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[๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] A cool guide to the names of the different types of head coverings Muslim women wear


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[deleted] (1039)

Usually the men wear those colors in the gulf regions (652)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Oppression never looked so fleek ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿชจ๐Ÿชจ๐Ÿชจ (2238)

Geee I didn't know my wife was oppressed. Let me get her out of the closet to confirm ๐Ÿ™„ (-108)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Oppression never looked so fleek ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿชจ๐Ÿชจ๐Ÿชจ (2238)

You don't think it would be useful, even if you're against coverings, to understand the difference between one and the other so you might know what you're talking about and be able to contextualize it? (-116)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

do you have an extremely racist view of muslims or what? '99% of the time women don't have a choice to wear the hijab'. idiotedit: literal racists downvoting me can go frick themselves too. you are not helping muslim women by perpetuating western views on the hijab (-7)

You're being downmarseyd because you're wrong, it isn't racism, and you're throwing a tantrum to defend fundamentalism from criticism the second somebody dislikes a religious head covering. Muslims are not a race, and criticism of islam is not 'racism'. 'islamophobia', is a shield which backwards bigots hide behind to pretend that their belief system is a protected class.Western views on the hijab observe that although there might be some people who claim to like wearing one - there are many others who are stoned to death or ostracised for not wearing it, and sexist pigs say that the women need to wear it otherwise they 'have themselves to blame' for being r*ped and assaulted. Again, nobody seems to have read the article - this applies to ALL religious iconography and dress, including cross necklaces, kippas, etc. strangely the only people complaining that this is discrimination are the theologist repressors who 'honour kill' family members and don't let women leave the house without ... (4)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

No kidding. I thought this guide was actually helpful. Surprised to see how many people took the opportunity to bash Islam. Some of the comments are pretty intense by the way. (-4)

There's a difference between bashing Islam and bashing individual Muslims. I have the same problems with Christianity that I do with islam. The holy text itself. Its vile and horrific. I don't care how they try to spin it so they can feel good about themselves. I know many of them don't or can't read it. For the ones who can't, I am a bit more understanding because they have no way of recognizing how awful it is if they were raised in it. The ones who don't i have far less respect for. I think its abhorrent to blindly believe something to the extent they do but also be too lazy to read it.The foundation of these cults is rotten. Everything built on top of it will be rotten too, no matter how much they try to cover it up with newer interpretations. The original text is the problem. I'm not saying they should be discriminated against but they should be treated like every other person incapable of critical thinking who tells me insane or horrible shit. Even the story of Jesus sucks. Th... (5)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

We need to separate being a Muslim-majority country with a fundamentalist government and being Muslim. There are western Muslims who wear hijab and nobody's forcing them to do it, they do it to honor their god.(I'm an atheist and every religion is equally weird to me.) (-45)

many things we could go over regarding this, we could probably have a discussion for hundreds of pages, but i'll attempt to explain why you got downmarseyd. first off, you cannot separate muslim majority countries from fundamentalist governments because islam by nature is totalitarian. sure, the middle east more so than central asia for example, but the patterns you can recognize all over the muslim world and it's not a pretty look if you dive deep enough. there has always been a debate regarding the clothing muslim women are obliged to wear, some say it's because in arabia it protected them from the sun and sand, but more likely the thing went down like this; muhammad told the people of arabia to cover up their women because the sheer sight of any part of a woman's body is inherently sexual and invokes indecent thoughts in men. since it's in the quran, it's supposedly the word of god (god has quite the view on women), ignoring all the outlandish and barbaric views muslims hold toward... (7)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Uno09

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Number of comments: 7

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Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

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NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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Brother asked a very good question

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A parachute, for safety :marseysheercliff:

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Once they are living in Europe on welfare or when they were fighting for ISIS in Iraq?

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R-slur alert. :marseyeyeroll2:

Ayatollah Khomeini personally vouched for :!marseytrain:s in Iran. According to legend (this part isn't a joke), a really brave :marseytrain: came to present their case to him. His guards beat the shit out of them. He noticed this person was brave enough to take the beating, listened to their story, and made Iran the first country to recognize :!marseytrain:s.

It just shows you sometimes the people you trust the most will betray you in the end. !oldstrags that was the origin story of @justcool393 :marseycry:.

Nah, I'm just joking, all of that was true except for JC being involved or me not loving her to death. I will keep using her for cheap laughs about once a year until she comes back because I really miss her.

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Yeah, but don't they force all the gays into transitioning? :hmm:

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This is the wrong :marseynoooticer: timeline. In my timeline, before :marseyskellington: 2016, Jc393 was an srd cute twink :marseypizzashillblacked: that was kinda normal :marseychartgaussian: like snally. Now I've been told he was 12 when srd/drama schismed.


:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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I am so proud of the Ayatollah and this country :marseyletsgo:

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A noose

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necklaces :marseynecklace:

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Ropes around the neck

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17213530434014711.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721353043655459.webp

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They're all right!

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If she moves, she's a slut too :marseypipe:

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Old Iranian films would have the actresses move incredibly slowly so that the fabric of their burka wouldn't show off their body

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Arabs have over 100 words that mean towel.


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Reminder that Mormoncels have recently removed the veil that foids wore in their secret endowment ceremonies :chuditsover: !christians


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Do they still get groped through a curtain when they join the temple, before they start wearing the magic undergarments?

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apparently Conors on the juice now, he dropped out of the testing organization, did some Hollywood movies and now his head is even bigger

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Everyone in UFC is juiced up, Nate Diaz called it first. That's not the problem. The real issue is Connor lost his aura. He used to be so entertaining, now there's nothing left of the old him. He's lost too many fights, doing crappy Hollywood movies, and pandering to Irish right-wingers. Dude's a has-been.

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this happens to every entertainer, once you get wealthy and surrounded by yes men/women it's tough to stay humble and entertaining

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all time great

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I only need 14 words

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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race?

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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for neurodivergent dramatards

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Take that thong outta your bussy neighbor.

Tariq Nasheed - Prophet of our era

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They also follow Christians in flying planes into buildings?

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more like Christs main message was that cheating in your heart was cheating IRL

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I mean, have you seen thawb? They show as little skin as most of their womyn.


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I've been seeing more burkas and niqabs in my part of the US. :marseysad:

The funniest cope about these from redditors and progressives is that its a cultural thing, not a religious thing, and that the women chose to wear them so it's liberating. :marseydarkxd:

Most of those people never met an arab Muslim or, even rarer, an average arab who isnt culturally American or wealthy.

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The funniest cope about these from redditors and progressives is that its a cultural thing, not a religious thing, and that the women chose to wear them so it's liberating.

I've seen this so many times, it's too funny. They will seethe about christian/catholic religious values and say a woman with a cross who wants to have children is "brainwashed" but will praise a muslim woman who wears a hijab and thinks it's fine when her bf/husband beats her up for talking to another man.

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I've been seeing more burkas and niqabs in my part of the US.

@nuclearshill said that he even saw a foid with a Niqab in his German-majority southern Brazilian state!, though there is a considerable Muslim population in Foz do Iguaรงรบ near the border with Argentina and Paraguay, and IIRC, the 18 July 1994 Argentina-Israel Association Bombing, which happened exactly 30 years ago today(!!!!) that caused 87 deaths and over 300 injuries, was planned by a Hezbollah cell operating in Foz do Iguaรงรบ!?, !historychads !macacos is that true?


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As the most prominent Hezbollah apologist here (!jidf can back me up on that), yes, I think the Hezbos did this.

It's very unusual for terrorists to try to "get away with it". The whole fricking concept of terrorism begins with you knowing who did it. You're using violence to achieve a political goal. That's literally the fricking definition of terrorism. Well that's kind of hard if nobody even knows who you are. The idea of terrorists trying to make their attacks into a whodunit is a product of Hollywood r-slurs.

I've never seen any serious claim of responsibility for the bombings in Argentina except when Hezbollah apparently claimed them under the "Islamic Jihad" name :marseyeyeroll: and said they were retaliation for Israel blowing up their leader and his family. Some credibility is lent to that by the fact that the Israelis have never (as far as I know at least) actually tried to kill his successor, Hassan Nasrallah. Remember this happened years before even Len's "Steal My Sunshine" and there has been no retaliation.

Before this, Hezbollah had the unique distinction that of all the factions in the Lebanese Civil War, they hadn't massacred civilians. The Lebanese Forces did that, the Palestinians did that, Amal did it against the Palestinians, the Druze did it against the Christians (in retaliation maybe), Syria did it against everyone. But this is where the Hezbos have to admit they have their own massacre like Sabra and Shatila, blowing the shit out of Beirut (by everyone), Tal el-Zaatar, Karantina, the War of the Camps, throwing peoples' bodies down into wells in the Chouf, stuff in Tripoli, the Syrians doing God knows what after the war.

They want to pretend they were clean though. I've read some accounts of them talking to the hostages. In their most relatable moments they said they had to do this because they were the weaker side (lots of lies about the Vietnam war). Okay honey, why are you keeping Terry Anderson in an oubliette for years? Why did you kill Malcolm Kerr? These guys gave their lives doing nothing but good for Lebanon.

So I think we should negotiate with Hezbollah but every time one of them gets killed...


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Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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You should have at least called me Maryam. :marseyunamused:

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was planned by a Hezbollah cell operating in Foz do Iguaรงรบ!?

WTF? Primeira vez que leio isso, รฉ tรฃo estranho pra mim quando Foz aparece no spotlight sendo uma cidade tรฃo chata, faz com que pareรงa mais emocionante.

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Eu acho que eu posso estar confundindo isso jรก que faz anos que eu li isso em algum lugar (source: trust me bro), talvez foi em Puerto Iguazรบ ou algum outro lugar na fronteira Brasil-Paraguai-Argentina, e alรฉm do mais รฉ importante lembrar que o Hezbollah รฉ um grupo Xiita afiliado com o Irรฃ, a maioria dos Muรงulmanos no Brasil (e no mundo tambรฉm) sรฃo Sunitas, que eu saiba os Muรงulmanos Xiitas de origem Libanesa no Brasil sรฃo uma minoria minรบscula atรฉ mesmo entre os outros Muรงulmanos, e no inรญcio deste ano, a Argentina condenou o Irรฃ como um estado terrorista que ordenou e financiou o atentado.


On 25 October 2006, Argentine prosecutors Alberto Nisman and Marcelo Martรญnez Burgos formally accused the Iranian government of directing the bombing, and the Lebanese Islamist militant group Hezbollah of carrying it out.[16][5][17] According to the prosecution's claims in 2006, Argentina had been targeted by Iran after Buenos Aires' decision to suspend a nuclear technology transfer contract to Tehran.[18] This has been disputed as the contract was never terminated, and Iran and Argentina were negotiating on the restoration of full cooperation on all bilateral agreements from early 1992 until 1994, when the bombing occurred.[19]

In 2024, an Argentinian court ruled that Iran directed the attack, and that it was carried by Hezbollah. The ruling also characterized Iran as a terrorist state.[20]

On 11 April 2024, the Argentine Court of Cassation ruled based on confidential intelligence reports that Iran was responsible for planning the attack and Hezbollah for carrying it out. It stated that the attack was launched in retaliation for the Argentine government reneging on three nuclear cooperation agreements that would have provided Iran with nuclear technology, with the intent of putting pressure on Argentina to reverse its decision.[111][112]

The ruling allows the families of victims to pursue Iran for compensation through the International Criminal Court by establishing that both the AMIA bombing and the 1992 Buenos Aires Israeli embassy bombing were crimes against humanity, and that states that finance and plan terror attacks can be held responsible for them even when the attack is carried out by a non-state actor. It also included a resolution calling on Argentina to lodge a formal complaint against Iran in international courts.[112][113]

Following the ruling, Israel requested that Argentina designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.[114]

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The only towelhead I've ever seen was a Paki international student during college

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Em Foz tem uma Mesquita muito bonita

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17213561467023325.webp tambรฉm tem um templo budista na cidade. No outro lado da fronteira em Ciudad del Este tem duas mesquitas e um templo budista tambรฉm @BWC.

Eu sempre vejo pelo menos uma mulher com hijab no Atacadรฃo ou no shopping. Foi no Atacadรฃo que eu vi as mulheres com Niqab. :marseyniqab:

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Paranรก has fallen :#chuditsover:

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Burkas are worn so you can't see the bruises on a woman.

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nothing makes the redditor :soysnootypefast: :marseylongpost: like religion

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Up until circa 2021 (the Fall of Kabul) ledditors had an orientalist and romanticized view of Islam, as le heckin wholesome BIPOC noble savage wisdom hated by cis str8 huwite xtian chuds, but now?, other than the Palesneedian commie speds, then no, Reddit no longer has a positive view of Islam anymore like how it used to have.

This reminds me of the schism between Nu-Atheism and Atheism+! :marseylaying: :daydream:

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ISIS buring people alive and starting a slave trade definitely helped turn the tide, once it stopped being murcia vs afghan farmers

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No, it had the opposite effect, 2015-2017 was arguably the most censorship-ridden period for mainstream subreddits, yeah the full-blown Nazi subs were still around, but /r/worldnews and /r/europe banned you for even remotely criticizing Islam because you were automatically associated as being a Drumpflermort-supporting Nazi, but now years later, /r/worldnews and /r/europe even allows full-blown /pol/ fedposting against immigrants, and comments calling Islam cancer get highly upmarseyd lol. :marseyhorseshoe:

The Christchurch Mosque Shooting in early 2019 was the last hurrah of the redditor fetishization for Islam, but within only two years they did a total 360 when it comes to Islam and Muslim immigration, they are still fine with Latinx, Asian, and African immigrants, but Muslims?, just no.

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I call this a Taylor Lorenz but it also goes by Nikki Haley, AOC or @HITLERSPERM1488 depending on region


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You don't think it would be useful, even if you're against coverings, to understand the difference between one and the other so you might know what you're talking about and be able to contextualize it?

:chadno: it's a slave garment for people on their way to heck, why bother with anything beyond that?

Also there's only 2 styles here LMAO

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Every boy in here should know, if I see you in the streets and you're not wearing one of these, I will lose control, and I'm finna boutta drop a flesh nuke on that man kitty, real talk.

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My boner says it's more "hot" than "cool".

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Than you based bot for starting that reddit thread.

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More like

subhuman subhuman subhuman subhuman subhuman subhuman subhuman

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@Aevann which do u prefer on a woman?

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King shit

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Oppression never looked so fleek ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿชจ๐Ÿชจ๐Ÿชจ

/u/ProPainPapi should join rdrama :marseynails:

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How many bombs can you hid underneath those clothing though?

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Enjoy the time โŒš you have ๐Ÿˆถ left ๐Ÿ‘ˆ. JUSTICE ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš–๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš–๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš–๏ธ IS ๐Ÿˆถ COMING. Tick โœ…โœ… tock.



Usually the men wear those colors in the gulf regions:

Geee I didn't know my wife was oppressed. Let me get her out of the closet to confirm ๐Ÿ™„:

You don't think it would be useful, even if you're against coverings, to understand the difference between one and the other so you might know what you're talking about and be able to contextualize it?:

You're being downmarseyd because you're wrong, it isn't racism, and you're throwing a tantrum to defend fundamentalism from criticism the second somebody dislikes a religious head covering. Muslims are not a race, and criticism of islam is not 'racism'. 'islamophobia', is a shield which backwards bigots hide behind to pretend that their belief system is a protected class.Western views on the hijab observe that although there might be some people who claim to like wearing one - there are many others who are stoned to death or ostracised for not wearing it, and sexist pigs say that the women need to wear it otherwise they 'have themselves to blame' for being r*ped and assaulted. Again, nobody seems to have read the article - this applies to ALL religious iconography and dress, including cross necklaces, kippas, etc. strangely the only people complaining that this is discrimination are the theologist repressors who 'honour kill' family members and don't let women leave the house without ...:

There's a difference between bashing Islam and bashing individual Muslims. I have the same problems with Christianity that I do with islam. The holy text itself. Its vile and horrific. I don't care how they try to spin it so they can feel good about themselves. I know many of them don't or can't read it. For the ones who can't, I am a bit more understanding because they have no way of recognizing how awful it is if they were raised in it. The ones who don't i have far less respect for. I think its abhorrent to blindly believe something to the extent they do but also be too lazy to read it.The foundation of these cults is rotten. Everything built on top of it will be rotten too, no matter how much they try to cover it up with newer interpretations. The original text is the problem. I'm not saying they should be discriminated against but they should be treated like every other person incapable of critical thinking who tells me insane or horrible shit. Even the story of Jesus sucks. Th...:

many things we could go over regarding this, we could probably have a discussion for hundreds of pages, but i'll attempt to explain why you got downmarseyd. first off, you cannot separate muslim majority countries from fundamentalist governments because islam by nature is totalitarian. sure, the middle east more so than central asia for example, but the patterns you can recognize all over the muslim world and it's not a pretty look if you dive deep enough. there has always been a debate regarding the clothing muslim women are obliged to wear, some say it's because in arabia it protected them from the sun and sand, but more likely the thing went down like this; muhammad told the people of arabia to cover up their women because the sheer sight of any part of a woman's body is inherently sexual and invokes indecent thoughts in men. since it's in the quran, it's supposedly the word of god (god has quite the view on women), ignoring all the outlandish and barbaric views muslims hold toward...:


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Ngl a head scarf thing sometimes works better than a hair tie for keeping cool and you don't need to worry about burning where the hair parts.

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