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>sexy Indian dudea wife

>immediately attacks bongistan instead of the French Caliphate

!antibharatiya :marseywrongthonk:

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Wrong. Hating the bongs is a global tradition.

"It's coming home" mockeries for example.

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Is he wrong though? :marseyshrug:

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Yeah. That'll be france

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France isn't a country

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French Blacks wouldn't ever allow that.

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>French Blacks

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And the frogs deserve it

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Aren't they closing down their reactors? :marseyradioactive:

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France actually cucks Islam in the country.

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Iran and Pakistan :marseyivorytower: have nukes you fricking :marseytom: r-slur :marseykrayon:

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What if I would smuggle snuggle a nuke into your home ? :marseygossip:

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Can I rent him a room in Berlin before you do that?

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Doesn't the Islamic republic of Pakistan have nukes

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But you repeat yourself

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Yes, Iran has nukes already

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Frick yeah this is going to be a dramatic 4 months and that's a GOOD thing

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Finally read up on this guy and learned his career was pretty much designed by Peter Thiel. Selected him to run venture capital funds, spent some tens of millions on Vance's political career, and even personally escorted him to Mar a Lago to make up with Trump lol

Is this good or bad for my PLTR stock :marseysweating:

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Billionaires reproduce by grooming politicans

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That twink did destroy gawker so Pete is ok in my book

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What's wrong with Thiel

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Lolbert schizo that's offputting in the special kind of way kids these days would associate mostly with Sam Altman's EA cultists. Buy bitcoin.

!commenters And that's the gods honest truth.

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Yeah thats why I like him


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He's bad because reddit reasons.

:soysnooseethe: :marseysigh: :!soysnooseethe:

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Was your bussy broken for reddit reasons?

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How is he a schizo, groo-boo?


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Even knowing the word accelerationism reflects poorly on your sanity

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>dodged the question

How reddit of you! :marseyangel:

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>you're feelings are not a source! :soycry:

E tu, Redditore?

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Didn't say there was, I just want to know if this is going to make me money or not

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Thiel is a p-do though, this gives me the ick

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Is he?

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I dunno, probably :marseyshrug:

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are you just saying this because he's gay? :marseyconfused:


some tabloids say it's sus how the model dude got defenestrated :marseydefenestration: , but I didn't see anything about that kind of thing


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Had no knowledge of him whatsoever. Saw him speak once and thought: that guy probably likes kids.

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Thiel just unloaded a bunch of Palenteer stock...

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What'd you sell for?

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Sadly I'm a landcel only. Heard it on a podcast $200 large he dumped?

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Oooh Thiel sold… he gets paid in stock so he's constantly selling he has millions of shares

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Woodgrain Chad take

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We have a privileged yt man in power now.

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!britbongs it really is incredible the burgers considered rishi the Oxbridge billionaire more progressive than working class Kier

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I'm reminded of that shitty simpsons musical number/trump diss track where he is called "just Boris Johnson without the class" as if Boris ever had any


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lmao that is so bad I have never seen that before

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Modern Simpsons is intolerable

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Grandma Marge voice nagging Bart, cuts to Homer being scolded by Lizzo

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They need to pay Julie Kavner enough money so that she leaves and accepts royalties from letting an AI model replace her. It is really, really bad.

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Is this the timeline I've come to inhabit :marseyhmm: I thought simpsons was boomer shit :marseyhmmm:

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The Simpson's morph into the yellow face equivalent of a Never Trumper's Twitter feed is some real sad stuff to see

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Been this way for all of american history.

Trump isnt even the first trump.

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working class cia asset kier.

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/  It's not that hard to see why considering ''''''conservatives''''' presided over a decade of open borders, hate speech laws, hundreds of millions of pounds in government DEI spending, mass funding for tranny lobbying groups, absolutely insane carbon emission targets, the destruction of national fuel, oil, farming and fishing industries, the allowing of the globohomo takeover of schools, self-identification, the complete destruction of English culture from many areas in the country, Islamic courts... one could go on but point is it's easy to mistake these leftoids for rightoids just because they wear suits.
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Who thinks that?

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Pakistan would like to say something.

What he said:

"And I was talking about, you know, what is the first truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon, and we were like, maybe it's Iran, you know, maybe Pakistan already kind of counts, and then we sort of finally decided maybe it's actually the UK, since Labour just took over."

I hate redditors so much it's unreal. They literally just read headlines and sperg out to each other.

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That's what being on the right side of history is

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did he forget about pakistan??? :soyjakanimeglasses:

no one cares about that country neighbor, its only alive becuase the burgers fund it

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people keep saying i should hate this guy but other people keep posting his gigabased quotes like this


but also, dumb because iran and pakistan

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if grooming gangs and mass sexual assaults don't bother you, think about the horrifying reality of one of the most powerful nuclear arsenals the world has ever seen, being handed to muslims through democracy.

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:marseyakshually: it's the smallest and least powerful by western standards. The frogs still have both sea and air launch capability provided entirely by domestic French industry; the only nukes bongs have left are the few SLBMs that the US gov permits Lockheed to sell to them.

And before someone brings up W88s vs M51s, there's zero chance the UK is in possession of a single W88.

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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^ Bongs react

Get ready for FOUR MORE YEARS of Europoors absolutely SEETHING at right wing populist American isolationism. I expect that in 5 years Europoor social nets will be drained to build up an army against Putler, now aiming straight to Poland

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It'd be like calling the US a Jewish-state because 2% of the population follow Judaism.

Kinda sorta they are.

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Thousands of people pretending that wasn't a joke including the UK gov officials :marseysmug3:

The Treasury minister James Murray said: "I don't know what he was driving at in that comment, to be honest. I mean, in Britain, we're very proud of our diversity."

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bring back the no-go zone meme

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People saying the uk is only 5% Islamic is fine is fricking insane. Imagine if the usa was 5% gypsy mongolian or something.

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A more darning way to phrase it would be to look at the top 10 male baby names over the last few years. It's almost always "Mohammad" topping the list.

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I mean, that is a pretty stupid thing to say. I wouldn't call Pakistan an Islamist country, but there's no realistic path for the UK to become more Islamist than Pakistan any time in the even vaguely predictable future.

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I NEED the VP debate straight into my veins.

Kackala vs Chudfat

>With the passage of time we become what we past hahahahaha

>Project 2025 nomnomnom.

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inshallah :marseyinshallah:

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:marseyflagpakistan#: :#marseymacarthur: :#marseymath:

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