cyberbullied :marseylaptopangry2: over it but was kind of a chad for never backing down and acknowledging who insanely bad he was at it IIRC. :marseyretardchad:

!codecels - this was late 2018 :marseyboomer:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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The guy just cyberbullied over it but was kind of a chad for never backing down and acknowledging who insanely bad he was at it IIRC.

He did make a LTT video that talked about it, the verge basically told him to roll over and take it.

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watching ten Linus tech tips videos makes you "incredibly skilled with computers".

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I watched ten LTT videos and all I learned was how to make stupid faces at the camera

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I learned how to waffle about, use flawed methodology, then conclude the test with a vague shoulder-shrug

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Seriously they're slightly more complicated than legos

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Easier in some ways. Most shit is color coded and other than the power button and case lighting, you can't really plug anything in backwards or the wrong place

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Only u kill or try to kill a president tho... no one would have ever gave a frick if this kid didnt try to kill my neighbor Trump

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Right, the stuff you said is only a problem if you shoot the President...or if you quietly stand in the presence of a protesting Indian while white or if your teacher hears you wrongthink or if you want a job or to get into college, etc.

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Great, now Trumpler is going to persecute big-peepee-havers. Do we ever get a break?

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When they came for the well-endowed, I did not speak up, for I am not well-endowed.

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My peepee is so big the foids honk me I'm walking down the street, and my balls are so large that I cannot rip butt without having to check if I've blown my nuts off. This is not ok.


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Imagine how much worse it was having giant nuts back when you had to ride on horseback to get places.

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mfw I see an entire army brigade surround soren's house to take him into custody


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Oh thank God, I'm safe. We need to Make America Great Again!


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this r-slur just shared a video he made joking around with friends

death to rightoids

he calls himself a "media personality"

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I've heard the shooter described both as a loner and as someone with "a few friends", but without "a whole friend group"

Someone should've called him an rDrama user

@Luna_C_Pibbles: If I ever get interviewed for one of these things, I'll be sure to tell them the shooter was obsessed with this site called "rdrama"

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They described the Columbine shooters as "two loners" when their classmates didn't really hate them until they were aerating them.

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Ignore the FBI narrative. If the shooter is a rightoid we'll know within a week or so. If he wrote a leftoid manifesto we'll hear "motives unclear" until after the election.

Biden's campaign are absolutely going to lean on the authorities to keep it quiet if turns out that calling Trump a fascist threat for months was indeed the reason someone shot at him.

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he tried to kill trump because he wasn't a milquetoast conservative practically indistinguishable from the blue tribe. makes sense that that was his motive.

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he wasnt a leftoid becuase he actually tried to kill someone other than himself

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Ho Lee Fuk these guys are r-slurred

Collin stands as a remarkable embodiment of a scholar with acute insights and shrewd business acumen. His academic journey led him through the hallowed halls of the University of San Diego, culminating in the attainment of a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Specializing further, he also holds a BBA in Marketing, a testament to his multifaceted skills within the realm of commerce. Yet, his identity transcends these laurels, for he has carved a niche for himself as an adept investor who fearlessly ventures into new and potentially lucrative opportunities.

He's some strag zoomer football player who found a new grift


Gotta say that maybe I should have cashed on on being an internet cheesedick instead to trying to serve my country and work hard like a fricking moron

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His academic journey led him through the hallowed halls of the University of San Diego

The hallowed halls of the third best school in the city?

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The UniversiTTTTy of San Diego

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They're tryna make you think it's UC San Diego lmao

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Not even STDSU? :taylaugh:

I miss watching the slutwalk down college ave :tayslide:

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People can hate on SDSU all they want, half the city is alums, good alum network even if it's mostly informal. USD isn't necessarily a bad school it's just that most of the "prestige" comes from it being expensive as frick. Their law school is legit though, I'll give them that.

Also, the walk of shame is a sight to behold.

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It's only a grift if it's successful. This the kinda kid whose rich dad funds his business and provides money for business expenses (like traveling) and his dad does it bc it's too embarrassing to just realize your kid is a failure.

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Yeah these ppl are a dime a dozen

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Are you incapable of reading at an 8th grade level?

He is saying that the FBI story isn't adding up in light of this new video

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how dare you :marseypearlclutch:

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this r-slur just shared a video he made joking around with friends

It depends on how old the video is, but he was 20 so it can't be too old. Lots of people have videos of them joking around with friends and then later have none.

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Maybe he had fbi friends? Gritchen witchmer orchestrated her own kidnapping with fbi friends

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Why is his head so small :marseythissmall:

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Actually kinda crazy that we live in a reality where some dweeby kid like this almost was able to kill the president of the United States and change the future of the entire world.

truly the most dramatic timeline.

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Actually kinda crazy that we live in a reality where some dweeby kid like this almost was able to kill the president of the United States

As opposed to gigachads like Gavrilo Princep and that geek who shot Reagan to impress Jodie Foster?

!carlos laugh at this sheltered dramatard :carlos:.

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God created dweebs and presidents.

Samuel Colt made them equal. :#eaglebikiniflag:

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Only in America could a total loser have such an opportunity :marseysaluteusa:

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He did change the future of the world. This was very good for Trumps campaign, and that picture of him raising his fists afterwards is definitely going to make it into the history books.

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Gavrilo Princip was driven to commit an exceptional deed after being rejected from military service as a scrawny manlet

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Footage of Thomas Matthew Crook getting bullied in school has surfaced

Supposedly there's also footage of someone pulling on his leg (Source: TMZ)

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Neighbor's laughing, this ain't no bullying

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Journos are like soap opera writers. I can never tell when they're just completely not giving a frick half assing contrivances or when they're just completely closed off to 95% of human experience and trying to explain normal shit that's alien to them.

Yes, I'm comparing TMZ to CNN.

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sits like a fricking girl. and his feet naturally turn inwards like a sissyboy. im putting all my chips on the enby hypothesis now.

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No Socks in sneakers? Death penalty for that alone

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IT WAS THE STYLE AT THE TIME, OKAY?!! He's just a bit behind the trends

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omg can't believe he had to endure torture like this

anyway, how come no one mentioned he was :gay:? look how he's sitting.

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He would have made a great poster here

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He probably was tbh

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You know, @Marco has been oddly quiet since the assassination attempt



:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I was actually like 10 miles from where it happened :marseysweating:

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He was me

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Hi there :marseywave2:

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What a coincidence. I was the secret service sniper who took him out.

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  • N : What did he mean by this? :marseyquestion:

Everything that has come out about him has made me unironically love this kid. He seems like a cool fricking dude.

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We need to see the autopsy :marseygutspill: :#marseydetective:

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It'll be on WPD soon enough.

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@BWC keep qn eye out

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!ranchers is it just me or does his voice and accent sorta reminds me of CWC? :#marseycwc: :#marseythonk:

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He's got that aspie look all over him

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Built by BWC

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Big if true

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why would :marseywood: he throw :marseybrick: all that away if he had so much going :marseysalmaid: for him. more creedence to the mkultra sleeper cell theory :marseygoldenhorseshoe: :marseyschizotwitch:

You're gonna :marseyvenn6: tell me that that kid went through all those levels of security, somehow got into the closest building to the president :marseytrumpblack: and accessed the rooftop, then had the time to unpack his rifle, lay down and then take five to eight well-aimed shots at the president :marseymilei: before :marseyskellington: he was decisively engaged?" he asked. "There's absolutely no way possible that kid was able to get up there :marseycheerup: and take those shots at the president :marseylincolnchad: without a lot of internal help," he said.



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This is why sissy hypnosis pornography and groomercord use have risen. In between subliminal "SUCK BIG PEEPEES" messaging there are also coded MKULTRA suggestions which can be activated by an innocuous-appearing groomercord message. There are tens of thousands of awkward catboy sleeper cells out there.

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Scrap The Movie Critic, I have a better idea


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It is kinda sus that such an obvious position had apparently no kind of security :marseywrongthonk:

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Have you considered that everyone is r-slurred

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When it comes to feds and glowies, always assume malice.

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well ya.

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>Assassin claims to have 10 inch Hog

Has he been buried yet?

Seems like an easy thing to prove or disprove.

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Antigrower microagression

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If that's actually true then I support him

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:marseyschizowall: :marseyrightoidschizo: :marseytinfoil2:

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:marseysaluteusa: :marseysaluteisrael: :marseysaluteussr: :marseysaluteconfederacy: :marseysaluteindia: :marseysalutechina: :marseymacacosalute:

Thank you for your work. This information is critically important.

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wow, just like literally every dude. (except the fat/ugly ones)

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