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How the frick did the world get PSYOP'd into thinking gender = personality or some shit?

We've all heard the phrase "gender is a social construct and is different from s*x".

How the frick did this pile of garbage become so commonplace?

What the frick does it mean to be "agender"? and how is that different from "non-binary"? isn't it an oxymoron to call yourself non-binary?

How is the world so r-slurred?

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I remember this garbage was quarantined to tumblr or academia

Then tumbler banned porn

So then the :!marseytrain:s sent forth their unclean hordes onto reddit and twitter, and the world has been stupid and gay ever since.

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I remember this garbage was quarantined to tumblr or academia

"It's only teenagers/college aged kids and their nonsense, they'll grow out of it"


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Those were simpler, more innocent times

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I remember seeing this shit back in 2012 and thinking "there's no way this insane shit would be accepted in the mainstream", and man, was I wrong.

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Then they graduated college and got jobs in animation and HR.

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Heck yeah

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it's true, genderspecial = fricked up personality + avoid at all costs

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Being !cuteandinvalid is nearly as much of a tell for a winner of a personality as being a !dramatards

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i'm absolutely delightful :ma!rseyindignant:

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The concept of "gender identity" was invented by John Money, a sexologist and p-dophile who tested his theories on two young boys who both later committed suicide.

@MoonMetropolis say this as a feminist ally.

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and then there's queer theory popularized and pushed by p-dophiles like de Beauvoir and Foucault

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Refined and perfected by dogfrickers :#marseymerchantfoid: :#marseydarkfoidretard:

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Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler prove :marseytrain:ism isn't some kind of evil moid conspiracy, but just foid r-sluration eat their face lmao

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:#marseyfacepeel: :#marseybengal2:

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:marseyindignant: fine

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Nazis invented rockets, Greeks (gay p-dophiles) made democracy :marseyshrug:

Both of them needed refining by good people.

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Democracy is gay...


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!lgbt, much as it pains me to say it, :marseytrain: nonsense being everywhere is, in a very real sense, fallout from the Obama administration's repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. With the government no longer legally discriminating against gay people in any meaningful sense, the various gay rights organizations across the country realized they needed to either close up shop or justify their continued existence. And since NGOs are almost exclusively staffed by the most useless people known to man or God, the choice was obvious. :marseytransmerchant:

At first, they tried focusing on discrimination in the private sector. Hiring discrimination, rental discrimination, etc. But by the mid-to-late 2010s, no major corporation was engaging in that. You can only beat the "this mom-and-pop bakery no one's ever heard of won't make us a custom wedding cake" drum for so long before people realize that isn't a problem that requires tens of billions of dollars to solve. So with the "L", "G", and "B" not facing any problems more severe than general peepeeishness, the obvious next step was to focus on the "T". :marseytransattentionseeker:

And this is what makes the trans rights movement of the 2010s and '20s so unusual. Unlike most civil rights movements which had to start small and ramp up before they could accomplish meaningful change, the funding and infrastructure were already in place for :!marseytrain:s to hit the ground running. They immediately had access to the sort of power and influence that would usually take decades to acquire. And because of that, neither they nor the organizations backing them ever needed to consider, "How fast is 'too fast'? How far is 'too far'? How do we get the majority of society to understand what it is we're after and why it's important?" They were able to skip all that and jump straight to demanding anything and everything, with no negative repercussions. Combine that with academia, the entertainment industry, and an entire political party being predisposed to going along with these sorts of movements, and this outcome was inevitable. :marseytransflag2:

The question now is, "What kind of pushback will there be from having gone too far too fast? And will that also go too far?" Personally, I don't think it will. With such an enormous percentage of Millennials (10 to 15%) and Zoomers (20 to 30%) identifying as "LGBTQ", there's only so far the pushback can go. The horses are out of the barn; doesn't matter if the door gets shut now. :marseytrans2:

If anything, I'm worried the pushback won't happen fast enough, particularly given how extensively this issue concerns children. Doping kids was already a problem when suburban hausfraus we're using little Timmy's Adderall prescription as a status symbol. Now that a certain subset of society is using puberty blockers and hormonal replacement therapy to similar effect, there's going to be a not insignificant portion of Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and maybe even whatever generation comes after that who are going to grow up with serious problems as a result of this shit. Frankly, the only way this stops is if doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies start getting fined and sued the way they did for opioids. And given the political aspect of the thing, who knows if that'll ever happen? :marseydepressed:

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With such an enormous percentage of Millennials (10 to 15%) and Zoomers (20 to 30%) identifying as "LGBTQ",

Now remove the "non-binary" and "bisexual" insecure girls

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Every female I've ever known that was "bisexual" has only ever been with or dated dudes. Maybe they kissed their friends once but who hasn't kissed the homies.

I even fricked a few when I was single and I can guarantee they wouldn't know the first thing to do with a chick. They just wanted to be turned out by a typical masculine guy, but also keep their internet brownie points.

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Go back further. Politically active eunuchs were in Sumerian government, ancient Chinese government, Greece government roles. That's 6,000 years of history.

🚂s fit the historic eunuch niche perfectly. They're fervent supporters of favorable power structures, they are extremely politically active despite being such a small number while also trying to seem as nonthreatening as possible ("we're just trying to exist!"). If the ruling class is lucky, they fully castrate themselves chemically or physically. Unironically 🚂s are a bigger component to human civilization than actual democracy.

Now that's not a good thing, but you can see it as a macro effect whereas the cause is that ruling power systems almost will this class into existence. You can call me crazy but I can point to a dozen fallen empires and point out that they had politically hyperactive people that weren't above sacrificing their ability to reproduce.

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!historychads train :marseytransattentionseeker: lore

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One of a few branches, of course. Modern conceptions of Transgenderism is a river fed by thousands of upstream creeks (like anything modern)

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I don't care that much. Almost all kids from 14-18 who identify as trans don't take any medication or anything for it (because they don't have gender dysphoria). Like emo ( @sandkwinn :marseywave: ) and goth, almost all the kids dropped their whiny stupid phase and are embarrassed by it. I think most of the ":!marseytrain:s" of today will go that way.

Other than that, yeah alphabet non-profits have been pushing the shit outta trans gender nonsense because they have nothing by better to do. I've stopped my donations to a few of them years ago because of it. Mission Accomplished, cute twinks. What the frick are y'all doing?

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Setting up a buffer state to absorb the chud hordes for you :marseyindignant:

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Who, Grue?


The Trans Trenders are the buffer state between me and the chuds? How so??


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By being who the chuds hit first. You don't hear SHIT about gay marriage do ya

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Not from chuds, but definitely from you. I guess what I really need is a anti-Grue buffer.


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I think another reason is that the legalization of gay marriage in 2015 basically required a pivot from activists and LGBT orgs to the next fight in order to keep their jobs and the money flowing so trains were the next logical step.

There's a reason why 2015 seemed like the year train discourse hit the mainstream overnight.

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That's... exactly what I said. Just how illiterate are !dramatards? :marseydunce:

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Same with r-slurred university students who want to be social activists but have no boutique social issues to self fellate over.

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I'm not reading all that, but gay rights orgs like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) were already being lobbied hard to include trans rights as a no-compromise part of their platform a decade before either of the DADT/marriage events you named. Most of the mission shift happened then, too. HRC had fully embraced trans issues before 2008, and HRC was considered stodgy among LGBT orgs for taking until then!

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They were supportive of trans issues, yes, but it was largely nominal support. Just enough time, money, etc. to arguably constitute something more than lip service going to what was just barely close enough to the central mission to technically not be a fringe cause. People within the "LGBT community" (God, do I hate that term) complained about it from time to time, but trans issues were clearly not any mainstream organization's primary, secondary, or even tertiary focus in the early 2010s.The full mission shift didn't happen until after Obergefell. :marseyslipperyslope:

An easy way to see this is to look at organizations that aren't specifically about LGBT causes. Take the ACLU, for example. On their website, they list 59 cases concerning transgender rights. Only 8 of those cases were pre-Obergefell. It just wasn't a major concern for them. Compare that to now, where they have 21 ongoing cases, 18 of which have been updated within the past three months. :marseyslipperyslope2:

And there's really no analogue for something like this. Other civil rights movements either didn't have a goal as prominent and clearly defined as "gay marriage", or when they achieved whatever their equivalent was, there was still enough discrimination against the group in question that the relevant organizations didn't have to scramble to justify their existence. The end of segregation in public schools was still causing riots almost a decade after Brown v. Board of Education, and segregation in the private sector was alive and well. Gay marriage wasn't even contentious within a year of Obergefell. :marseysheercliff:

Not that I'm complaining. It's a good thing that the general public has become so accepting of homosexuality. I'm just explaining why :marseytrain: shit went from nowhere to everywhere in the blink of an eye, especially from the perspective of those outside the "LGBT community". Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go vomit from having typed that phrase twice. :marseysick:

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The LGBT community is obviously more culturally unified and real than any other identity based community, except maybe religion

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>unified more than any community, except maybe religion

Transhumanist Mass formation :marseyhomohitler:

Eugenicist mass formation :marseyhitler2:

Once you're in too deep, you're not allowed to leave.


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I'm not a fan of the phrase either. I don't know what else to use, though, to describe that specific contingent.

In any case, I think it would be funny if we had a chud award option for "I unconditionally support the LGBT community."

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@Bussy-boy is glad they managed too find these "people" a new home. They can all move too California now that the rest of us are done with them.

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It's just a way to either escape sexuality or move towards it. Women use stuff like NB to desexualise themselves because they don't have much of a s*x drive and the whole thing makes them feel uncomfortable, and sometimes that goes as far as cutting off their breasts, i.e. the parts that give them sexual attention.

Men use it for opposite reasons, they justify various fetishes with the more socially acceptable excuse of gender identity in order to continue to coom.

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Male NBs are s*x pests and female NBs were either molested or have some sort of anxiety disorder where they don't want attention.

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idk usually they're just what you'd have called frigid in the past

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There's no shortage of pooner gooning to fujoshit porn lol. It's just foid engaging in degeneracy are less socially hated.

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Ask yourself why every single :marseytrain2: breathlessly supports every single Israeli cause ever created. In complete and total lockstep the minute they pop up.

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I don't think I've seen a trans flag that wasn't next to a red triangle since October.

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no you see they're helping israel :marseyshutitdown: that way by associating palestine :marseyisrael: with themselves

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Neighbor are you r-slurred? What happens when the most dysgenic repulsive freaks mankind has created comes out viscerally kicking and screaming in support of something?

Normal people overwhelmingly reject that thing and support "whatever the opposite of that is"

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>:!marseytrain:s are zionists


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They're all hardcore for Palestine. The correct messaging for people who believe what you believe is 'golem turned on their master'. Your software needs an update.

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Lol virtually all leftards turned their back against Israel after Palestinian nonsense.

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Yeah they sure turned their back on their sponsors by getting the overwhelming majority of the population to support them wholesale.

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Because it became dogma that the words of the "oppressed" needed to carry more weight than those of normal people, because its our moral duty to take everything they say serious, no matter how r-slurred or antagonistic, and give them asspats and eventually they won't be oppressed anymore. The "oppressed", unfortunately, included hordes of foids, jewish foids, white foids, their bipoc golems that they taught to parrot their foid nonsense, etc. And the government and mnc's picked up on these things because promoting foidery is good for business, stability and control.

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good for business, stability and control.

:marseytrain2: are a force for stability. Transphobes are malicious actors attempting to destabilize their nations


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>How the frick did this pile of garbage become so commonplace?

Step 1: The Ts rise to prominence alongside the LGBs because they share the same weird fetish spaces.

Step 1.5 (of arguable importance): The LGBs get their big win with gay marriage. All the normal people leave the massive activist organizations built for this cause because they got there's and are done. Now these organizations with massive cache need an issue and are staffed by only the most radical remaining r-slurs (who are overwhelmingly Ts and the most neurotic of LGBs).

Step 2: Now politically empowered, the pet academics of the Ts can make their niche theories "settled science" in the social sciences and nobody can do anything because of cultural/political pressure and the very real threat of being job-mobbed. Once the dominant organizations change their stances or becoming politically subverted (ie. the DSM changes how they describe gender identity disorder, a medical regulator changes acceptable treatment protocols) professionals are breaking their legal obligation to provide care that uses best practices if they do anything else.

>What the frick does it mean to be "agender"? and how is that different from "non-binary"? isn't it an oxymoron to call yourself non-binary?

Step 3: R-slurs on the internet and mentally ill people at college either genuinely believe these niche theories or just play them for attention. The logical outgrowths of these theories if you accept their premises as true are weird non-binary bullshit and a potentially infinite spectrum of gender identities.

>How is the world so r-slurred?

Normies don't care and just outsource their thinking to entertainment, "professionals", and talking heads, all of whom are typically downstream from academics. Academics are cowards who are slaves to political pressure so they can say some really r-slurred shit at the best of times, and with gender and mental health more broadly the current dominant approach is to put huge weight on the "lived experiences" and "personal truths" of the mentally ill people that are being studied, so the academics are coming to profoundly r-slurred conclusions.

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Centering the perspectives of people who think differently is extremely educational, you just can't assume it'll be valuable to you specifically, at face value.

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Mental health research is impossible to do well and nobody gets it right so nobody knows how to do it correctly. When they notice it isn't working they look at some part of what their predecessors did, decide that was the problem, and try to change it. Centring "lived experience" is a research fad born of modern researchers rejecting the cold detached clinical attitudes of prior researchers. Those cold detached researchers were themselves running from the squishy humanism and r-slurred subjectivity of their psychoanalytic and humanistic forbearers.

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I actually agree at the college+ level but I wonder :marseyclueless: if different perspectives will be welcomed now that this is the majority view in the humanities/soft sciences

@Corinthian love sucking peepee

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Some people are able to display their intelligence by going on at length on a subject and never actually saying anything. This ability is most common in trades such as politics, public relations, and law. You have impressed me by being able to best them all, while still coming off as an absolute idiot.

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The opinions of people under 25 used to be ignored.

With the advent of smart phones, their opinions in anonymous cyberspace has carried equal weight to people who have lived in the real world (vs. the world outside of academia where you can make a living out of making shit up).

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There's about 40-60% of all population who on a base level does not care about anything in the world enough to put effort in to get good at it.

These people still want status, money and recognition. They aspire to get that through social good person points.

The media, who has long been bought by people that like to extort people's weakness to social pressure, propagates nonsense bullshit instead of talking about actual issues.

quod erat demonstrandum.

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polite society being forced to never object

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For women their gender is their personality

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When I was a kid gender and s*x meant the same exact thing

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It still does to 70% of the population. The funny thing is that TRAs are largely retreating from the s*x and gender positions they had five years ago to a bio essentialist position where they argue they really are biologically identical to cis people of the s*x they identify as if they take hormones, chromosomes be darned.

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Its anti male and anti homosexual propaganda :marseyindignant: "Nooo women are goddsses men cant not be attracted to them!! A man not attracted to women must actually be a 'woman' or frick 'women' :marseyfoidretard:"

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Here u go bb, only a few billion in astroturfing to sway the world


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Blame Judith Butler:

"Finally, Butler aims to break the supposed links between s*x and gender so that gender and desire can be 'flexible, free floating and not caused by other stable factors'"

TERF is just the result of "leopard eat my face"

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Non-binary is an umbrella term for everyone that doesn't identify as a man or a woman. Agender is one type of non-binary (enby for short. It WOULD be NB for short but BIPOCs stole that for "non-black")

The world has always been r-slurred, we're just getting better at accepting it.

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What does it mean to not identify as a man, except for TRANSGENDERISM, in which you :marseytrain2: out

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best I can figure it's like being transgender except being the opposite s*x feels shitty too, and so they try to carve out some other identity away from either.

it's like it sounds, enbies are almost universally one of these:

1 - just depressed

2 - overintellectualizing cute twinks looking for a solution to a nonproblem

3 - not actually trans & looking for an easy in

4 - mentally unstable even by :marseytrain: standards

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so you agree with me that it's r-slurred

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Yeah I just think it's human to be r-slurred

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Most people, by this metric, are "graygender" meaning they don't give a shit, don't really make circumstance the entire basis of their identity, and whatever gender expressions come from their base impulses.

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Pretty sure it's post modernism or smth.

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gender is different from s*x, but 95% of the time, people act like the gender that matches with their s*x naturally.

It's like an neurodivergent complaining about how normies don't use pure logic to solve problems. They aren't wrong but 95% of the time normies don't have to.

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The tumblr :marseyyee: tards got corporate :marseycatbert: jobs

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17105354613258007.webp :#marseyhomofascist: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17105354613258007.webp

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