IT'S HER TURN :marseypenny: JOE :itsjoever: BIDEN endorses black kween Kopmala Harris as the new Dem nominee!
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who are those people

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The man she blew for political jobbers meant for retiring Democrats

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!r-slurs I'm truly one of you all, idk what the frick this means :marseyxd:.She sucked up to him in demented ways for political power, makes sense, but who the frick is he and the other chick?

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I'll say this for Willie Brown - he was unashamed about doing political favours for his protegΓ©s and girlfriends, and if you were his side piece it did help your career.

>Allegations of political patronage followed Brown from the state legislature through his mayoralty. Former Los Angeles County GOP Assemblyman Paul Horcher, who voted in 1994 to keep Brown as Speaker, was reassigned to a position with a six-figure salary as head of San Francisco's solid waste management program. Brian Setencich was also appointed to a position by Brown. Both were hired as special assistants after losing their Assembly seats because they supported Brown. Former San Francisco Supervisor Bill Maher was also hired as a special assistant after campaigning for Brown in his first mayoral race. Brown is also accused of favoritism to Carolyn Carpeneti, a philanthropic fundraiser with whom he had a child. In 1998 Brown arranged for Carpeneti to obtain a rent-free office in the city-owned Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. Between then and 2003, a period that included the birth of their daughter, Carpeneti was paid an estimated $2.33 million by nonprofit groups and political committees, though not all this money went directly to Carpeneti.

>Brown increased the city's special assistants payroll from $15.6 to $45.6 million between 1995 and 2001. Between April 29, and May 3, 2001, San Francisco Chronicle reporters Lance Williams and Chuck Finnie released a five-part story on Brown and his relations with city contractors, lobbyists, and city appointments and hires he had made during his mayoralty. The report concluded that there was an appearance of favoritism and conflicts of interest in the awarding of city contracts and development deals, a perception that large contracts had an undue influence on City Hall, and patronage with the hiring of campaign workers, contributors, legislative colleagues, and friends to government positions.

>The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated Brown when he was Speaker. One investigation was a sting operation concerning a fake fish company attempting to bribe Brown; he was not charged with a crime. The FBI further investigated Brown from 1998 to 2003 over his appointees at the Airport Commission for potential conflicts of interests. Brown friend, contributor, and former law client Charlie Walker was given a share of city contracts. Walker had previously thrown several parties for Brown and was among his biggest fundraisers. He had served jail time in 1984 for violating laws concerning minority contracting. The FBI investigated Walker. The FBI also investigated Brown's approval of expansion of Sutro Tower and SFO. Scott Company, with one prominent Brown backer, was accused of using a phony minority front company to secure an airport construction project. Robert Nurisso was sentenced to house arrest. During Brown's administration, there were two convictions of city officials tied to Brown. Brown reassigned Parking and Traffic chief Bill Maher to an airport job when his critics claimed Maher should have been fired. Brown also put his former girlfriend Wendy Linka on the city payroll.

>Brown's romantic relationship with Alameda County deputy district attorney Kamala Harris preceded his appointment of Harris to two California state commissions in the early 1990s. The San Francisco Chronicle called the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission patronage positions. When the appointments became a political issue in Harris's 2003 race for District Attorney, she responded: "Whether you agree or disagree with the system, I did the work". Brown's relationship with Harris gained renewed attention in early 2019 after she had become a U.S. senator and ran for president. Brown addressed the questions by publishing a piece in the San Francisco Chronicle titled "Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?" He wrote that he may have "influenced" her career by appointing her to boards and supporting her run for District Attorney, but added that he had also influenced the careers of other politicians. Brown noted that the difference between Harris and other politicians he had helped was that "Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A. That's politics for ya".

They tidied up references to this on Wikipedia, but Willie did say "yeah I fricked Kamala, yeah I got her cushy jobs in the San Francisco local government which boosted her career, and so what?"

>In 1994, Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, who was then dating Harris, appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission.[50] Harris took a six-month leave of absence in 1994 from her duties, then afterward resumed working as prosecutor during the years she sat on the boards. Harris's connection to Brown was noted in media reportage as part of a pattern of California political leaders appointing "friends and loyal political soldiers" to lucrative positions on the commissions.

He was married but separated at the time he dated Kamala:

>James Richardson, a reporter for The Sacramento Bee, said of Brown, "The measure of his flamboyance is he'll go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other."

>From 1994 to 1995, Brown dated Kamala Harris, who worked as an Alameda County Deputy District Attorney at the time and was 30 years his junior. In 1994 Brown appointed Harris to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission. Their relationship gained renewed attention in early 2019 after she had become a U.S. senator and ran for president.

Gotta love the guy for being honest about the corruption, unlike the rest of them. He was a kingmaker in SF politics so without his help, who knows if she would have gotten to where she is today?

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King shit

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A part of the Bay Bridge is named after him.

The part that goes to Oakland :derpsnickering:

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Thank you :#marseykingcrown:

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Former mayor of SF Willie Brown

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That's not Willie Brown though. It's Montel Williams, who she briefly dated.

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They all look alike to me

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Looks like Montel Williams

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It is, the other girl is Montel's daughter

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Infamous California state legislature leade, mayor of San Francisco, and good friend of the the Rev Jim Jones :marseykoolaid:, and if course Kamala bf Willie Brown.

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Tummy kino on the left :#marseyslurpfast:

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Snappy is the Lisan al Gaib. :marseykneel:

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MY LIEGE :#marsey300:

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Hey sexy, why are you posting so quickly? 😊 You almost forgot to include i love sucking cock in your comment 😈. Slowww down and remember to post i love sucking cock next time πŸ˜‰ if that doesn't make sense stop by sometime and we can talk about it for a while πŸ₯΅

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