kamala the rat might fricking do it

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lol it really is all about the money. Crazy to think they'd still be ridin with Biden if he had just taken an extra dose of addy before the last debate.

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they did that on purpose, it was all part of the plan...

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Could his heart handle it?

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Clooney's demands were meant.

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Lipstick on a pig.


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"Might"? She's running against a convicted felon. She's going to absolutely mop the floor with Trump. Cope and seethe, MAGAtards. :cryingtrumpjak::soyjakmaga:

Nobody actually believes that trans women are women.

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I'm not a trump fan by any means, but "convicted felon" carries approximately the same weight as "state lines" as far as people being hysterical on the internet is concerned.

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Hey you seem to k ow her can you tell kamala to dm me

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That depends. Do you have a BWC for her? :marseykween:

Nobody actually believes that trans women are women.

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I'm only a 6 incher :marseydepressed:

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Almost there 6 feet 6 figures and you're dateable

Trans lives matter

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TFW born a 2-legged footlet

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back in your cage, incel

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she got that cake though...

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I know bro I want to marry her so bad bro

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@X someone's trying to steal your gimmick

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truth is not a gimmick

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Truth is perfectly able to be a gimmick, and that's not the truth.

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Trans women are women


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defective bot

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Do you know a bot that isn't defective?


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lol u suk

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Nobody actually believes that trans women are women.

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Pizza, how will you :marseycope: under a Drumpf :marseytrump: second term?

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wow, I always knew :marseypizzashill: was a racist

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Wow, what an idiot. Imagine voting for a convicted felon instead of the greatest overnight success VP in the history of the nation.

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He won't have to, he'll be getting genocided, remember?

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darn, now I feel bad for gloating

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So far she's been polling just as badly, if not worse than Biden. She's tied to his disastrous administration and is even more unlikeable than he is

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there's been 1 poll since she became the nominee bud. and it's this one.

And nobody with a functioning brain thinks the admin was disatrous, he got a lot more done than Trump ever did.

Trump is a deeply unpopular convicted felon that can't remember names, is 79 years old, and is incoherent on a good day.

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She's not the nominee yet, Pizza. How are you this dumb

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she is 100% going to be the nominee, the entire party is backing her, there's nobody else.

She got endorsed by Biden and every major dem in the party.

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>is 100% going to be

>she became the nominee

Which one is it :marseyeyeroll:

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She got endorsed by Biden and every major dem in the party.

Except that one two-term Democrat Biden worked for.

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He's not going to say anything, she will be the nominee, let's put money on it right now.

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>there's nobody else https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiTnDC8WjdNqUPXnq/giphy.webp

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Barack Hussein Obama won't be having it.

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Pollsters have been tracking her numbers vs Trump for months and they have been miserable. One solitary poll where she's behind 2 points and needs to be at least +2 is not the good news you think it is.

Trump is popular enough to lead Biden and Harris by several percentage points in all types of polls. In particular, he still leads in two-way polls, which means there is no 'shy Harris' vote to be detected. He is charismatic, very trusted on the economy and immigration, and is moderating his positions in order to signal electability.

Kamala has several serious weaknesses. She is notorious for burning thru staff and hasn't shown the ability to build a team around her. She tanked during the 2019 primary because she has no charisma or constituencies that back her. Her voting record in the senate was the most left-wing of the session. She bailed out looters during the BLM riots and is a clear radical.

Biden's admin has allowed millions of illegals across the border, given billions of taxpayer dollars to special interest groups, has been unable to tame inflation, and has struggled in all major issues that voters care about.

Harris will have to deal with the admin's failures (which Biden implicitly acknowledged by dropping out) while being personally unlikeable and clearly being a radical leftist.

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Pollsters have been tracking her numbers vs Trump for months and they have been miserable. One solitary poll where she's behind 2 points and needs to be at least +2 is not the good news you think it is.

I know you have a very low understanding of polling etc, but polling numbers change when someone is a nominee vs when they're not the nominee.

Trump is popular enough to lead Biden and Harris by several percentage points in all types of polls. In particular, he still leads in two-way polls, which means there is no 'shy Harris' vote to be detected. He is charismatic, very trusted on the economy and immigration, and is moderating his positions in order to signal electability.

But he's not popular, he's objectively unpopular. Trump had a much worse economy than Biden, and didn't actually do anything in relation to immigration, nor is he capable of being moderate. He was just as radical as before at that rnc speech.

Biden's admin has allowed millions of illegals across the border, given billions of taxpayer dollars to special interest groups, has been unable to tame inflation, and has struggled in all major issues that voters care about.

Lmao what response to inflation is there other than increasing interest rates?

Furthermore, what?


Inflation was 3% last report, which means it is being tamed.

Harris will have to deal with the admin's failures (which Biden implicitly acknowledged by dropping out) while being personally unlikeable and clearly being a radical leftist.

Biden dropped out due to his age, by far his biggest issue was his age, not admin policy.

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But he's not popular, he's objectively unpopular

being unpopular on reddit doesn't count.

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well we have real world proof he's unpopular.

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among certain groups yes. Among other, large groups he's very popular. You can't say he's objectively unpopular as a blanket statement across all peoples and groups because that is objectively wrong.

We all know he's unpopular in certain circles the same way Biden, Harris etc are. We're not saying Kamala is objectively unpopular because it's not true either. She has her supporters and plenty of them.

See the difference?

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by certain groups, do you mean a majority of the country?

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Sure pizza, whatever helps you sleep at night.

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I'm worried about you pizza, what are you gonna do when Trump wins again?

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No, opinions on Harris are well established and there's no signs they will change after she becomes the nominee. You are politically illiterate if you think a candidate with 99% name recognition gets a boost from being the official Democratic nominee. What can change polling is glowing media coverage about her, but there is a ceiling to that boost.

Nobody thinks Biden's economy, with negative real wage growth, was better than Trumps economy which had 17% average real wage growth. Trump mobilized the government to patrol the border and removed incentives for economic migrants to claim 'asylum'. Every poll shows a 5+ point for Trump on these issues

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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Yeah but they're just gonna stuff the ballots in like five select precincts and win the election so none of that other shit matter.


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$0.02 has been deposited to your ShareBlue account.

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he got a lot more done than Trump ever did

Liberals understanding of the government is why they adhere too communism.

A conservative defines good government as doing literally nothing except stopping liberals from turning it into communism

Trans lives matter

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Well in fairness, he kind of fricked up on that one.


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"muh polls"

It's 2016 all over again

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conservatives' response to kamala has been awful so far. the incessant crying foul and being incredibly racist and misogynistic on twitter is making them lose so many points, in important demographics. im not optimistic, but i legit think she has a better chance than biden ever did.

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I might side with !cuteandvalid on this one.

I think I still prefer Trump's tax policy (especially bitcoin related matters) but I'm not sure why I'm supposed to hate this woman besides she's 1. a woman 2. "black". I also feel like Trump's immigration goals have been largely absorbed by both parties, not that I've experienced hardship of immigration personally.

I guess there could be push back on wokeness but that seems to be organically happening anyway...

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Counterpoint: I need a reason to be pro Khamala


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she's a boring moderate dem, nothing particularly special about her.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I guess there could be push back on wokeness but that seems to be organically happening anyway...

Name a single aberration of wokeness happening outside of big business, institutions, or government, and I'll believe you :marseyunamused:

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read /r/BlockedandReported and listen to the show. Things were insane 2016-2020, it's a lot less wacky now.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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hating her for being a black :marseyvampirehearts: woman :marseygeisha: is valid :marseysalutetrans: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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Never mind that she is culturally an amerijeet

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racism???? on MY rdrama???? :marseypearlclutch:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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She's not a "moderate Dem", she had the most left-wing voting record in the Senate: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/17/politics/kamala-harris-most-liberal-senator-fact-check

Her work on immigration meant ignoring the border and calling 3 million illegal immigrants "asylum seekers". Biden and Harris encouraged the inflow until they realized their policies were massively unpopular. They are now pretending that only a congressional bill can fix the problem, like the slimy politicians they are.

Biden dropping out is an implicit admission that his administration has been a disaster. He's still the fricking president, so Dems will still be attacked for hiding his mental condition and putting the country at risk.

Kamala is unlikeable, radical (bailing out BLM looters and rioters in 2020), and won't be able to put together a winning campaign in three months. Last time she ran a national campaign (2019 Dem primary), she dropped out before voting even started.

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I'm enjoying all the crocodile tears on behalf of the poor duped Democratic primary voters.

>you mean the VP might replace an 80 y/o president????? :marseysurprisedpikachu:

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Any evidence for notable people, or is this redditism?

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trumps strongest play here is "laughing kamala", on the trolling front it's donover and his only chance is actual politics

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Many of them are gloating about beating Biden so badly that he has to drop out three months before the election, which is completely unprecedented in politics. Kamala is already unpopular due to her lack of charisma and gravitas, she won't be able to run a winning presidential campaign in three months

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run a winning presidential campaign in three months

Why not? Her first one went swimmingly didn't it?

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Does anyone even run on presidential campaigns anymore? What is trump's campaign beyond idiocracy and saying heck give more green cards and jobs to immigrants?

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Please tweet kamala Harris to suffocate me with her toes

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Not a chance. Those polls are always skewed based on the politics of whoever made the poll.

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no they aren't lol.

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You still haven't learned anything from 2016 huh

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Will you apologize to kamala and the 1khive after she saves you and democracy from trump?

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nah i still wont support her.

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Please tell her to marry me

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Oh my god dude thank you so much I can finally relax tonight :marseycry:

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Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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Will you finally end your life and get the frick off this forum when Trump wins

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Aw frick, I was planning to have such an exquisite dramanut when Trump got 25% of the black vote against Biden. Autumn ends. Nogs settle back to the plantation.


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If it was literally anyone besides Trump against an "Oaklander" the seethe Dems would make about black voters would be so good

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Might? She WILL do it, her polling numbers will only get better from here!


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Uhm until she speaks but yeah

Trans lives matter

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Kamala's PR is that she's a jovial BIPOC, it's not hard to see that clueless people are going to prefer a happy womxn to a grumpy old codger (ginger)

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/ I have no idea what Kamala even stands for. She could be a literal communist but all I know is that she's not Biden. dae?
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She stands for whatever she needs to stand for to get votes

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Please tell her to stand on my ballsack please bro please

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Next time i see her

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My business is in the hood. Trump is a gangsta. That doesn't mean black people like him, but he has respect. Kamala isn't respected. Kamala isn't relatable

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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:marseynotes: how many electoral votes is gangsta cred worth

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At least three of them can vote nationwide. Maybe .1 electoral vote

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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I might actually :marseyakshually: register :marseyregistration: to vote just to vote for Kamala :marseyridin:

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Registration ended months ago.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Good for her

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Black women are powerful, i have 100% faith she will easily win this election

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you know what you have to do pizza

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:marseybegging: please another 2016 where she gets the popular vote but still loses

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Guess what!! The law of thermodynamics is meant for a CLOSED SYSTEM. Is your body a closed system? Absolutely not. The "calories in, calories out" model is BS for the majority of the population. In fact, science barely understands how calories are actually processed in the body. Body fat is typically determined by gut bacteria, hormones, and genetics rather than caloric intake. I highly recommend listening to "The Trouble with Calories" episode of the podcast "Maintenance Phase". They analyze actual scientific sources that show that weight loss is far more complicated than the amount of calories that a person consumes.



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