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In case you're wondering what I do all summer, here's a video of me working on the boat


God darn I am an absolute King :#grillcastyes: @pizzashill would die trying to do my job lmao

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Second time my face has been on this site

Anyone doubting i could beat up anyone on here, look at how fast my hands are

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Wtf you guys met irl from a fake rdrama fight and then became fishermen together :marseyconfused:

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!metashit possibly the greatest love story of all time

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yeah just like the Bible

!lutherans !calvinists

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@Holly_Jolly_Kong our future?

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It's pretty clearly not them. No one is fat enough to be grillcast and pretty sure marsey was taller than him while these two are the same height.

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I kmow the perspective might be confusing but im clearly taller than grillcast

And a much faster picker

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Not really. I don't know why you insist on being in that video and implicating yourself as poor.

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Poor neighbor? Huh?

I be ballin on fish money. Its less good since they shut down crab season but my homes paid off and ill own my own boat in the next year or two.

You are either a neet or some dorky butt tech wierdo all the wealth in the world cant fix your life you asocial freak. Im on the open sea with the boys slayin your locked at your computer seething keep yourself safe loser you aint worth a shit and if i met you in public id give you a swirly and frick the girl youre stalking

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>my home is paid off

You can hardly call a shack a home and it's not impressive.

>I'll own my own boat in a year or two

Not impressive either and reinforces that youre poor, since you can't afford one now.

>asocial freak

I'm married with children. I'm more successful than you will ever be. Seethe more.

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Also wtf happened to my username

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Marsey is dead. Long live the WPD cat

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Why the frick cant i change it back

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!r-slurs point and laugh

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lmfao this is best punishment ever for name squatting

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He actually bought the name fair and square from me years ago for like 15k

I namelocked it for a joke thread a few days ago bc he hadn't logged on in months

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I still strongly support this because he's annoying like Barbara Streisand and everytime he argues w/people hes like DO YOU GNOW WHHO AIAM, but unironically

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Its my account frickwad

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Stop whining, WPD_Cat

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@WPD_Cat lmao I did @ marsey

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I ran 10 miles yesterday and spent an hour in the gym. The idea you think id die doing your job is hilarious.

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Being the janitor does not count as being in the gym

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I meant that you're such a irredeemably obnoxious cute twink that you'd be keelhauled within a week lmao.

It's not just that you're a noodle armed kitty, you don't have the mental or testicular fortitude to brave the high seas!

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weird, because every job I've had I've been pretty popular and rapidly moved up the ladder. which is why I'm not catching fish for a poverty wage.

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Neighbor it doesn't take much to :marseyairquotes: move up the ladder :marseyairquotes: when you work stocking shelves at a grocery store

Literally just don't steal anything and you get promoted

!metashit pizza is bragging again about working at a Piggly Wiggly :marseyxd:

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I'm a field specialist for a district and have a base salary of 150k, and get 2 bonuses a year.

I started out running a warehouse, or being second in charge I guess.

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150k is destitute in certain cities

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lol? A) I don't live in a city. B) there is no city in which 150k a year is even close to destitute as a single adult.

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Time to break character

That's more than what I make, good job man

Look I should've changed jobs five years ago. They always say you should hop jobs every few years because your current company will NEVER EVER give you a raise to match what a new company can offer. But like a loser stuck with an abusive partner that they desperately hope will improve, I've stuck with this company out of desperation, laziness, and false hope that I can keep my current (admittedly easy) coding job AND make big bucks. I genuinely think I could be making that kind of dough if I wasn't such a loser.

Congrats man, you should feel proud to make 150k+ and get good promotions, whatever your career might be. Don't frick it up by accidentally doxxing yourself too much on this site, I'm sure there's a dozen people that would love to try and get you fired out of spite.

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I don't even care, I've never once gone after anyone on this website for what they make, they come at me repeatedly, one guy on here legit was making 40k a year calling me poor lmao.

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Unjerk rejerk :soysnoo:

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You need to believe in yourself. Get rich or die trying, my dude.

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LA probably

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not even.

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Didnt he work for big pistachio tho?

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King of the Piggly Wigglys or the Wiggly Piggly King?

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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What a stud. Can you come here and frick my wife too?

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pizzashill getting moved up the ladder:


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17217739207962258.webp He's in housewares now I hear

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Pizzchad :marseyflirt:

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There is truly nothing more pathetic than a wagecuck, who owns nothing and rents an apartment, holding up his cuckbucks in a desperate plea for others to acknowledge his status lmao

"I got promoted from shelf stocker to head shelf stocker" :marseygigaretard:

Without me and my actually productive labor, you'd have nothing to stock, boy. You can thank me by shining my boots!

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im almost positive i have more money than you, last time I asked you to post your bank account you declined.

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Pizza they made an actual, legitimate r-slur a manager at my McDonald's

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He thinks easy promotions mean anything :marseyxd:

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i dont know what mcdonalds has to do with me. Do you need help?

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He can't parse what I mean

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Climb the ladder monkey


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I don't know what it's like to work on a fishing boat but I bet it's way harder than just the physical part. You got to be on a boat out in the weather for one. Have you ever had a job where there's no women or HR department, and some old frick calls you a useless cute twink all day? And not an 8 hour day with regular breaks either. The fact you left that comment prooves you don't have a clue.

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i was working 14 hour days at one point wrangling blacks in a warehouse, save me your preaching you stupid c*nt.

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Like I said, clueless.

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What was your 10 mile time? Post a screenshot

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yea, ran 10 miles to grab my coffee

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nice bait :marseythumbsup:

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:marseynerd2: ackshually using bait on a gilnet is illegal

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The heck is that music

Are you killing pizzashill?

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Alek Minassian by none other than the illustrious and based Eggy

As for pizza... Let's just say a trip to Portland might be on my agenda when I get home

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Be careful man, every dude I knew that worked on those boats developed massive drug and alcohol problems.

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One step ahead of ya there, brother :marseydrunk:

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Well if you do come to Portland first round is on me.

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It's not a problem for the first decade or so


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Imagine the smell

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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I didn't shower for a month lmao

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Do you get to go home everyday or do you got to be on the water for a length of time?

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I've been away from port since june 17th

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He didn't shower the entire time they were away from shore for a month lol

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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How long after that first shower do people say you still smell like fish

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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yeah but pizzashill butchered a watermelon.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I'll be your watermelon


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:#woahmama: :#pepoboner:

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Krill yt

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Cool you abuse animals

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Man has total dominion over lesser life. I was literally ordained by our creator to pursue this venture, libtard

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My bad I assumed you had the IQ necessary to detect banter.

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Pot calling the kettle a negro moment

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>can't tell 3 layers of irony apart from 4


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speaking from experience?

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Raping carp, yep :marseysmirk2:

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What kinda college degree do you need for that job?

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Idk, I spent my college age years smoking weed, drinking and partying lol

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You torture and kill fish for a living.......

Does Carp know about this?

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What's with the terrible music? :marseyconfused:

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I spend texas summers cowering indoors :marseyneet: :marseyburned:

finally going to alaka :marseyflagalaska: but I don't care about fish or the south of the state (too urban :marseydisgust:)

I care about birds and the north of the state :marseywave2: :marseysnowman:

unfortch I cnt go until fall

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I always wondered, do you make enough in the summers to support yourself year-round or do you need to take work in other parts of the year too? :highqualitybait:

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I work during the year too but take a month or two off and sometimes work like 25 hours a week. All depends on what moves I'm trying to make.

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Depends on the year. Sometimes yes, other times no. Not this year.

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Do you ever find used condoms in the fishing nets? If yes, do you reckon they came from the shore or the boat?


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Fishermen dont use condoms

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The boat :marseycactuar:

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I think :marseymischevious: you're really :marseythinkorino2: cute together. Please :marseyinshallah: take a video :marseytamagotchi: taking your clothes :marseyoverallenthusiasm: off and showering off the swear together, rubbing each other's bodies

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>no sea turtles

>no dolphins

>no mermaids

Do you even bycatch bro

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We caught a humpback whale in our net in the beginning of the season and caught a sand shark last year

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We caught a humpback earlier in the season

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:#marseybooing!: FISH NERD!!

:#marseyrofl: :#grillcastyes:

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Have you gotten any less fat?

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I've probably lost 10 or 15 pounds, usually do in a season. I'll check when I get home

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my dream… so many salmon to catch

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Can you mail me one :marseyshy3:

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Fish strags :soysnoo: :soyjakwow:

Crab Chads :gigachad4: :handsomechud:

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Watch out for icebergs

I can't imagine being stuck on a fishing boat with the type of people who would willingly spend months on a fishing boat


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Look like you film broke back fisherman out there, trying to cover up the smell of fish which reminds you of icky girls.

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Have you seen any grizzlies?

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