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[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] 12 Women Come Forward Alleging They Were Sexually Assaulted By Whoever Trump's VP Pick Is


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

True. Trump loves to surround himself with male feminists and p-dophiles, like himself. (-27)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Oh, it's coming. The democrats learned nothing over the weekend. (55)

The worst criticism of Trump comes from Vance himselfโ€ฆ.ย  (-18)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

And because they're libs we shouldn't pay any attention to them. Is that how your shitty headline was supposed to end? (-21)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

We've ALL been successfully fed some, whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not. As I just said in my own reply to that comment, it's important we strive to keep an open mind to keep the foreign adversary campaigns trying to make us destroy ourselves from working. (2)

Sure, but only one party's candidate was a subject of an assassination attempt. Something that hasn't happened in decades and is far more damaging to the country than what happened on January 6th.I'm sick of the insanity about Trump. He was already President, if he actually was capable of becoming a tyrant, don't you think he would have done it then?A lot of Democrats need to calm the frick down, stop tacitly endorsing assassination attempts on Trump by labeling him a Hitlerian figure. We all need to touch grass. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

It was kinda sus, like a lovers quarrel. (2)

That's what male feminist Trump saidโ€ฆ to justify the attack.Like even if it was, it's justified in the mind of Trump and his "grab America by her โ€”-!" followers to beat a "lover" with a hammer. Like "oh, that's a normal Friday date nightโ€” fully justified."Yeah, to justify the attack known lifelong liar Trump insinuated it was a "lovers quarrel." And when you read Trumps attack on the 13yo kid trafficked by Epstein to Trumpโ€” you can seeโ€” Trumps sees violence as normal. It wasn't a "lover's quarrel" obviously. The truth wins, and it was a motivated political attack. The convict (male feminist Trump is one now) is in jail for the attack. It was a political attack. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Yeah, Jan 6th made the US a laughing stock, not the hospice patient we call our president (2)

It was first and much more impactful! It made this country look like a backwards tribal, idiot ridden dump.But yes Biden is ridiculously too old. But at least he's not consistently lying (he does lie about some things). Trump actually lied and caused a riot. And during the debate trump couldn't stop spewing lies meant to trigger gullible people. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/babylonbee-ModTeam

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>Nah why the frick are we still trying to discredit SA accusations in 2024

Maybe because your political camp spent the last 9 years weaponizing them against not only Trump, but anyone else he attached his name to. We all still remember the smearing Kavanaugh got based off of nothing but literal hearsay.

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The Kavanaugh stuff really was wild lmao. Wasn't there some crazy b-word who claimed he and his frat bros set up r*pe parties which she attended multiple times as a high schooler? Just unhinged nonsense, but it let them claim "there are multiple women coming out against him!" lol

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Christine Blasey Ford.

In a fair world, she'd be doing hard time for false r*pe accusations.

I'm r-slurred, see below. :marseybrainlet:

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This image, captioned "America", could be in a gallery


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Wait, I thought she was the "main" one who just claimed he groped her at a party (and couldn't recall where the party was or when it was, not even what year it would have occurred)?

Just checked the wiki page for his nomination, the woman I was thinking of was Julie Swetnick

A third allegation of sexual assault against Kavanaugh was announced by Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for a third woman, on September 23.[116] On September 26, the woman, Julie Swetnick, released a sworn statement alleging that she had witnessed Kavanaugh and Mark Judge trying to get teenage girls "inebriated and disoriented so they could then be gang r*ped in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys".[117] Swetnick also alleged Kavanaugh and Judge were both present when she was the victim of one such gang r*pe.[104] Swetnick subsequently walked back the allegations.[118] Swetnick contacted NBC News October 5 and reiterated her denial of ever seeing Kavanaugh spike punch or act inappropriately toward women, and accused Avenatti of twisting her words.

I didn't even realize it was one of Avenatti's doings lmao. Remember when that guy was considered a fricking hero on the left? Man that's been memory holed real nice now.

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There were three main accusations and a ton of fake crazy ones. One woman falsely claimed to be the woman in a "Jane Doe" accusation against Kavanaugh, then recanted when the FBI came to question her and admitted she was lying.

What's even funnier is that the "Jane Doe" letter accusing Kavanaugh was originally sent to Kamala Harris:

>Munro-Leighton was brought into the saga after a graphic and anonymous letter was sent to Sen. Kamala Harris in California. The letter included a story about Kavanaugh and another male groping, sexually assaulting and ultimately raping a woman in a vehicle after a party.

>The letter was signed by a Jane Doe from Oceanside, Calif.

The Blasey Ford story was the most credible; not that it was r*pe, as it was hyped up to be later, but that an underage girl with a crush on an older boy went to a party where there was drinking, drunk idiot teenage boys groped her, she got scared and ran home but was too afraid to tell her parents because she thought she'd get in trouble for being fifteen and going to drinking parties with older boys. That's not impossible, and if that was all it was, I'd go "could have happened". But she had to improve the story with all kinds of extra details, and then things like "oh I can't come to the hearing, I'm scared of flying" (and then it's proven she flew out to meet Democrats to discuss the case).

The other cases were just people trying to whip up a lynch mob frenzy and Avenatti jumping on the bandwagon to grift some easy money.

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No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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But she had to improve the story with all kinds of extra details

The one that convinced me was when she kept insisting she had "half a beer". How in the frick does she remember that? I can't even remember my lines from the high school play and I went over those a hundred times.

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Swetnick subsequently walked back the allegations.[118] Swetnick contacted NBC News October 5 and reiterated her denial of ever seeing Kavanaugh spike punch or act inappropriately toward women, and accused Avenatti of twisting her words

Pure unadulterated vaginal jew :#marseymerchantfoid: nonsense

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Ahhh you're right. It's been too long since the case, I completely forgot about the other accuser.

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inebriated and disoriented so they could then be gang r*ped in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys

Unironically behavior of black fraternities and not white ones. Why would they make their lies so obvious

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:marseydespair: would a woman do that.... just go out and lie for attention

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If you go the r*pe party a second time, is it still r*pe at that point?

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That's how I feel about the Cosby accusations. Oh I went to the Hollywood s*x and drugs party over and over until I got to have s*x with a Hollywood celebrity. I mean, "got r*ped"

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Where was he going to find time to r*pe women when he was busy boofing beers?


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Poor kid didn't even know the proper term for it.

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It's such a problematic trigger phrase :soycry: that they can't even write it out anymore

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I think its so dumb. Just like slurs, that will just become the next problematic word if they keep using it in every context to not say grape. Can't talk from that perspective since I am not gay I was never molested, but if you were a victim, wouldn't you associate the letters SA with what happened to you from now on? Eventually they'll have to come up with something to censor SA.

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South Africa.... BAD :marseysoyhype:

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S****l a*****t


I'M TRIGGERED :#pepereeeeee:

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KavaBIPOC r*ped many women.

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