Trump BTFOs the :marseygroyper: fuentards and chuds by running as a 1990s democrat. He also gets the crowd to boo project 2025.
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Honestly probably a decent strategy. Most rightoids likely have never heard of it. And it is making libs go insane. So now chuds have direct ammo to use to dunk on project 2025 hysterics.

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I will say, it is rather hypocritical to call it Project 2025 when it's actually Project 2024. Unless they're planning on it lasting 5 more years. :marseyxd:

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He would get signed in in 2025 :marseyfacepalm:

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Oh is Donald that much of an neurodivergent? :marseygigaretard:

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Just a shitpost. I think your username is kinda cringe :marseyshy:

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how does he do it

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Very catty of you, bussy boy :marseydelcatty2:

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!metashit Bussy boys getting bitchy :marseybackstabglowie:

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ping ping ping !friendsofbussy-boy

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:#soyjak: :#!soymad:

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Clinton did nothing wrong


Of course the commies on Reddit will sometimes cry out on behalf of the poor oppressed Serbs that he bombed :marseyflagserbiagenocide:

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>the commies on Reddit will sometimes cry out on behalf of the poor oppressed Serbs that he bombed

The only groups of people who seethe about the bombing of Serbia are:

1. Commies seething about muh NATO anti-communist imperialism

2. Neo-Nazis who lament muh ZOG white genocide !grillers

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Wish he missed with some of the bombs and got Albania too but I'll give him a 6/10.

Also the sorry about Hilary refusing to frick him until he murdered some civilians is extremely funny and would instantly cement my vote for her if she ran again in 2024 ( :marseypraying:).

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this was evident from the moment he said that he didn't have s*x with a porn star

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!chuds :chuditsover:

p.s. someone post this to /r/politics

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they were too busy having a huge struggle session over it today

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lol despite a direct call out against Project 2025. I know leftoids are still gonna say shit like "DURR HE'S JUST SAYING THAT TO LOOK GOOD BUT SECRETLY HE'S STILL PLANNING ON PUTTING TRANS PEOPLE IN PRSION"

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I literally just saw a Biden campaign ad that had a QR code, "Project 2025" scrolling across the banner and a bunch of ominous audio clips.

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Like any sociopathic narcissist, Trump says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear at any given time. He doesn't actually care about anything other than enriching himself, hence why he was a dyed-in-the-wool liberal right up until 2012, when he suddenly became a far-right fascist because he knew that he could get pissed-off rednecks to vote for him if he promised to send all the beaners back to Mexico. :brainletmaga:

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>says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear at any given time

>disavows project 2025 directly to them

>they cheer

>somehow they're still evil bad guys


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Burgers are inherently evil

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Only the fat ones. True blooded skinny Americans are gods chosen people

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If his platform was actually to send all the beaners back to Mexico even the leftoids would vote for him.

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Are you kidding?

But their empanadas :!derpwhy:

:derpwhy: And their pica de gallo

And their abuelitas throwing their la chanclas :derpwhy:

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For as simple as mexican food is, white people do a surprisingly poor job of emulating it

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Most of the authentic flavour of Mexican food comes about as a result of poor sanitary conditions, which are hard to replicate in a country with OSHA.

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Don't forget the important tradition of cooking acidic sauces on bare copper

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somebody has to clean the pottys

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Daddy's main goal has always been to work 3 hour days as president and call people strags on Twitter for 2 of those hours (1 hour will be spent calling into Fox News).

He'd adopt Bernie's policies overnight if it could get him to that point

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when he suddenly became a far-right fascist

hot take: he's never actually been a far-right fascist

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I know. He's pretending to be one. He has no actual beliefs beyond pretending to support whatever will enrich him personally. :cryingtrumpjak:

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:#based: tbh

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Also putting Obama :marseydrone: and hildawg in prison :marseystealthygeek: was a big deal at the time

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He doesnt get nearly enough criticism for walking back his Lock Her Up policy. "You'd be in jail" was one of the best presidential debate lines of all time, and we got nothing for it.

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Best president ever

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>sociopathic narcissist

Takes one too know one lmao

jewish lives matter unless they're failtroll felons

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!grillers impotent rightoids btfo yet again.


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Any rightoid that has been around for more than two election cycles know it was never going to happen.

Oddly enough leftoids seem more upset their handsmaid tale reality isn't going to happen.

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>radical right



The bullet turned Daddy into a libtard :marseysunglassesoff:

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Always has been

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Yes, but: The foundation boasted that the GOP presidential nominee carried out roughly two-thirds of its 2015 recommendations within a year of taking office the first time.

At least 140 former Trump administration officials contributed to Project 2025, CNN reports.

Tradcons and DDR 1.0 relics btfo. :marseyxd:

πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€To the moon with DDRv2: Grandolt the White! He is risen!


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If he perhaps wasn't so protectionist…I reckon that this would be a huge way to get more neoliberals (and other sort of rightoids who care more for economic than social issues tbh but that's already a given lol) on his side…

…but what doth I know lol

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Trump adopted 64% of the 300+ suggestions contained in the Heritage Foundation's Project 2017 and they brag about it on their own site.


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what were they? "reduce size of gov" "reduce taxes" "reduce immigration"

did it have "ban pornography" and "concentration camps for gender questioning redditors"? HMM?

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I'd bet 1-295 were things like "blink 6-10 times a minute"

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biden obvs didnt care for that one

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>Project 2025, page 213: Breath air

>Trump wants us to ingest rocket fuel


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Current hyperfixation:

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Now that he's finished plagiarizing he doesn't need the project any more :marseybackstab:

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Trump is so fricking based bros

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Oh god hes litterally reagen

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Has Richard Hanania always had TDS or has it been recent?

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Hanania's only issue with trump is that he considers poor white people to be PoC adjacent and he's a TND type of guy

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