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Soyboy posts a :soyjakwow: Vox :soysnoo4: article and starts a schism :marseynouautism: in r/neoliberal :marseysoylentgrin: over prohibition :marseymobster2:


!neolibs, !grillers, someone ping the boozers. For people who claim to be liberal (being for individual freedoms), they sure share a lot with the religious right in that they want individual freedoms curtailed to fit their Progressive eedeeology :marseyzizek: that's """evidence based"""".

Also there's this guy who whips it out and pisses in the Soylent lmao.

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Redditors will claim prohibition was a good thing but then want to decriminalize drugs lmao.

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That's because they only consume weed, the most boring drug ever.

I remember reading an article about zoomers consuming little alcohol because they prefer weed instead :#marseyzoomergenocide:

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Also alcohol is usually used at parties when people are young and zoomers are shut in losers. Whereas with weed they just toke and sit back in their game chair watching Twitch for four hours.

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Frick yeah boys it's Friday time to doooonate to titty streams and goon while hitting carts for 9 hours


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I made many a-redditor seethe back in the day when they tried to hit me with the "alcohol is way worse but it's legal" gotcha only for me to respond with "I agree, we should ban it".

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Zoomers mostly can't afford good alcohol anyway and weed is much better than the sort we can. Cheaper too.

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can't afford good alcohol

Don't kids drink beer anymore? You don't need a DV Catena Malbec when you're 18.

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Especially in the summer when the best beer is the cheapest, coldest crispy one possible

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Tried once, tasted terrible tbh. Generally vodka in price range I can afford has most inoffensive taste when mixed with sprite. Otherwise it's just down enough till the taste and smell doesn't feel terrible. :marseybottom:

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Tried once, tasted terrible tbh

That's the point, then you drink again until you like it. Same happened to me when I began trying dry wines.

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tbh if I had to give up one or the other I'd probably give up booze before weed, I just think weed is more fun, and it's nice never having to worry about shit like hangovers or nausea :marseyshrug:

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Redditors also complain about corporations privatizing gain and socializing losses, while advocating for the same exact thing in legalization of all drugs and making rehab free.

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"Legalize all drugs" r-slurs are only one $2000 catalytic converter theft away from abandoning that position forever.

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