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These Soviet and US grocery store stories are so fricking cringe πŸ’€ : ShitLiberalsSay

Yes they are. Losers coping is always cringe.

That's right! It's time for a 911roofer megathread!

I'm only posting loser's coping. I could farm it out for days but I don't hate you or myself enough to do that.

Or it would be if most of the commie dubs weren't just head in the sand r-slurs. This is going to be a short megathread

I got one coper here




R-slurs are often unjustifiably smug


Some mildly choice cuts here


Nothing but copers


Some tards here


Oh how they love to cope


One commie pole copes


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Wow! Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you mean to say that a country that was being embargoed by the world's largest provider of grain while also being on the verge of collapse didn't have shit tons of food just lying around?

It's always this excuse. Fricking heck.

even still they DID produce grain, just not enough. They were, in a sense, capable of producing plenty of food, but a combination of the terrible soil, weather, and several droughts meant just growing more grain to produce a steady and stable amount of food for their massive population wasn't really feasible.

Holy shit, imagine controlling a vast landmass with the coveted black soil, and still not able to match the food output of the decadent United States.

In my research the best socialist country was the DDR.

What a low bar to clear. It was so good, that people constantly tried to escape it.

Even the first thread is going to give me a brain aneurysm.

Then this gem came up in the third thread:

I hate that grocery anecdote. It would just prove that Yeltsin never read any Marx since otherwise he'd know the crisis in capitalism is in overproduction.

We need to produce less, and potential keep the population poor, to keep the workers fed!

I hate communists. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them! :#marseytrollcrazy:

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>It's always this excuse

I thought the whole point of communism was owning the means of production. If it collapses because capitalist countries wont trade with them, it's not the west's fault

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They say the same thing about Cuba when they whine about sanctions lmao :marseylaugh: just trade with the USSR and China neighbor

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Even Cubans are admitting that their government's shitty policies post-Soviet collapse were more responsible than Yanqui sanctions, although it was not far behind.

Then again, the :marseycomrade: were already seething about Cubans wasting their gibs for decades.

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Yeah, if cumminism can only survive on capitalist handouts ( :marseythonk: why does that sound familiar...), how do they envision global communism to work?

Ah right, magically when theres no more capitalism, all the faults of communism will suddenly disappear and the system will finally work. And if it doesnt work, its because there is some remote pocket of capitalists left that must be genocided reeducsted to finally cleanse the juju.

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This is what they actually believe. Communism doesn't provide solutions, only scapegoats.

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>largest country on the planet by far (over 2x as large as the US)

>some of the most arable land on the planet

>roughly the population of the US

"Help its literally impossible for us to feed ourselves without bennies from the kkkrapitalists :#marseygigaretard:

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They were, in a sense, capable of producing plenty of food, but a combination of the terrible soil, weather, and several droughts

What terrible soil? Ukraine was and still is one of the world's breadbaskets


!biology !ifrickinglovescience the USSR was peak "scientism", but then again marxists are all about scientism, all about their theory sounding "sciency" with their historical materialism/inevitability nonsense while being hilariously bad at practice.

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>embargoed by the world's largest provider of grain

so commies can't be self sufficient?

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Neighbors in Ukraine were eating children because the USSR took their (not their) crops.

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the crisis in capitalism is in overproduction.

Holy BIPOConi, I have only read about that argument from debates in the 30s. These people haven't updated in almost 100 years.


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Weren't some big agricultural industrialization names helping the Soviets?

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All of Western industry were, including Ford and Koch. For example, Stalingrad's massive factory was a carbon copy of a tractor factory in Indiana. Look up Saul Bron

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