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EFFORTPOST Fundie breeders MotherBus and Bitcoin Dad are being investigated by Florida DCF (FL's CPS


Christian fundamentalists and child exploiters Britney and JD Lott (instagram: @/americanfamilyroadtrip) are finally under investigation for endangering the health of their 8 kids after forcing them to live in JD's version of "Noah's Ark": a 217 sq ft old Air Force transport bus with one bathroom, 6 cramped, twin-sized bunk beds squished in the back of the bus and a drop-down queen-sized bed where their 3 most recent kids were conceived.)

Link to a tour of the bus (it hasn't changed since this was posted)

A short background:

Britney and JD met in 2008 on deployment in Iraq :marseysaluteusa:and got married in 2009. JD has a hard-on for getting rich :marseycapitalistmanlet: quick, so they bought into a gym franchise in 2011 while they simultaneously started procreating (kid 1 - 2011; kid 2 - 2013; kid 3- 2015; kid 4 - 2016). During this time, they were living in their 5800 sq ft house, and Britney pulled their oldest out of Christian private school and started homeschooling their army as they didn't agree with the school's "secular approach"???

In 2017, JD got a vision from god, and god told him he needed to build an ark in the form of a bus. He told Britney and within a week, MotherBus and FatherBus were well on their way to living la vida loca. They had their 5th kid in August 2018 and started their bus bullshit in October 2018. The 3 youngest bus kids were conceived in 2020, 2022, and 2024. As of today, their kids' ages are 13, 11 (only girl), 9, 7, 6, 4, 2, and 3 months old. All kids share the 6 bunk beds together (the 13 year old shares a twin bed with the 2 year old), and all kids go to bed at 7:30 PM so that Britney and JD can have "date night" from 8-9 PM.

Abuse allegations

Britney and JD love swinging their newborns around for the internet. The earliest documented occurrence of this was in 2022 with a pic of Britney not supporting her newborn's (now 2 years old) neck.


Since they literally fund their life through posting daily videos of their kids doing choreographed dances while Britney eye fucks the camera, a lot of their neglect of the most recent kid is all over their instagram:

• Baby Boone was born in the bus bathtub unassisted


• MotherBus brings newborn to have a chiropractic adjustment


• FatherBus forcing Boone's leg straight to measure him as he screams in agony


• BusTards take Boone to a local UPS to weigh him


• Britney constantly leaves Boone on a piece of sheepskin rug on the floor all day while the 5 youngest kids constantly crowd him and walk all over the rug. Boone doesn't have a bed either; he sleeps on the sheepskin rug underneath the parent's drop-down queen bed.


• Britney continually brings Boone onto the beach and into the sun without a hat, shade, or sunscreen (She's mentioned before that she doesn't believe in sunscreen and she puts beef tallow on her kids for "natural SPF")



• Boone is literally jaundiced when he's not sunburnt


• They treat him like a ragdoll




• Boone is extremely lethargic, doesn't respond to voices, doesn't make eye contact, and won't unclench his hands. Any comments on developmental milestones or telling MotherBus to take Boone to the doctor are deleted and the user is blocked immediately.

This caught the attention of concerned family members who anonymously reported MotherBus to the Florida Department of Children and Families. The shitlords are convinced that the users of /r/FundieSnarkUncensored are anti-Christian "online trolls" who are weaponizing the government to attack and "defame" them. They are quoted online accusing FSU of geolocating their family from Instagram screenshots and calling the manager of the campground they were at to send CPS on a "nationwide manhunt" of the Lotts.

JD and Britney claim their kids were cleared at an undisclosed hospital where a doctor "took a look" at Boone and the other kids and determined the cops didn't need to take the kids at that time.


Through some digging, FSU reddit discovered that the initial call took place in April 2024, when Boone was 14 days old. It's July 24th, and the BusTards are just now going public with the story. Two weeks ago, FatherBus was seen at an express passport office getting a passport for BabyBus. One week ago, they posted that they bought plane tickets for their entire family and they plan on leaving the country. Now yesterday, they post an absolutely IRATE :marseyraging: :marseyraging:video about the CPS call.

Are MotherBus and FatherBus planning to run from CPS, or is the investigation still ongoing and critical to the point that CPS told them they aren't allowed to leave the country?

They're addicted to the clout, so I'm sure they'll post an update within a day or so.

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Tell you rn theres no way shes homeschooling 8 kids at different grade levels in a schoolbus.

Whenever you see christian fundies with a bunch of kids theyre "homeschooling" you can be sure those kids arent learning shit and are in fact being neglected.

The state is pathetic and wont do anything about it either.

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>Both parents army r-slurs

>Barely know High School shit

>Travel from place to place, no stable social life

>All income from TikTok and Instagram

>Homeschool their EIGHT children simultaneously

Even Marie Curie and her husband couldn't have homeschooled one child if both of them were living on government welfare.

!r-slurs we gettin 8 new rdrama.net signups over the next 18 years :#marseyparty:

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They call it "roadschooling", where a bragging point is literally how lax the "curriculum" is. MotherBus also talks about how the older kids (i.e. 13 yr old boy and 11 yr old girl) are meant to learn independently so that they can start teaching the younger kids.


There's no fricking way they're actually getting a true education like this.

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"We home school 'em. Ah teach the big ones, and the big ones teach the lil' ones, but nobody taught me, so the whole thing is an exercise in fue-til-itee."

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That baby looks bad in a lot of those pics

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That baby looks bad in a lot of those pics

The videos are horrifying. The kid clearly has multiple disabilities and the parents are just flinging him around like a toy for insta.

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Have you ever not been a pearlclutcher

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If that kid is <1 year old it's normal he looks like a gay alien who can't support his neck.

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4 month olds should be able to look at things and startle at loud sounds

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Sweaty just because you look like a gay alien today does not mean babies are supposed to look like that :marseynails:

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I looked just like that baby and now I'm a normal person who browses rdrama, he's fine.

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I only took a few pics from the sub, there's waaaaaay more. The videos are legitimately alarming, like he just doesn't respond to anything besides touch.

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Show video.

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>Post meal coma

>Looking at an unfamiliar place


He doesn't look great but he's only 7 weeks old and it's not the most convincing showcase knowing the kind of people who obsess over these instagram celebrities.

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He's a little over 3 months (14 weeks) old. I hear where you're coming from but unfortunately at this stage he's not hitting some significant developmental milestones. CPS doesn't usually get involved with shit but for them to force Bus fam to drive back to Florida from Texas and have the investigation still ongoing, something isn't passing the sniff test about the kid(s) to CPS.

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Because she holds them all the time... or is that brother dad's job?


>Stupid non-coastal white people have s*x with their relatives unlike holsum Africans and Asians, it's a known fact.


Dude I don't like these fundies but I fricking hate pearl clutching catlady and soyorbiter redditors

like white extinction is overdue but I don't like these cute twinks picking on one specific group that's the only safe target for their passive aggressiveness

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Any reddit clique in which every other comment is accusing someone of mental illness is absolute bottom and you should be ashamed

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!r-slurs r-slurmisia

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wah wah wah I'm DeforesterCarpathian and i'm a dirty stinky r-slur who doesn't read posts fart fart

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Literally the top comment on the first link I saw about this couple was accusing them of having untreated mental illness lol

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tell me again you think they're not fricked in the head lmao

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It's a dumb joke that his son is bigger than him? what's the issue?

A lot of dads end up being smaller than their sons, especially if they hook up with some linebacker Amazon foid

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okay no nuance nelly you sound like you're fricking 40. go whittle a piece of wood on your porch.

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>naming your kid boone


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Reminder that Boone is 26, so he would be a Zoomer now :#zoomersoy: !zoomers !g*mers

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Bro was 26 and already had a completed revenge story for his dead wife :marseysweating:

I'm so far behind bros.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Actually he was born in 2255 so he'd be gen alpha^3

https://i.rdrama.net/images/171640723830995.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1716407238178262.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17164072380107207.webp

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It's just asking for someone to kill him for his hat, tbh :marseyfallout#:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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He's gonna kill Leto Atreides in this one

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https://media.giphy.com/media/bzOwkffoJcEXcP2OxW/giphy.webp there is OBVIOUSLY something wrong with that baby.

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He's Duncan Idaho number 145?

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a 217 sq ft old Air Force transport bus with one bathroom, 6 cramped, twin-sized bunk beds squished in the back of the bus and a drop-down queen-sized bed where their 3 most recent kids were conceived

...based? :marseyunibombersaint:

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It would be if it weren't for the whole dying baby thing

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Ted didn't have kids. Associating with foids will never get you to enlightenment

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This is unironically better than the average family life of pioneer families

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Unless youre an african bush man, bragging about living better than 18th century settlers is not as impressive as you think...

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>In 2017, JD got a vision from god, and god told him he needed to build an ark in the form of a bus. He told Britney and within a week,

Literally Temple OS: Vehicle Edition! :#taddance: :#marseyshortbus: !ranchers

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They better go out guns blazing by running down all the glowBIPOCs (and their friends, the CPS officers) as they make their great escape from their Mega McMansion :marseysteer:

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He'll be fine, just rub some dirt on it

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department of child fricking?

that's florida for ya

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child fighting


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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 03 minutes and 58 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Average time between mentions: 0 days 00 hours 40 minutes and 35 seconds

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idk most newborns are kinda shriveled and deformed and disgustingly weak. But that doesn't quite look like jaundice, even though it's fairly common for neonates to have it. They're also more hearty than people think, considering that a few 100 thousand years ago he'd be riding on her back jogging across the savanna.

They're clearly psychos, and I doubt I would agree with them on anything, but idk if I agree with the state taking someone's kids because they don't slop the slop and live in the pod.

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They're literally living in the pod as the WEF wanted us to.

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Yeah but your pod isn't supposed to have an engine

Seems like a miserable life jammed up in a fricking bus though

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Giving pods engines just means they can make you move to work wherever they want without paying for relocation.

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Most of the right wingers on this site were conceived in a similar situation

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@Bussy-boy when @Bussy-boy see a fat, greasy, lazy, white, moid in the wild.

Trans lives matter

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How the FRICK does someone plop out 8 crotchspawn and not know how to cradle an infant???

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Aggressive close-mindedness?

Child care isn't always intuitive. The difference is most parents listen to advice. These idiots block people who tell them their kid could be dying.

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This kid's own fault for being born to low-IQ fundies

Skill issue

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the parents running every family channel are either child abusers or haven't been caught yet

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