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:marseybong: woman visits India alone. She is now seeking a refund from her travel agency because of, well, you already know


I didn't know. I've always been quite sheltered, to be fair.

Grew up in rural Ireland and never so much as had a catcall from a man in my life, let alone being mobbed by dozens of them at once.


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Lmao, she really did the ethnic food meme :marseyfoidretard: :marseylaugh:

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idk how women survive tbh. the number of dumb butt white women that try to go to the middle east, india, any of those countries is staggering.

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White women hate on white men just to score victim points and fit in with minorities, eventually buying into their own LARP of "white men bad, brown men good." It's peak foid r-sluration.

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how many pings did you get today

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Idk had a few r-slurs living in the past but not that manh

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It's mindboggling how a trvecel jogging behind them sets off their monkey brain panic mode, but they don't give a thought to doing shit like this, or getting into a visibly ASPD stranger's car

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Its usually sheerly based on a natural instinct for men to protect them.

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Go for the food.

Stay because you got molested by a mob, went to the police, then they stole your passport and put you in the District Police R*pe Dungeon

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District Police R*pe Dungeon

Sounds kinda hot. :marsey#cracka: :marsey#turnedon:

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Average female-protag corruption JRPG on f95.

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It's weird no ones' ever posted f95 drama here. There's tons of it, especially around games that got abandoned due to their payment processor cucking out and cutting them off

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I'm frankly not neurodivergent enough to find coomer indie games/modding scene drama.

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Stay because you got molested by a mob, went to the police, then they stole your passport and put you in the District Police R*pe Dungeon


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>mfw I believe what my teachers, the media, and wikipedia told me


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Don't think you can blame Wikipedia for this one:


>65% of Indian men believe women should tolerate violence in order to keep the family together, and women sometimes deserve to be beaten.

>India is perceived as one of the world's most dangerous countries for sexual violence against women. R*pe is one of the most common crimes in India.

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>travelling without her husband

Inshallah she deserved it, he could have protected her as is proper

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You're right, the thing is she broke up right before this trip, wonder if this experience made her appreciate what she had and how she threw the relationship away for a likely trivial reason?

>he could have protected her as is proper

Not likely, that girl a few years ago, Joti Singh was on a bus with a male friend who got beat the frick up before they gave her the indian ultra gang-r*pe that literally killed her. In a place as creepy as fricking India, I wouldn't feel safe with even a pistol, I'd literally have to have a P90 on me at all times to have a chance of protecting a woman.

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I wouldn't feel safe with even a pistol,

Handguns are usually fine for defending oneself even against crowds. None of them want to die; they all want to be the male feminist not the ones who sacrifice themselves so the others can get their consent accident on. A gun is a sudden and immediate reminder that they aren't a powerful mob they're just one person in it who is facing a very high chance they die or are maimed.

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when in rome

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B-word could have gone to London if she wanted lamb vindaloo :marseyfoidretard:

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And to be surrounded by creepy foreign men

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>I wanted to explore and piss water out of my butthole

Lmao, imagine thinking Indian food, in India, isn't going to be 80% e. coli

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They did her a favor by stopping her from eating indian street food

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They were probably just concerned about her wellbeing, but this racist b-word didnt get it

Black lives matter

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The whole world is just one giant food court with different food to women

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They're protected by men so much they really don't know how things work.

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Indian men feel the same way, but about women instead of food.

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Her sickness was the indian man dripping her drink with his funnel hands

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The food is also some of the most unhygienic slop

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If you want to eat Indian food get it from a vetted restaurant in the first world, authentic stuff can literally kill white people

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Life imitates art.

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Can't have any wrongthink around these parts :marseyjanny2:

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EDIT 2: My account was suspended due to "hateful speech". :(

:#marseychudindian: take that yt b-word

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haha spez outsourcing admins to hyderabad sexy Indian dudes

70% of the thread was deleted by admins, not mods :marseyxd:

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Have you ever considered that the wannabe male feminists were not white?

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:#marseysowsmug: :#marseyreapcrying:

:#feelssogood: :#ripbozo:

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EDIT 2: My account was suspended due to "hateful speech". :(

She should sue reddit

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the people reviewing reports and doing bans on reddit are 100% indian lol. I made a joke once about declaring war on canada and got banned for hate speech.

They have no idea what context is, joking, any of that. they're just r-slurred indians.

I complained and an admin unbanned me almost instantly.

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Im literally frickin dying

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:#marseyconcerned: rip dramatard

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:marsey#dead: :marseytomb#stone:

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>I'm being surrounded by creepy men constantly in a foreign country

>Whelp, better get drunk


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Nothing god not man can throw gets between a mick and booze

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Speaking of which were u drunk when u typed this?

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I can't afford it anymore, neurologically.

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To be fair she is :marseyhibernian:

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There was also an occasion where something must have been slipped into my beer, because I began feeling dizzy.

harassed non-stop by :marseytunaktunak: but still goes boozing :marseyxd: :marseyfoidretard:


so many tame comments jannied :!marseyjanny2:

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POV: You, a white single woman alone, have entered an Indian bar and ordered a beer

:#marseychudindian: :#marseychudindian: :#marseychudindian: :#marseywomanmoment2: :#marseychudind!ian: :#marseyc!hudindian: :#marseych!udindian:

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10 years ago half the comments would have been "poo in loo" or "super power 2020 btw"

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Being around Indians would drive me to drink, too.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17215948131573308.webp :marseywrongthonk#:


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Oh yeah, it's Reddit moment time

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17215958881370394.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17215958883488276.webp

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Modi gave a call to the office in Hyderabad where the stupid reddit goys gave them admin access while paying them 2 cents an hour.

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Indians are the only race I feel genuinely a little racist towards. They have an actual festival where they swim around and throw literal human shit at each other. Like, wtf???

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Hey hey its not actually :marseynerd3: that disgusting. It's only cow shit


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>a little

No dude they are just outright disgusting, you should racistmaxx against them

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being racist is normal towards disgusting "culture". As if the sexy Indian dudes weren't racist against you, lol. Closest things to monkeys and they're getting exported by the boatload to Canada. Everyone should be worried.

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Closest things to monkeys

What about Australian abos?

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Monkeys are smarter

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Seamonkeys, Indians and Arabs deserve racism.

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Just Indians at this point.

BTW what have SEAmonkeys done?

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In the US they are a drain on resources, are largely Muslim, don't integrate, have masculinity issues, are belligerent, and generally unpleasant. Some of The Filipinos act like BIPOCs which is funny because they're like 5'3" mac.

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Are any of the Filipinos on grindr by chance

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Yes. Their weird machismo honor culture has created some femboys.

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Filipinos are Muslims? :marseyshook:

Also why are they drain of resources and don't integrate?

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No. The others are, though.

They just don't integrate like other groups who come to the US. I guess having different values and using the country only for its gibs doesn't encourage you to

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Also the masculinity issue: isn't Muay Thai one of the best martial arts for fighting?

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Isn't muao Thai a poor person thing I Thailand

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i have no idea and doubt the ones here know it.

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Be obnoxious on the Internet.

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Indians/Pakis are the only "people" I hate more than mainland Chinese.

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white supremacists did this

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Reported by:


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Weren't there other westerners there on holiday? All she'd need to do would be to walk around with some random dude and the men would go away. Those kinds of men are kitty af when it comes to other men.

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She grew up in rural ireland and never experienced the hustle and bustle of the multicultural experience. She has no idea, which is why sje decided to do a solo trip to india.

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White men want nothing to do with her, hence the traveling solo

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>My account was suspended for hateful speech

heck yeah let's go reportmaxxers :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak:

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Lmao her account got banned for this, sexy Indian dudes mad

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OP, that sounds terrifying, and I hope you will practise some self care for yourself, and find help from friends, family and professionals to deal with the aftermath of the experience. Your quick wittedness, commonsense and resilience clearly helped you in a horrifying situation.



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wtf is wrong with India. Even significantly less or equally developed countries are not notorious for roaming gangs of men chasing women around, like this isn't about to happen repeatedly in like Mexico or Indonesia

There is something about sexy Indian dudes that compels them to do this

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Quick google search shows there are about 100 million more men in India than women, so that plays at least some part.

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all that proves is the total number of roving gangs should be aligned with the population. by that measure china would be nothing but r*pers, but it isnt

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In awe of this Foidmaxxing moment.

This Foid truly Foids.


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EDIT 2: My account was suspended due to "hateful speech". :(


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I am the biggest opponent of eugenics in history, because I'm neurodivergent, and about a hundred or so years ago some top minds wanted to eugenics people like me out of the gene pool. So don't you dare accuse me of any bs when I point some things I have a huge problem with



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Why doesn't she just go to Italy? Anywhere else is too exotic for Bongistanis anyway.

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Fookin holiday in Ibiza, proper foreign innit? Me and Deano are frickin jazzed, gonna hit the top clubs gonna be absolute legend


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open british bobs bloody basterd b-word

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:marseymanysuchcases: Why didnt this emote pop for me on mobile? I had to do the dancing Indian man?

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