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  • hop : sam hyde is r-slurred silver spoon yuppie jew yorker
  • melgibsonsDUI : ITT: Dramanauts seethe about Sam Hyde (for various reasons)

Old grooming accusations against Sam Hyde resurface and his fans decide to defend him by siding with grooming



Grooming children is now red-blooded American and MAGA


Based is when a 29 year old grooms a 16 year old.




Im pretty sure the next person is a dramatard and they just straight up admit to finding 15 year olds attractive







"It's cool because the AoC is 16, commies"

Lol keep yourself safe


This one isn't surprising because everyone knows groypers are pedos





It just goes on and on

!nonchuds this is who calls you a groomer online


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  • hop : why does sam hyde always hang out with neurodivergent yes-men with speech impediments?

slumped over in his gaming chair

So anyways guys what you gotta do to be an alpha male is

diseased coughing, turning red in the face

work out, be healthy, avoid the food that the Js want you to eat, build a career

wigger comes in and drops off gas station pizza

like I would be a landscaper for $10 an hour because that's BASED and it builds a career where you can be pro white

one of the sideshow circus freaks like Airsoftfatty waddles past

so uh anyways check out my content on gumroad

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I never understood why he switched from comedy to life guru/IRL streamer type of persona. The sketches he did were fricking funny. The Dark Skyes bait was legit 10/10 :marseychefkiss:. On the other hand, who would want to listen to this guy for life advice? The reason that he's funny is because he has no filter and acts like a freak, those are the opposite qualities to what a role model should have

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Consistently putting out good comedy is difficult, life guru schtick is lucrative and low effort.

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World Peace 2 will be the big test if Sam really fell off and is just coasting off YT superchats or not.

All I know is Kumbi is in one and Charls came back for it so it has potential.

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exactly, except i found a lot of his sketches had funny premises but the punchline was usually just a chuckle

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I think he might have been running out of material. A lot of the post-wp shit was just awful rehashes of their previous material. Excluding Jaihoo; after the Google Pixel review it was all downhill.

(His idubbz gaslighting and fishtank were fricking gold but it was a very different style of comedy)

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WP2 coming soon

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Shits still funny at as heck

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Yeah can't lie, he was some good takes when its highlights. but I can't imagine sitting through a full hour of that lazy garbage. Even perfect guy is lazy looking at internet posts and Sam laughing hysterically, while Nick shares the same variation of cool guy knows everything about real estate and I'm a crafty sales guy stories 1000x times.

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Nick knows his shit tho. Also dudes a worker, much more blue collar than Sam even tho Sam recommends trades and shit like that. knows a shit load about landscaping cuz he ran a landscaping business when he was young and can look at a house and knows every piece of furniture and it's price, plus house design and real estate. He is pretty spot on w prices and usually can predict the price, year sold, and at what price looking at a listing just from pictures. also he constantly riffs on physically abusing the elderly which i find funny

Between the three MDE boys Nick seems to be the least chud and most "normal" sociable guy, is married and has a ballin house. in fact Charls is married w a kid too, although he is a literal flat earth schizo. Even still, Sam is the only real misfit between the three


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Yeah Nick is absolutely the best and has his head on his shoulders. He's like rceryone I went to high school with except we did more dirt bike and atv shit instead of doing drugs with Spanish kids or whatever Nick was doing as a citycel

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I really never understood where the hype came from. People just kept sending me that one sketch he did where the guy trips the woman into a glass table and told me it was funny because it was about USS Liberty. I didn't really find it funny, but it was bizzare. Has he actually made something funny? Besides the doc on idubbbz, but that's funny because he's brutalizing a twink.

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Keeps telling people to move way out into the rural midwest while staying put in an east coast megalopolis city full of art hoes and immigrants.

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He wants them all for himself :daddysgirl: :doomergirl:

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I don't watch the guy but I saw a few clips and could just tell not only that he's a citycel but a east coaster

He doesn't have the personality to live a ruralchad life

My dad's from the city and gives off a similar vibe when he gets racist

There's just a deep, seething harshness that I only assume comes from interacting with other urboids all your life

It takes years to undo that and learn to treat others like people

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east coast megalopolis city


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I like Fishtank Live but Sam Hyde is definitely a cute twink. I can see him acting like a big tough guy among his 5'8 neurodivergent contestants and it cracks me up. Feels like he only casts them so he can feel more like a chad

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Cope. Bro is 6'5

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for someone who's so antisemitic, it's crazy just how jewish sam hydes humor is. the combination of gross outs + subversion + ironic gfx elements feels like straight out of a nyc postmodern comedy film.

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He's a regular Mel Brooks.

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Who are you quoting??

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The Ghost of Kiev in his average unscripted video

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Daily reminder, this

is the foid who for years and years and years seethes at Sam and tries to bring this up again and again.

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It's probably fake but the fact that there's literally thousands of people coming out and saying how it's actually based to groom minors makes it amazing bait


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I saw some groyper screennames in there. Aren't those guys shameless pedos who want to impregnate 14 year olds because :quote: peak fertility :quote: or whatever r-slurred p-do nonsense they believe?

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they are 14yr olds dumbass

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There are adult groypers saying this shit, dummy

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I feel like you've been baited

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"Hahaha guys I told these leftoids that grooming minors is based and they're so triggered hahaha"



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Why did you trigger all the Rightoid p-dophiles with this comment lol

@Spysix_Amostnamash @ThousandBestLives @collectijism (@Awoo tag metashit pls there's a lot of p-do rage in this thread)

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@BWC @box @zombiecel @X can one of y'all tag metashit under my parent comment these pedos are chimping out in here lmfao

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!metashit CDO said something about grooming children.


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!besties @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM r*pes children :marseychildclutch:

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We got 3 p-dophiles (@Spysix_Amostnamash @ThousandBestLives and @collectijism) sperging out under @The_Homocracy's comment and people are focusing on me :#marseysulk:

It's hard being such a drama magnet

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Ohhh shockinggggg

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frick you c*nt i hope you get r*ped

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:#marseydownvote: :#marseyunamused:

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You seem awfully defense when the topic of child grooming comes up.


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i can barely see rn but ok

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Krayon (sister toucher) seriously keep pinging me I am gonna have my s*x slave @FrozenChosen bang your dad for real this time

Trans lives matter

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schizo moment

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I cant have you drinking yourself to death over twitter threads

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Yeah the problem comes when you post screenshots and people are calling you poop peepee.

Trans lives matter

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"Thousands" ok r-slur @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

She was also 19

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Here, I highlighted the important bit for you:


Neat that you're proving pedocon theory right here in this thread


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What the frick? Who are these people? Is that a grouper thread?is there a way too see who liked a post? @HailVictory1776 don't use twitter @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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Some of them.


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Don't use Twitter, the reason being most of those likes are probably bots

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that's probably not ironic. another left team victory!

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Channing also dressed up in a fake mustache and pulled a knife on Sam a couple months ago at a live show with a bunch of marky shit on signs.

She's been schizoposting about marky literally daily on chans for something like 15 years now. Total nutbag @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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i stumbled on some 4chan offshoot once with long threads about former 4chan e-girls and found out this girl actually went on to have a long track record of being a messy e-girl and traveling around fricking random dudes from the internet, but I assume that's what encountering Sam Hyde as a 16 year old does to you tbh. that's kind of why we try to keep adult men from fricking r-slurred 16 year olds.

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This right here. Presupposing that attraction to 16-18 year-olds is "natural" or "normal", then it does not automatically make what Sam did okay. As you say, being with someone like Sam probably fricked her up somewhat.

Also, funny how rightoids want monogamy, marriage, etc, not just pumping and dumping. Except if it's a minor lol.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17105354613258007.webp :#marseyhomofascist: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17105354613258007.webp

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!catholics !poll_voters Time for self reflection. Which one are you?

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It's annoying that people get hung up on whether or not it's okay to be attracted to a 16 year old when that's not the point.

Attraction doesn't matter. I knew girls in high school who looked like they were 25. You still shouldn't frick them because they're simply not mentally mature enough for an adult relationship. If you bang a hot 16 year old, you're sending her down a dark path.

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talking to any 20yr old girl is taxing, imagine try to have a conversation with a 16yr old edgy egirl

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She wasnt underage you dumb shit. The p-do shit was literally made up by a drug addict schizophrenic @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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I don't care. The people in OP's post is assuming that she is, and that it is "based"

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:marseyshesright: fricking teenagers isn't bad because they're pre-pubescent, it's because it drives them insane.

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Women are actually just like that, but I understand why it's hard to accept

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She wasn't underage you dumbass @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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Rightoid is a p-dophile

:marseypikachu2: :marseypikachu2: :marseypikachu2:

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youtuber is a p-dophile

:#marseypikachu2: :#marseypikachu2: :#marseypikachu2:

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>redditors are p-dophiles

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The Sam Hyde shooter meme has been intentional plot to make any genuine accusstion against him appear to be a joke. Turns out he can keep getting away with it.

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I heard he was the true Trump shooter and the body that the feds got was just a coverup

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If you heard it was true that settles it

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but wouldnt it be really funny if he was actually innocent (he isnt) for everything?

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I could have sworn I've seen the same Lovecraft poster in another post of yours. If so you've got a dedicated hate commenter, congrats! :marseyparty:

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Holy shit rekt

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First time my pfp made someone so mad they outed themselves as a p-do.


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big gay trying to keep a brother down smh

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Sam Hyde is a very bitter person. The seethe :marseybearrentfree: occasionally seeps through his facade and he makes a whiny post about politics :marseylepen: or Jews or whatever

His latest has a chunk where :marseydrama: he complains about how the libtards want "dead Ukrainians", when what he really :marseythinkorino2: means is "I don't care about Ukraine :marseylgbtflag5: I don't want to give them money :marseymerchantelf: and weapons"-which ok, I'm totally ok with people having that opinion, but Samuel, being the whiny loser :marsey4chan: that he is, does some facetious moralstragging about civilians who he doesnt care about.

The new Hyde-sphere fans may not know this, but Sam Hyde is a lanky whiny hipster cute twink, and no amount of huge "trt" doses are going :marseysal2: to ever change that, no matter :marseyjurisdiction: how hard he tries

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His whining about World Peace was the most pathetic thing I've seen in the already pathetic industry. His show's numbers kept on dropping every week, but instead of accepting that his show wasn't a success he decided to throw a big tantrum and insist that the show was doing great and the (((Jews))) just sabotaged his show despite the publicly available Nielsen ratings showing that it was underperforming compared to other Adult Swim shows, including reruns and the show that shared its 30 minute block.

It was not a successful show, no matter what the fans say. Good shows can get canceled if they have bad ratings and bad shows can live on if they have good ratings. This is a basic law of TV (though I think that Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace was a genuinely bad show and one of the worst sketch shows I've ever seen).

Adult Swim definitely tried to give the show a leg up by putting it in the same block as their most popular show, Eric Andre, and it worked for the first episode which got over a million viewers. But it couldn't retain those viewers, and by the second episode close to 200,000 Eric Andre viewers were tuning off when World Peace would come on. By the fifth episode the viewers had dropped from the first episode by almost a quarter million. Maybe that was due to factors beyond their control, but the fact of the matter is that the show clearly didn't impress the viewers and there was no reason to give them a second season.

My first strike against Hyde was the general quality of the show (it really sucked). The second strike was his cry baby behavior. The final strike for me was the absolutely deranged way his fans acted and how he kept on defending it.

Let's be honest, half of MDE's output has always been TikTok-style humor.

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it was on Adult Swim, have you see the garbage they put on that channel? Most (or all) shows have declining viewer counts as seasons progress too. Idk anything about how successful it was but the bar isn't that high on Adult Swim and the buzz around it alone could have kept it alive if it wasn't hollyweird.

S1 of shows is always the experimental phase, unless the team already has hits behind them, just watch how weird Simpsons S1 was and even Family Guy evolve quickly into a different show once they hit their stride

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Sure, Adult Swim could have taken (another) gamble on World Peace by giving it a second season and hoping that it would really hit its stride, but they chose not to. They were under no obligation to and they really didn't have any reason to do so.

So far I've mostly talked about its viewership numbers, but the Adult Swim producers were probably looking at the show itself and were unimpressed. They spent half an episode parodying The Pickup Artist... in 2016. And that was probably the best sketch in the entire season. MDE have always been a glorified prank channel, and when they were expected to carry an actual joke for more than a minute or two then they fail miserably.

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Cope. World Peace had excellent viewership

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That degree finally paying off

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