Literal whore tries to make some kind of point about slavery and cancel culture.


Nazi talking point tbh:

Both sides bad:

Ok but what if a nazi hit you first?:

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The nonchuds are going "NOOOOOOO YOU CANT DO THAAAAAAT We're supposed to be the only ones allowed to use this discourse superweaponnnnn!!!! Cmon man be the bigger man and stop using my tactics on meeeeee!! Aren't you supposed to be the side that follows the rules even when we've been breaking them in your face for the last decade??! THIS ISN"T FAIRRRR" literally 30 seconds after someone on their side gets "cancelled" :marseyeyeroll2:

Current hyperfixation:

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Aren't you supposed to be the side that follows the rules even when we've been breaking them in your face for the last decade?

Waiting for the rightoid seethe when Brandon refuses to certify the election and rules for 4 more years before expiring on the potty.

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The right stance is to cancel everyone except me.

I apologize for calling you a latinx @Eleganza

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Ngl the Mexicans always look like they're having fun, I've been enjoying culturally appropriating more since you woke me up to my trans-Latinx identity. imagine me slaying at the charreada with my lil hat and mis hermanas gorditas :marseyburrito:

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Where nudes?

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You can't transfer olfactory sensations over the internet. :#chudcowboy:

At least not yet :#chudconcerned:

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America bitched about Pearl harbor sneak attack and then went and did this? Hypocrites.

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Why does every political cute twink think they are some machevellian genius because they harass random nobodies over ideological squabbles. "

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Who ever could this new user be :marseyhmm:

He seems almost familiar :marseyhmmm:

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is it carp

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You antifascists claim to fight for freedom and democracy, but the moment you gain power after 12 years of nazi terror you arrest your enemies and sentence them to death, what a bunch of hypocrites

:#soyredditsmugcomputertalking: :#chudsmugtalking:

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Rightoids have the most insane persecution complex. For an ideology built on being strong and winning they sure spend a lot of time being pathetic losers with a victimhood mentality.

Also remember to remind rightoids that the electoral college is DEI for loser ruraloids.

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Foidification of politics tbh, everyone wants to be a victim. Even showcases of strength are often done under the guise of victimhood.

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about wingcucks

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She (a whore) is a wingcuck :#marseysmug2:

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I, too, try and incorporate my most recently read Wikipedia article in daily conversation

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The info is very relevant to your daily life fr.

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vice city neighbor

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The last dance of JD Vance

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R-slurred analogy from a dumb stinky b-word

Still not the dumbest person in all those Twitter exchanges somehow

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I don't understand the analogy at all

Maybe I'm just not rationalistarded enough

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it's cope because she doesn't want the rightoid to obey Alinsky:

>make the enemy live up to its own book of rules

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Trumpchuds are palestinians

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Snappy, how do slavers reproduce?

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Aella is just mad a rival whore got to speak at the RNC. Better luck next time!

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Shoulda been black smh

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He hit me first is unironically correct and how the law works. Its r-slurred schools dont follow that policy

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it isn't tho

you're allowed to defend yourself, not chase some neighbor down to beat them back

rightoids really do be this r-slurred.

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>nooo you can't make me experience consequences for my actions.

Average lefty

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>nooo I should be allowed to exercise wanton violence on those I dislike but they can't do it back to me

average 3 year old, and also rightoids somehow

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>those i dislike

Do you not know what started it means? If someone tries to fight you, you should and do have every right to beat their butt.

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no you don't lol

and no you shouldn't

>Do you not know what started it means?

an excuse used by three year olds?

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Wow you really are that r-slurred lmao

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This explains why rightoids always act shocked when cops go to prison for beating up perps. "uh, duh, but he committed crimes, what did the cop do wrong???"

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I mean yeah wingcucks tend to be massive hypocrites. Her example is awkward though lol

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>nigs gonna BIPOC

>that means right wingers aren't allowed to use our own methods and standards against us!


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