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How the frick did the world get PSYOP'd into thinking gender = personality or some shit?

We've all heard the phrase "gender is a social construct and is different from s*x".

How the frick did this pile of garbage become so commonplace?

What the frick does it mean to be "agender"? and how is that different from "non-binary"? isn't it an oxymoron to call yourself non-binary?

How is the world so r-slurred?

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!lgbt, much as it pains me to say it, :marseytrain: nonsense being everywhere is, in a very real sense, fallout from the Obama administration's repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. With the government no longer legally discriminating against gay people in any meaningful sense, the various gay rights organizations across the country realized they needed to either close up shop or justify their continued existence. And since NGOs are almost exclusively staffed by the most useless people known to man or God, the choice was obvious. :marseytransmerchant:

At first, they tried focusing on discrimination in the private sector. Hiring discrimination, rental discrimination, etc. But by the mid-to-late 2010s, no major corporation was engaging in that. You can only beat the "this mom-and-pop bakery no one's ever heard of won't make us a custom wedding cake" drum for so long before people realize that isn't a problem that requires tens of billions of dollars to solve. So with the "L", "G", and "B" not facing any problems more severe than general peepeeishness, the obvious next step was to focus on the "T". :marseytransattentionseeker:

And this is what makes the trans rights movement of the 2010s and '20s so unusual. Unlike most civil rights movements which had to start small and ramp up before they could accomplish meaningful change, the funding and infrastructure were already in place for :!marseytrain:s to hit the ground running. They immediately had access to the sort of power and influence that would usually take decades to acquire. And because of that, neither they nor the organizations backing them ever needed to consider, "How fast is 'too fast'? How far is 'too far'? How do we get the majority of society to understand what it is we're after and why it's important?" They were able to skip all that and jump straight to demanding anything and everything, with no negative repercussions. Combine that with academia, the entertainment industry, and an entire political party being predisposed to going along with these sorts of movements, and this outcome was inevitable. :marseytransflag2:

The question now is, "What kind of pushback will there be from having gone too far too fast? And will that also go too far?" Personally, I don't think it will. With such an enormous percentage of Millennials (10 to 15%) and Zoomers (20 to 30%) identifying as "LGBTQ", there's only so far the pushback can go. The horses are out of the barn; doesn't matter if the door gets shut now. :marseytrans2:

If anything, I'm worried the pushback won't happen fast enough, particularly given how extensively this issue concerns children. Doping kids was already a problem when suburban hausfraus we're using little Timmy's Adderall prescription as a status symbol. Now that a certain subset of society is using puberty blockers and hormonal replacement therapy to similar effect, there's going to be a not insignificant portion of Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and maybe even whatever generation comes after that who are going to grow up with serious problems as a result of this shit. Frankly, the only way this stops is if doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies start getting fined and sued the way they did for opioids. And given the political aspect of the thing, who knows if that'll ever happen? :marseydepressed:

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I'm not reading all that, but gay rights orgs like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) were already being lobbied hard to include trans rights as a no-compromise part of their platform a decade before either of the DADT/marriage events you named. Most of the mission shift happened then, too. HRC had fully embraced trans issues before 2008, and HRC was considered stodgy among LGBT orgs for taking until then!

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They were supportive of trans issues, yes, but it was largely nominal support. Just enough time, money, etc. to arguably constitute something more than lip service going to what was just barely close enough to the central mission to technically not be a fringe cause. People within the "LGBT community" (God, do I hate that term) complained about it from time to time, but trans issues were clearly not any mainstream organization's primary, secondary, or even tertiary focus in the early 2010s.The full mission shift didn't happen until after Obergefell. :marseyslipperyslope:

An easy way to see this is to look at organizations that aren't specifically about LGBT causes. Take the ACLU, for example. On their website, they list 59 cases concerning transgender rights. Only 8 of those cases were pre-Obergefell. It just wasn't a major concern for them. Compare that to now, where they have 21 ongoing cases, 18 of which have been updated within the past three months. :marseyslipperyslope2:

And there's really no analogue for something like this. Other civil rights movements either didn't have a goal as prominent and clearly defined as "gay marriage", or when they achieved whatever their equivalent was, there was still enough discrimination against the group in question that the relevant organizations didn't have to scramble to justify their existence. The end of segregation in public schools was still causing riots almost a decade after Brown v. Board of Education, and segregation in the private sector was alive and well. Gay marriage wasn't even contentious within a year of Obergefell. :marseysheercliff:

Not that I'm complaining. It's a good thing that the general public has become so accepting of homosexuality. I'm just explaining why :marseytrain: shit went from nowhere to everywhere in the blink of an eye, especially from the perspective of those outside the "LGBT community". Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go vomit from having typed that phrase twice. :marseysick:

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The LGBT community is obviously more culturally unified and real than any other identity based community, except maybe religion

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>unified more than any community, except maybe religion

Transhumanist Mass formation :marseyhomohitler:

Eugenicist mass formation :marseyhitler2:

Once you're in too deep, you're not allowed to leave.


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I'm not a fan of the phrase either. I don't know what else to use, though, to describe that specific contingent.

In any case, I think it would be funny if we had a chud award option for "I unconditionally support the LGBT community."

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@Bussy-boy is glad they managed too find these "people" a new home. They can all move too California now that the rest of us are done with them.

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With such an enormous percentage of Millennials (10 to 15%) and Zoomers (20 to 30%) identifying as "LGBTQ",

Now remove the "non-binary" and "bisexual" insecure girls

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Every female I've ever known that was "bisexual" has only ever been with or dated dudes. Maybe they kissed their friends once but who hasn't kissed the homies.

I even fricked a few when I was single and I can guarantee they wouldn't know the first thing to do with a chick. They just wanted to be turned out by a typical masculine guy, but also keep their internet brownie points.

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Go back further. Politically active eunuchs were in Sumerian government, ancient Chinese government, Greece government roles. That's 6,000 years of history.

๐Ÿš‚s fit the historic eunuch niche perfectly. They're fervent supporters of favorable power structures, they are extremely politically active despite being such a small number while also trying to seem as nonthreatening as possible ("we're just trying to exist!"). If the ruling class is lucky, they fully castrate themselves chemically or physically. Unironically ๐Ÿš‚s are a bigger component to human civilization than actual democracy.

Now that's not a good thing, but you can see it as a macro effect whereas the cause is that ruling power systems almost will this class into existence. You can call me crazy but I can point to a dozen fallen empires and point out that they had politically hyperactive people that weren't above sacrificing their ability to reproduce.

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!historychads train :marseytransattentionseeker: lore

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One of a few branches, of course. Modern conceptions of Transgenderism is a river fed by thousands of upstream creeks (like anything modern)

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I don't care that much. Almost all kids from 14-18 who identify as trans don't take any medication or anything for it (because they don't have gender dysphoria). Like emo ( @sandkwinn :marseywave: ) and goth, almost all the kids dropped their whiny stupid phase and are embarrassed by it. I think most of the ":!marseytrain:s" of today will go that way.

Other than that, yeah alphabet non-profits have been pushing the shit outta trans gender nonsense because they have nothing by better to do. I've stopped my donations to a few of them years ago because of it. Mission Accomplished, cute twinks. What the frick are y'all doing?

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Setting up a buffer state to absorb the chud hordes for you :marseyindignant:

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Who, Grue?


The Trans Trenders are the buffer state between me and the chuds? How so??


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By being who the chuds hit first. You don't hear SHIT about gay marriage do ya

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Not from chuds, but definitely from you. I guess what I really need is a anti-Grue buffer.


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I think another reason is that the legalization of gay marriage in 2015 basically required a pivot from activists and LGBT orgs to the next fight in order to keep their jobs and the money flowing so trains were the next logical step.

There's a reason why 2015 seemed like the year train discourse hit the mainstream overnight.

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That's... exactly what I said. Just how illiterate are !dramatards? :marseydunce:

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Same with r-slurred university students who want to be social activists but have no boutique social issues to self fellate over.

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