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Leftoids cannot understand why a nation would want to use their limited water supply to make semiconductors instead of growing rice
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>you cannot import rice with the money you get from semiconductors you need to be growing it yourself


>apparently Growing rice is really complicated and if you stop doing it you immediately forget

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Garbon Footprinntttt :soycry:

>Much more efficient to have every country manufacture their own chips and build their own factories and develop their own logistics infrastructure because that will put far less carbon in the noosphere than one industrial center of factories in Taiwan


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Yes, but the neolib globalist order of maximized efficiency via comparative advantage is breaking down now that we're entering a new era of global tensions as Russia tries to rebuild its influence and China is trying to become the world's premier power. I'd rather have critical industrial and consumer inputs a little closer to home even if it means somewhat higher costs

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Neolib free markets are breaking down because China is trying to subsidize supply.

Realistically everyone just raises tariffs on China until it breaks them.

This happened with the belt and road which was a way to dump excess capacity on African countries.

Doesn't work

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China is going to collapse under its demographics/the Three Gorges dam when it explodes and immeasurable megatons of filthy, fetid water to scream down the Yangtze and wash away the stain of Wuhan, Nanjing, and Shanghai.

Russia has roughly the same GDP as Mexico or Texas and is infested with AIDS, Slavs, and Chechens

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I mean nothing has ended well, read any discussions of people who live in China:

I spent a long time - about 17 years - learning about China, its economy, its culture, and its political system and have lived in China off and on over the last decade. I have about a year and a half left on a current contract and when I'm done I will leave and I will never come back, and I will change my career focus so I never have to deal with China again.

The place is pretty dysfunctional and I'm very tired of it. And I am also tired of the excuses made for it, and the people that run and staff the businesses and daily institutions that make everything so difficult.

Also lol at 1960 and 61 but frfr they cooked

:#marseyxd: :marseymao: :#marseychingchongsupremacy: :#marseydarkxd: :#marseysaluteccp:

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>mfw I am taxiing a fully loaded B1B out onto Runway 4L with a full magazine of W80 nuclear-tipped tomahawks in the rotary launcher with a flight plan for treetop-level incursion to the 3 Gorges Dam (I simply walked onto the base dressed as the pizza delivery guy and they left the keys in it)


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:marseylobotomy: :marseyconfused:

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Trading? Not self sufficient country? Sounds like globalism to me :chudseethe:

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>grow 100 bags of rice

>sell 1 CPU and buy 100 bags of rice


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>grow 100 bags of rice

>sell 1 CPU and buy 1000 bags of rice


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>"Sell me many CPUs and I'll give you rice at a discount"


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>sell 1 shit tier embedded chip

>dinner for your grandparents and hers

>sell 1 wafer scale chip

>retire to Switzerland with 3 whores and a tv crew

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This neighbor doesn't know how much a bag of rice or a chip costs

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Ironically the OP is reliant on TSMC to make his slop movies and to get his daily ration of Soylent.

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You still need a stable agricultural base. They're also putting all their eggs into one basket in an economic sense.

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They're also a small island nation with a specialization the entire world needs and are protected by the United States

Specialization maximizes output and if it costs some rice farmers it's more than worth it

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It's unlikely that Taiwan could ever compete against China or the US with a broad diverse economy. Specialization benefits small nations without economies of scale. Taiwan is not going to magically manifest a Mississippi River Basin and compete with American ag on any scale. It's probably cheaper for them to import grain and rice. From a pure military standpoint, yeah, you shouldn't be dependent on other nations for food, but that ship has sailed long ago and smaller nations are fricked in any large scale world war anyway, so they may as well specialize.

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Plus they already have an assurance that we'll feed them, and if we decide to stop supporting them, they're more or less in for a rough ride with rice or no rice so their position doesn't improve at all with more rice.

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That and getting invaded by China. I'd argue the world has put all its eggs in one basket with TSMC. And a good chunk of that rice is for export markets.

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Strategic decision, the world will be a lot

more pissed if Chingchongland invades and cuts off the supply of virtual waifu chips


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You still need a stable agricultural base.

Not if that will cost you your entire manufacturing sector, and not if you can just import everything you need in exchange for your tech.

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We should import all Taiwanese people and make an Israeli-style state in Arizona

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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At the same time we can deport all wh*te Arizonans (old frickers) to a reservation in New Mexico. Kristen Sinema can stay, she's cool.

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Leftoids seethe when people like me say this about nuts in California (versus crops that produce more pounds but fewer dollars per gallon of water). Same issue, except there is not even a national security angle to the question of crops in CA.

Wingcucks and the unquestioning pursuit of policies that are only superficially sensical: an iconic duo. !grillers

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They also grow rice in California which is fricking r-slurred and Cajunphobic

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California is such an unbelievably r-slurred state. They should axe all the water-intensive agriculture

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California has primo agricultural land but they waste it for the most random shit


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Avocados help make the HR and yoga instructor world go around.

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We obviously should be growing corn and soybeans instead

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If California stops growing almonds like leftoids want 80% of all almonds worldwide would disappear. 100% of America's almonds supply. Say goodbye to almond joys and anything else

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Why can't you grow almonds in East Texas or Missisipi where there's unlimited water?

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He won't answer this bb

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The Mediterranean climate of wet winters with dry summers is perfect. With some of the most developed infrastructure for water supply, the Central Valley is able to completely control how much crops get hydrated in a way few places can't. This turns the weakness of California's water situation into a positive, though has some consequences.

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Oh no whatever will we do without almonds

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You create an import dependency for a resource you cannot do without which is bad.

The only reason throwing away water availability from a local source makes sense is if you are using it to secure something else even more important like national security through chip manufacturing.

There is a reason energy independence is a geopolitical concept. At home always beats from outside when you want to remain independent.

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I already called out this topic:

Same issue, except there is not even a national security angle to the question of crops in CA.

In the case of CA, it would not be a national security issue to have a less-varied but nutritional diet if America got cut off from imports. Many things would just move production to other states, though.

Taiwan is potentially risking self-sustainability for food, but it's probably worthwhile for the comparative revenue.

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Just to clarify, are you saying that California should or should not ban the use of water for heavily water dependent crops to increase the amount of local water availability?

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What import dependency? If push comes to shove they just go back to rice farming. It's not like the farms rust without use or that the land is being destroyed.

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It takes 105 to 180 days to grow rice.

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Fortunately there are things called strategic stores which can store rice to cover these 105-180 days in case of an invasion. Much cheaper to maintain these (note: you can fill them with imported rice too) than dedicating your scarce water to literal rice in peacetime.

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Just keep a bunch of rice in a building. Call it the national rice reserve. Easy

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Agriculture is like 2% of their economy

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Yes, which means the only other concern is what happens if they get isolated by mainland China. As long as they have enough food to handle a reasonably likely contingency, then I totally support diverting it to chips.

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I'm referring to california

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tbf, aren't most leftoids (or at least all the eco-friendly hippie-types, either genuine or for show) angry at the amount of almonds/pistachios grown in Cali too?

Cuz, you uses up a lot of water (which ain't so common out there) for crops that iirc get shipped internationally (often to china) or something...and this is all largely due to Big Ag policies that allows them to have so much land/water...

idk :marseyshrug:

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tbf, aren't most leftoids (or at least all the eco-friendly hippie-types, either genuine or for show) angry at the amount of almonds/pistachios grown in Cali too?

Yes, which is exactly what I'm saying.

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…tho admittedly, almond/pistachio crops are a bit more of a luxury than a necessity compared to corn and wheat so I guess it's not as a big deal if they don't prioritize them (even though i won't be reccomedning people to endlessly chop these nut trees like so many people would like to)...

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commies don't understand economy

!anticommunists shocking discovery ITT

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International trade is bad.

Also communism only failed because of trade sanctions.

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The funniest thing is that the USSR had each member specialize in production which is hecking wholesome unless others do it

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Which resulted in horrific ecological disasters (today I will divert all rivers to grow cotton in the high deserts of Azerbaijan, this will certainly have zero consequences :marseyclueless:) and completely screwed the former Soviet Union over as without the artificial trade networks of subsidized transport and state funding, most post-soviet countries were left with giant useless industrial bases and no ability to sell their products at a competitive cost on the open market, leading to staggering economic decay as they adjusted.

Case on point- the SU-25 attack jet can no longer be produced. It was assembled in the Sukhoi factory in Tbilsi, using engines and avionics from Ukraine, and other parts from Russia, and was dependent on the Soviet rail network for logistics and other components. Hence, Georgia now has no aviation industry and giant decaying factory that can't produce anything

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Communism, never once

They'll build everything on fake trade then it collapses once it's not propped

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The stupidest part I heard was that the Soviet Union wanted to ensure that there was lots of internal trade to keep the republics connected and dependent on the Union remaining intact. To do this, they incentivized factory managers by scoring them highly on using components sources from diverse parts of the union and internal transport was completely free. So they built huge interconnected networks sourcing things from inefficient suppliers ignoring costs of transport.

Needless to say, this collapsed like wet tissue paper the second the union dissolved

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Why are commies so obsessed with subsistence farming? (Taiwan doesn't depend subsistence farming btw but they seem to believe it does) Do they think the Taiwanese will starve because of this?

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They refuse to acknowledge that the global market is perennial and amoral. It's the same with juchists and preppers. They think autarky is not only possible, but ideal.

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They think autarky is not only possible, but ideal.

That's something they share with protectionist rightoids !neolibs

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I mean, the counterpoint is that neoliberals believe that input substitution has no floor and that all inputs have fungibility, which is ridiculous.

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Because commies are explicitly terrible at it. Before the Soviet Union collapsed it was dependent on American grain imports.

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So are rightoids

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Not in my country, here the "subsistence farming made by the wholesome landless peasants" is an exclusively leftoid talking point, but we have full food security while being of the largest food producers and net exporters worldwide.

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Food independence is a good idea for national security reasons, but I doubt that this is Reid Southern's main concern.

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Taiwan probably doesn't plan to live under the siege anyway. They will just blow up the island and salt the earth.

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/ This is actually the plan. All the chip manufacturing plants are required to have remotely controlled self-destruct protocols in place in the event of full-scale invasion. As for 'literal' salt that's not necessary as mountain rock and sand cannot really be farmed anyway and besides China doesn't want Taiwan for its farmland space lol
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Why does food nationalism appeal so much to the wingcuck? Left or right, they hate it when food crosses state lines.

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Idk honestly.

My personal hypothesis is that the farmers lobby paid McKinsey to do an ad campaign about "buying local" or something

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Singapore has a jingle for locally grown produce :marseyxd: which obviously costs a premium :marseyjewoftheorient: !asians

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Switch on tv in Taiwan.

Cute local ad plays.

Rap starts playing in background music.

The Taiwanese are truly a western people.


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>make $5 of rice using a billion gallons of water

>Instead use that same water to make more money than the combined GDP of earth for the entire 20th century so people can make Coomer material and ai marketingslop

>Buy some rice for $5

It's fascinating to see commies try to understand the concept of opportunity cost of production inputs, something that escaped the grasp of the Soviet Union

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People too dumb to realize you can buy food with the money you made by not growing food

And how is this even AI related? Do they really not know what computer chips are?

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Wasn't the great leap forward all about people making iron from farm cowtools instead of using them to grow rice? Not growing food is a core part of their ideology

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You can't use water to make semiconductors, libtard. That's how you get soggy microchips.

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Why farm, just get your snackies from the store bro :bigsmilesoyjak:

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A single computer chip could buy like 1000 lbs of rice

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but what if it was really good rice doe

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I see this guy on my feed and he's dead certain he's one rage filled tweet from ending the ai industry :marseyxd:

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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.


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Taiwan hasn't been doing subsistence farming for a long time, but I'm not surprised that commies are living in outdated worldview.

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