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Soyboy posts a :soyjakwow: Vox :soysnoo4: article and starts a schism :marseynouautism: in r/neoliberal :marseysoylentgrin: over prohibition :marseymobster2:


!neolibs, !grillers, someone ping the boozers. For people who claim to be liberal (being for individual freedoms), they sure share a lot with the religious right in that they want individual freedoms curtailed to fit their Progressive eedeeology :marseyzizek: that's """evidence based"""".

Also there's this guy who whips it out and pisses in the Soylent lmao.

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Lmao defending Prohibition. :marseymoonshine:

I still don't understand how that madness passed. The r-slurs went as far as to amend the Constitution to ban booze and the Volstead Act was vetoed by Wilson, only for it to be overridden by Congress, that takes a lot of determination.


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I still don't understand how that madness passed.

Foids. It was basically a !foidmoment and a !moidmoment(simps)


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Fr it makes me wish I studied chemistry so I could formulate country liquor that will make their low value scrotes beat them even harder.

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Fireball was already invented.

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Seems like a cocktail from alc content and thing about taste. What's the specialty?

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Fireball is drank exclusively by underage kids, alcoholics, and the trashiest of trashy people. It smells like death. They sell shooters by the register for $0.99 so you can pick up a handful when you get your Newports and Powerball tickets. Fireball shooter bottles are found in only the finest of Walmart, liquor store, and gas station parking lots.

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I remember around 2016 there was like a year period that everyone around me decided that Fireball was good but now it seems like everyone I know considers it to be gross.

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The only time I ever bought some was for my roommate in college so he could take it to a party.

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Yeah I never liked it but I hate liquor in general. I am a beer person.

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Because of the pitbull song.

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  • tempest : promoting violence; heckin unwholesome; admins pls punish this usr thxbb

Fireball rules

Literally keep yourself safe

Like actually unironically shoot yourself in the face

!whitetrash to arms

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Yeah but do you have the Fireball keg?


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This both trashy and fat but a buchwacker with a fireball floater is delicious


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That sounds vile

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And SEC football games :marseyyes:

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I think it's a self-reinforcing phenomenon. Everyone drinks it when they're underage and has a bunch of negative binge drinking experiences with it so by the time they're 21 they associate the taste with blacking out and puking.

This was my experience anyway

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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I just hate the smell of cinnamon

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Yeah that is me with any flavored vodka like UV which was the go to underage drink when I was a teenager in the 00's.

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I was a teenager in the '10s and we mostly drank fireball and bottom shelf unflavored vodka chased with whatever soda we had on hand :marseypuke:

And occasionally rum, which I still can't drink because of the associations.

I never got hangovers back then though, which is something I dearly miss.

I actually still enjoy vodka a lot, vodka sodas are prob my favorite cheap low end bar drink, but it has to be a decent vodka.

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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>It smells like death

B-word, it's cinnamon, lol

Throw a shot in some apple cider and get comfy by the fire, BIPOC

jewish lives matter

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It's the new whitetrash party drink.

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Newish. It wasn't a big thing when I was young and stupid. Mostly Jack Daniels back then.

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Are you 60?

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wait do u really not have fireball over there in pooland?

it's basically just hard liquor with cinnamon flavor, great for cocktails altho it's also popular among boozers-in-denial

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I'm not really a prolific boozer. I've drunk a few fancy types thanks to relatives but my own repertoire is cheapest and largest bottle of 42% v/v I can find. Only drink to get drunk. :marseydrunk:

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It's called uncle jessies simple sour mash, It tastes like butterscotch and I'm drinking it rn

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Cheers brother if you overdo it and need to hide the body contact that one guy on /r/drama who everyone suspected was killing indigenous hookers in Canada.

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!nooticers the same congress that passed the Volstead Act and overturned Wilson's veto was the same to pass the 19th amendment :#marseymoonshinegenocide: :#marseysuffragette:

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It was foids along with southern evangelicals that wanted it passed. The anti prohibition coalition was mostly Catholics and German Lutherans.


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!catholics it pains me to agree with a Prot, but he's right about the evangelical menace.

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Alcohol consumption is a core part of Christianity. You receive communion of wine, which is literally the blood of Christ. His Holiness the Pope was often brought wine by visiting noblemen as tribute, and he is the voice of God on this earth. Even still there are wineyards which retain the Papal name, like Chateauneuf du Pape. Jesus Christ himself drank wine, and being part man he is meant as an ideal role model for us sinners, so who am I to disobey the word of God?

And yes, before you ask, this post was made while drunk :marseydrunk:

!catholics am I correct in my assessment?

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You're absolutely right, and the seething abstinencecels in this thread should know better.

:#marseywaiter: that's why wine is my favorite alcoholic beverage.

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If you're into reds then move away from the typical pinot, cab, merlot and try out some good shit like FRENCH Syrah (frick aussies and calis and their sweet, fruit jam version of this), spanish grenache, and (if the fricking italians stop being lazy and actually apportion grape varities in their fricking labels) pure italian sangiovese (because frick you i want to be sure I'm not being sold tuscan blend as a pure sangio)

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Yeah it's why there was a split among Prots from those that practiced Communion and the Eucharist like Lutherans being anti prohibition because like Catholics wine was a core part of their service whereas the Calvinist derived Prots like Baptists don't as far as I know and that's why they were more pro prohibition.

Pietistic churches in the United States (especially Baptist churches, Methodists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists and others in the evangelical tradition) sought to end drinking and the saloon culture during the Third Party System.

Liturgical ("high") churches (Catholic, Episcopal, German Lutheran and others in the mainline tradition) opposed prohibition laws because they did not want the government to reduce the definition of morality to a narrow standard or to criminalize the common liturgical practice of using wine.

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:marseyluther: :handshake: :!marseypope:

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The eternal Ger*an ruining anything good as always !noalcohol

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Femiservative horseshoe strikes again. :marseyhorseshoe: :chudette:

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You can read up on the seriously :marseybruh2: hilariously extreme :marseykickflip: levels of alcoholism :marseytabletired2: so much of America :marseyfrontiersman: was running :marseychaser: on. Prohibition, even after its repeal, "worked" because America :marseyusa: never :marseyitsover: went back to the same levels

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Considering that what happen during prohibition was that the mafias were selling alcoholic beverages at inflated prices, I think a tax on booze could have achieved a similar effect without the damage.

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Oh absolutely

But it was women :marseyblackfeminismdenied: who made the rules :marseyplacenofun: for this one

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Wonder how that would have changed things after 1929.

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You will NEVER get drunk on bathtub whiskey in a model A

They stole this from you

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I've been drunk in an F150 on shine I bought off a coworker. Close enough?

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97 or earlier f150 then yeah otherwise nah

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It's true, it used to be so bad that 'drunkenness' was it's own category in deaths in the census. I think it took like 50 or 60 years before they finally rebounded to pre-prohibition drinking levels.

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It was common and accepted, even among puritans, to drink all day. The average puritan drank 6 gallons of pure alcohol a year, whereas today the average American drinks 2.8. The other part of that is that booze used to be nowhere near as strong, so Horace Goodfellow drinking beer all day was a lot different than Kyle Lowenballs drinking his craft 9% ipas all day

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There seems to be a subset of progressives who thought prohibition was a god thing. I remember reading two articles by the same guy arguing how prohibition was good because it leave the workers safe from bad alcohols sold by the capitalists, and on another article he said it was good because women led the movement because the husbands wouldn't beat them while sober.

I really need to find out who the guy was.

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Divorce rates went up during the 20s, men finally sobered up long enough to realize beating their wife wouldn't work and left them

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Probably it wasn't all bad. :marseylaughpoundfist:

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It was the massive foid moment

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>women get right to vote

>Booze banned

>Globalism, mass immigration, and decline of American industry soon follow

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People used to be based

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literally women

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