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Weekend at Bidenbros is over.

Short version:

Several top Democrats privately tell us the rising pressure of party congressional leaders and close friends will persuade President Biden to decide to drop out of the presidential race, as soon as this weekend.

The president is being told that if he stays in, former President Trump could win in a landslide and wipe away Biden's legacy and Democrats' hopes in November.

"His choice is to be one of history's heroes, or to be sure of the fact that there'll never be a Biden presidential library," one of the president's close friends told us. "I pray that he does the right thing. He's headed that way."

Yesterday's AP poll, showing nearly two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to withdraw from the presidential race, ricocheted through the White House and Congress.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told Biden in Rehoboth Beach, Del., on Saturday — the day of the assassination attempt on Trump — that it would be best if he dropped out, ABC News first reported. Dems on Capitol Hill want him out, and worry they'll lose winnable seats if not.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), a mastermind of the campaign to get Biden out, told him that he could destroy Democrats' chances of taking back the House. We're told she's also worried about donations drying up.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) delivered a similar, if more subtle, message to Biden.

Former President Obama has spoken loudly with his silence — and his former aides trashing Biden in public.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are doing what Obama's doing. So are their former aides.

We increasingly hear top Biden aides, including ones who initially urged him to fight on after his disastrous debate on June 27 — 21 days ago — are saying it's now when, not if, Biden announces he's not running.

"In recent days the President has become more committed to staying in the race," a senior Biden aide said.

But Biden is doing two new and telling things: listening more and asking about Vice President Harris' prospects against Trump. That's why you see all the leaks about Biden being open-minded. He would hardly talk to naysayers a week ago.

Harris would be hard to stop — perhaps impossible — if the Obamas and Clintons joined Biden, Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) and the Congressional Black Caucus in backing her. It's not clear the coronation would be so fast and clear, however.

Also this:

Rightoid analysis:

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@MAGAshill @Aevann have we set up a betting thread on this? Looks like we might be running out of time.

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that thread is from before the shooting i would have voted differently if i knew

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Well I would have bet on GME if I knew

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RDrama liquid prediction markets funded with dramacoin when? :marseyinshallah:

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they need to privatize & deregulate the betting market. currently, mods hold the monopoly and it's against the spirit of free markets

are you a commie? @Aevann @MAGAshill

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They've been saying this for 2 weeks. Nothing ever happens

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lol they're all obsessed with getting libraries

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not wrong ,also that ending, but please don't resize vids this way :marseyappicon: What's wrong with you? Have you never encountered a TV? :marseytv:

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I know. it's a fricking yt short. didn't find any other edit.

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kamala v trump is gonna be hilarious

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Who are they going to find?

Kamala has worse approval ratings than Biden's.

What a clusterfrick that they themselves created.

Democrats are fricking done.

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Biden had a bad approval rating

And NPCs voted for him in droves.

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...I'll do it

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When we needed yang and Bernie most, they vanished.

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Hildawg slipped through the vents and released the Coof to force Bidens hand. It's now Kamala Season

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Hilldawg would never further another woman's career

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2 weeks

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Biden is 100% better as a patsy at this point. Let him fall on the sword and wipe the slate clean for next election.

Or.... maybe they think ousting Biden will give dems downballot a better chance in Senate and House elections?


!chuds !nonchuds

Need you guy's opinions here

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Whose dumbass would choose to run in Biden's wake, and not only risk their party status but also give up their future, current role, and any bids at President next time around? Especially for a race they're almost guaranteed to lose.

The only person who might even consider it is Kamala, which would be hilarious and I want to see her as the head of the DNC for the next 6 months. From DEI to CEO lmao

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Biden is 100% better as a patsy at this point. Let him fall on the sword and wipe the slate clean for next election.

This is the logical conclusion, but you forgot to account for just how absolutely unhinged they are about Trump. They've bought into their own propaganda about him being giga Hitler and they refuse to allow him to hold another win over them.

For any other political race I think they would make that longterm concession, but they're going to go down frothing at the mouth for Trump, assuming they don't pull any more shenanigans (which they obviously will).

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plus its DC, they are all snakes pretending to be nice, from top to bottom

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When party peers attempt to run against an incumbent President, YWNBAP. Same-party challengers have never won their party primaries (with a minor variation for 1952, see narrative below), and never win the General Election. 60% of the time the opposition party wins the presidency when party loses faith in their incumbent.

  • 1952: DEM Truman contested by DEM Kefauver. RPB Eisenhower Presidential Win (DEM Truman dropped out early due to initial losses against DEM Kefauver, who ultimately lost the DEM Primary to DEM Stevenson, who lost the General Election to RPB Eisenhower).

  • 1968: DEM Johnson contested by DEM McCarthy. DEM Johnson Presidential Win.

  • 1976: RPB Ford contested by RPB Reagan. DEM Carter Presidential Win (RPB Ford Primary Win).

  • 1980: DEM Carter contested by DEM Kennedy. RPB Reagan Presidential Win (DEM Carter Primary Win).

  • 1992: RPB Bush contested by RPB Buchanan. DEM Clinton Presidential Win (RPB Bush Primary Win).

Democrats should NOT kick Biden unless they want a 50% guarantee to Trump.

!burgers ping ! historychads

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Democrats should NOT kick Biden unless they want a 50% guarantee to Trump.

Not how history or statistics work. Very impressive showing of :marseyautism:

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Biden has a 50% chance -- he either wins or he doesn't.

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the first rule of statistics is that past results are perfect predictors of the future

!ifrickinglovescience !mathematics

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Eisenhower won in '52

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your mom won in 52

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:#didntreadlol: :#dontcaredidntaskplusyouremayo:

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Have there really been enough presidential elections to predict things like this? It feels like a huge social sciences moment.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Definitively a social sciences moment. (great phrase btw if you came up with it)

It's similar to how the chance of being assassinated/shot at as POTUS is absurdly high.

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there seem to only be five data points

still, 0/5 is pretty shitty

but those stats never stopped people from trying Communism just one more time, since the other times didn't count

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Communism is obviously a causal factor in what follows, because it's a comprehensive political system. The presence of a primary challenge is a function of the political environment, and does not by itself reshape that environment.

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How do you get 0/5? The first two has DEM contesting DEM and DEM winning? Or do you mean the contester always loses?

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the historical trend is that the party peer always loses

That's what I meant, but you made me check my work, and I fricked up on the 1952 Election. Truman lost the DEM primary to his DEM peer, yet his replacement still lost to RPB Eisenhower. I'll need to fix the whole writeup.

I guess the ultimate lesson is "If your party has to consider replacing their Presidential incumbent, they rarely win the Party Primary contest, and of the single time that they did, they still didn't win the General Election. If you don't have faith in your own incumbent, simply accept that it is better than a coin toss for the opposition party to win."

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Or do you mean the contester always loses?


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I just want to see Hunter's peepee again.

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youve never seen it

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Joe Biden announces that he's stepping down because he's too young and he's directing all delegates to vote for Hunter :marseydarkbra#ndon:

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Hunter is a confirmed Gigachad who has extensive experience in foreign relations. We have worse options tbh

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He's also a convicted felon, and for much funnier crimes than Trump, so that must draw some of the low information voters to his side.

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Just one more pic please! I beg of you!


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Poor Joe becoming an Electoral College Dropout within a week of Trump turning into Many Men :itsjoe#ver:

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"The Black Man"


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You aite yt boi.

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>ken carson trump edit


Current hyperfixation:

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Joe is the clear king of negroes

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DonTravious N. Trump

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is the female SS agent giving a blowjob?

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God that would be so hot. A foid who could end my life in a second in a hundred different ways slurping over my 7.5 inch peepee. All the while laughing at the size of it by comparing it to Mrs. Obama's BBC

:marsey#turnedon: !burgers !fellas

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Keep yourself safe

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Don't be tempted by the foid menace. !gaystapo

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!coomers Stage 5 gooner detected.

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is that a bad thing?

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You decide!

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It would be r-slurredly transparent how fricked the libtards are too abandon now. Most will see it as manipulation given how much they hate Trump for r-slurred reasons. It will set a precedent too deceive the American people with candidates until the last minute. Dumbocraps hate America so it makes sense but they'd never be allowed too muh janursry 6 again @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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Between what you wrote, FEC rules, abandoning the pretense of "protecting democracy," and the fact that Harris is a joke of a candidate and would have to do this on the fly, it's not going to happen. They're stuck with Joe now.

I look forward to hearing all of the Democrats who called on Biden to step down in the past two weeks doing an about-face and saying he's the bestest president ever when he tells them to frick off.

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If Biden doesn't become president his entire family is going to get completely railed for obvious corruption and cover ups so unless he can negotiate some sort of unofficial familial immunity in exchange for dropping out his family is not going to let him quit the race

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I am once again posting this.

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I remember the Ashley Biden diary and Biden sniffing girls on camera, but forgot the DuPont shit. Complete degenerate family, the entire lot

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I'm really curious how much of this is hearsay but the fact that the diary was completely validated makes me wonder wtf this hasn't been seriously investigated.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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a young attention seeking woman having "repressed memories" of being sexual assaulted a minor? :surejan:

her being a hoe as a teenager is probably pretty normal in Delaware private schools, that plus weird sexual daddy issues that are probably mostly in her head

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I used to beleive all women until I met a crazy chick with fuzzy wuzzy "everyone r*ped me" memory syndrome and I was too neurodivergent for her changing stories :marseydetective: and she flipped tf out on me

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I see you've met TedSimp

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:#bidenshocked: :#bidenuhoh:

Being turned on when I wasn't supposed to be


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He aint going nowhere and btw no Democrat worth anything would volunteer to ruin their career by running a 2 month long last second presidential campaign because Trumps a lock in at this point.

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Harris could because realistically she's locked in with Joe regardless and I think she will be passed over in '28 for someone like Beshear, Shapiro or Whitmer. I still don't think she would win tho.

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The problem with Harris is two-pronged. People outside the party do not like her, and the heads of the party really do not like her.

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It is interesting to me that super long campaigning periods are a very american thing pretty much every other country limits the campaigning length. In the US we basically have permanent campaigns which ensure only canidates with large amounts of money to blow on year round advertising can compete :marseynoooticer: This is on top of campaign costs rising and rising in the USA compared to everywhere else !nooticers

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They use to have really short campaigns but without checks they just grew out of control. Back in the 1800's campaigners literally provided booze outside the polling places and people voted on who's booze was the best and that was basically all the campaigning.

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Now that's democracy

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!boozers we used to be a real country :marseydrunk:

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high school senior levels of noticing right here

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Reasoning backwards from "The USA is much much much much much better than everywhere else" I conclude that this is yet another way that the USA is based.

God bless long expensive campaigns!!


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I would

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@DNC elect this man

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NYT had an article today saying the Whitehouse held a zoom call with 'moderate' dems and Biden basically rambled the whole time, ignored their questions and blew off their attempts to get him to step down

so yes

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Bill O'Reilly predicted that he'd drop out today to frick up Trump's speech. He also said Trump picked his VP because he'd just say "YES SIR" to everything and not give him any lip.

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Was Bill good at understanding the political scene? He was Fox News top guy for a while. Must know some secrets about DC.

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Bill is really great at predicting tides, I'm sure he's got this.

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That's a vintage meme, I remember not getting that one in middle/elementary school


Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I don't get it

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Looks like it would've been late elementary for me !zoomers

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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>late elementary

>not on the internet

I'm revoking your zoomer card. :marseyindignant:

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I was on the internet for sure, I just didn't know who tf bill was lmaooo

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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How can you be this new

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Yeah and his books are great. @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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I don't know, he's been popping his big Irish head out lately since he has a book out. He's definitely one of those neurodivergents who knows things about Martin Van Buren and has an encyclopedic knowledge of assassination attempts. I do think he knows how the RNC works from having his peepee up their butt for decades.

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Who's he killing in his book this time?

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This is like asking if Steven A Smith knows anything about sports

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Does he tho.

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Him and Skip Bayless love to be loud and obnoxious contrarians

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They'd fit in great here

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I don't think Biden actually wants to drop out because he has no idea what's going on anymore. These articles aren't a precursor to dropping the news, they're just trying to pressure him into actually doing it.

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he's full on senile, if his wife and direct handlers dont want him out then hes not dropping out

doesnt matter what Pelosi and Schumer say, it's the families call

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"In recent days the President has become more committed to staying in the race," a senior Biden aide said.

If Biden wanted to stay in, he'd be impenetrable, thanks to liberal leaders and the Congressional Black Caucus. But his closest friends believe he's fought the good fight and will succumb to reality.

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The Bidens are too based and ambitionpilled to drop out, this is all malarkey. :marseydarkbrandon:

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Can you imagine Jill riding your gock while she signs an executive order in the oval.

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If it was to send more aid to Israel I would just bust immediately :marseycumplosion:

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If only we used israel aid to build a time machine back to 1977.

Stay gilfin.


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if a balding state-employed man could get that, what ur exciuse?

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Jesus did that guy ever have hair

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he had cigarette money

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1970's Jill?? :#marseyslurpfast:

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Lol nah Heather Locklear. Here is the real one.

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women vs trump, round 2

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They've ripped off Trump's whole campaign strategy, unironically down to putting Biden in orange makeup. The incompetence in the DNC cannot be overstated right now.

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